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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

D i Z


He makes a stupid argument about only people in a certain demographics should defend themselves which ignores the point of allies which is exactly what his girlfriend and mother are at this point on Twitter.

This argument is even more stupid when you realized that the person that wrote the article criticizing the use of the word "braves" and the cultural appropriation of Native Americans is actually Native American. No one is arguing if the article is good but the logic that people should not have allies to defend one another is extremely stupid and harmful.

But you can bet Colin followed up to say how his view of the world as a White male doesn't matter and doesn't mean anything.

Which is even more hilarious when he argues that in Horizon no one talks about Aloy's sex..which is wrong. There is a side quest that talks about women leading a group within a major city and another side quest where Aloys respond to a NPC that says "Well I'm just one woman" with "So am I, but there is no need to downplay ourselves." Too subtle for Colin.

The entire segment is "we're white dudes, and we don't know what to say to get you all to leave us alone and shut up. We're tired of not understanding, but more so we're tired of even trying".
I make mention of how I always find it hilarious how people lay claim to the things that they do not create, and bust blood vessels defending these creations as if they have more insight into them outside of a white male gaze.
Greg has to be pissed
It's sad he has to go around putting out these fires that keep getting stoked. Feel bad for him cause he just seems like a nice dude that just wants ppl to be happy.

I also feel bad for their mod Lindsay who has posted level headed stuff on the matter and gets attacked for being misinformed. If that is the case KF needs to do much better at communicating, something they always say is important, but have not been doing very well. Sad to see the community manager care more than one of the founders.

D i Z

It's sad he has to go around putting out these fires that keep getting stoked. Feel bad for him cause he just seems like a nice dude that just wants ppl to be happy.

I also feel bad for their mod Lindsay who has posted level headed stuff on the matter and gets attacked for being misinformed. If that is the case KF needs to do much better at communicating, something they always say is important, but have not been doing very well. Sad to see the community manager care more than one of the founders.

Any of the founders. They could all take it upon themselves to handle this. Not a peep to be heard. That's the thing about passive aggressive behavior.
It works on those that have no spine to stand up and say "Stop. No more". People can really learn a lot by watching this unfold.
This is how bad personal and professional relationships flip worlds upside down.
The entire segment is "we're white dudes, and we don't know what to say to get you all to leave us alone and shut up. We're tired of not understanding, but more so we're tired of even trying".
I make mention of how I always find it hilarious how people lay claim to the things that they do not create, and bust blood vessels defending these creations as if they have more incite into them outside of a white male gaze.

Yeah, the whole discussion was so off-base. They were treating the article as though this was the only thing anyone had been talking about at all in regards to Horizon when that just wasn't the case. They try to rally against outrage culture without realising that they are making a bigger deal out of the article than almost anyone. It's just a complete lack of self awareness.

Also the way Colin scoffs at the idea of donating to a Native American charity as a form of apology is cartoonishly villainous

Oh wow. Now I can see why Erin is dating Colin. They're perfect for each other. These two really can't just let it go, can they? It was done. Greg said his piece, told everyone to move on and it could all finally be over with. But no, Colin has to tweet more snarky garbage and his girlfriend has to start arguing with not just a fan, but a fan that's pretty damn prominent and well-liked with the guys at Kinda Funny. Ugh. I used to love Colin back in the Beyond days, but I can't stand him anymore. Really wish he would just split away and go full-on crazy alt-right on his own YouTube channel and let the guys hire someone else to take his place.
Yeah, the whole discussion was so off-base. They were treating the article as though this was the only thing anyone had been talking about at all in regards to Horizon when that just wasn't the case. They try to rally against outrage culture without realising that they are making a bigger deal out of the article than almost anyone. It's just a complete lack of self awareness.

Also the way Colin scoffs at the idea of donating to a Native American charity as a form of apology is cartoonishly villainous

To be fair to Greg he kept on repeating that people pushed back on it but Colin refused to stop his rant and Greg has not shown that he is able to put his foot down to stop any of his rants from going too far.

Also the segment is the perfect lead into the whole Twitter fiasco. Colin had to push his agenda against outrage culture..by being outraged.


Oh Lord I went down the rabbit hole of looking at someone who's "stands with Colins" profile and it was all pro-trump, conservatives are the new punk, 'my school is too left wing' from some kid who can't be much older than 16.
Colin just has the mentality of a child, no self awareness and gets mad when challenged and it's rearing its ugly head more and more.

Only one I feel for out of this mess is Tim, he seems like a cool guy.
Colin just has the mentality of a child, no self awareness and gets mad when challenged and it's rearing its ugly head more and more.

Only one I feel for out of this mess is Tim, he seems like a cool guy.

Tim seems like a real cool bro. He helped his friend make a proposal go viral and almost got it on Ellen. Plus it sounds like he has a unique and challenging upbringing that influenced him to be more empathetic and open minded as a person.

I have nothing against Greg or Nick though I feel like all of them are being challenged to actually correct a friend's bad behavior. Being passive aggressive to a friend is worse than helping them change to be a better person. It is undeniable that there is nothing positive about being a troll and as of now Colin has shown that he is exactly that.


Colin just has the mentality of a child, no self awareness and gets mad when challenged and it's rearing its ugly head more and more.

Only one I feel for out of this mess is Tim, he seems like a cool guy.

Tim has come a long way in the last 2 years really matured both in personality and in his work.
Tim seems like a real cool bro. He helped his friend make a proposal go viral and almost got it on Ellen. Plus it sounds like he has a unique and challenging upbringing that influenced him to be more empathetic and open minded as a person.

I have nothing against Greg or Nick though I feel like all of them are being challenged to actually correct a friend's bad behavior. Being passive aggressive to a friend is worse than helping them change to be a better person. It is undeniable that there is nothing positive about being a troll and as of now Colin has shown that he is exactly that.

I like Greg but he really needs to pull him aside and talk to him, Colin obviously has some social problems with the way he lashes out.

What functioning adult calls people humorless sacks of shit over a badly timed joke on international women's day?. I mean even if it was meant to be a harmless joke it was bound to gain notice and his history made it worse.

Tim has come a long way in the last 2 years really matured both in personality and in his work.

Yeah, he has definitely grown as a person and in his work ethic. I have respect for him.


Out of all the members of Kinda Funny, Tim seems to be by far the one who has most genuinely tried to improve as a speaker, as a worker and as a person. Nobody seems to be as passionate for Kinda Funny as he is. Now that's not to say the others don't care about it. But Tim, and to a lesser extent Kevin, is the one who seems to be the most cognizant of and genuinely thankful that he gets to do this for a living. The dude is living a dream and he knows and it seems to never forget it. Over the past six months to a year I feel like there's been a noticeable drop in passion by the rest of the guys, but not in Tim.


Out of all the members of Kinda Funny, Tim seems to be by far the one who has most genuinely tried to improve as a speaker, as a worker and as a person. Nobody seems to be as passionate for Kinda Funny as he is. Now that's not to say the others don't care about it. But Tim, and to a lesser extent Kevin, is the one who seems to be the most cognizant of and genuinely thankful that he gets to do this for a living. The dude is living a dream and he knows and it seems to never forget it. Over the past six months to a year I feel like there's been a noticeable drop in passion by the rest of the guys, but not in Tim.
Greg cares just as much.


Greg cares just as much.
I know he cares but to me I don't see it much outside of events. He more often than not seems kind of disinterested and running through the motions on the Gamescast and PSILY these days. But again, that's just entirely my observation.


Its clear the rest of the guys have never had to make a stand like this, especially when the opposing party is someone they've been friends with a long time (well Greg)

Are Colin and Greg still roommates? Gonna be an ugly breakup
Twitter might be the worst social platform to have any sort of meaningful discourse. Not sure how anyone brings themselves to want to try and have a back and forth with all it's limitations. Like no shit your words can be misinterpreted when you're rolling out 140 characters, it would do my head in using it as anything else than a news source.
I've been on Twitter for years and somehow I manage to troll everyone on a regular basis. I will agree if you're already an asshole, Twitter is a bad place for you to be.


Going to echo the love for Tim, that dude has put in the effort to improve his presence, on-camera personality and general thoughtfulness, and it really has payed dividends IMO. I used to think he was kind of just dead weight on Gamescast and GOG, but he's come into his own recently.
Again for the cheap seats: It wasn't "just a joke". Colin clearly wasn't just "trying to be silly". He wasn't "taken out of context because it's Twitter.". Nor is the content of the joke "women are loud" the major part of the issue.

People know Colin's behavior and his opinions. There are hundreds of hours from him online. His comment, paired with the hashtag were clearly not just him trying to have a little "teehee". It was him expressing his disdain and disrespect for a Women's Movement that he likely believes is pointless. His girlfriend's comments about the Strike and his comments about the March back this up. Even more so when you consider his history and his stances. Rather than say so, he hides his comment behind "a joke" so he can play the victim. He thought it would be a safe and consequence free way to belittle the Strike.

Next: people are not "offended". They aren't "triggered". They aren't whining and they aren't outraged. They are looking at someone's behavior that could most generously be described as trolling and saying he's being a troll/jerk. And his response was to call them sacks of shit.

Finally the comparison to Colin's tweets (which cannot be and should not be expected to be viewed in a vacuum) from someone whose chosen profession is to push his opinions to stand up comedian routines is beyond asinine. Stand up happens in a club, where the atmosphere and expectation is humor. Colin's choice to post his comment using that hashtag is akin to someone going to a Woman's March with a loudspeaker and telling them to go back to the kitchen.

The fault lies with Colin, because he would have diminished a lot of the backlash simply by tweeting any kind of positive or appreciative comment to women in his life or that he looks up to. Even saying "Thanks to my mom" would likely have given him enough of a sense of basic humanity that his "joke" could perhaps be viewed less harshly despite IMO it's clear intentions. But no, Colin lashes out like a cornered animal rather than cede even an inch that saying sometime slightly positive about women on International Women's Day

Tldr; The content of the joke isn't what provoked people to call Colin out. His choice to pair it with the hashtag when combined with a repeating pattern of behavior clearly display an intent to belittle and undermine a women's movement did. Reacting to Colin's blatantly trollish behavior and inconsiderate actions is not being outraged, it's simply calling a spade a spade.

Nail on head.

Colin isn't stupid.


Out of all the members of Kinda Funny, Tim seems to be by far the one who has most genuinely tried to improve as a speaker, as a worker and as a person. Nobody seems to be as passionate for Kinda Funny as he is. Now that's not to say the others don't care about it. But Tim, and to a lesser extent Kevin, is the one who seems to be the most cognizant of and genuinely thankful that he gets to do this for a living. The dude is living a dream and he knows and it seems to never forget it. Over the past six months to a year I feel like there's been a noticeable drop in passion by the rest of the guys, but not in Tim.

Tim is about the only reason I've stuck around....love his passion and the fact that he's tried to improve and he has and is never content.

He's killing it and is the real KF MVP....
Hey everyone, wanted to post this to add a bit of clarity (haven't had time to read the thread but I'm sure it applies, or else Lindsay wouldn't have asked me to post it). I don't think this goes against GAF's rules, but please let me know if it does. Below is something from Lindsay:

Hey guys- Lindsay here. I asked Reuby to post this for me, as my GAF account is still pending approval.

To clarify- I am not Kinda Funny's Community Manager. That would be Joey Noelle. I do help run several KF community platforms, but I don't work or speak for them in any official capacity.

In regards to my tweet- I've been reading through hundreds of messages in all of KF's community places- after Greg's speech last night, everyone seemed like they were in a good place, most ready to put the drama behind them and move on. Today I woke up to hundreds of new messages and DM's- seemingly because new tweets added more fuel to the fire.

I don't know what's going on behind closed doors, but I simply believe airing it out publically in any capacity, or not speaking in a plain and clear way gives people reason to continue to read into things. I can only speak from the position of being part of the community, and that community is in a bad spot right now and needs leadership to get out of it.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
This all isn't a huge deal to me, but I guess I'll just stop watching, listening, and following their content.

Is what it is at this point.

Maybe if things straighten out I'll come back at some point. Who knows. *Shrugs*


I'm not sure what she'd do, but I'd have expected the community manager to be a little more involved in trying to repair this...

Joey's refusal to touch this on twitter is interesting to me.


Hey everyone, wanted to post this to add a bit of clarity (haven't had time to read the thread but I'm sure it applies, or else Lindsay wouldn't have asked me to post it). I don't think this goes against GAF's rules, but please let me know if it does. Below is something from Lindsay:

Hey guys- Lindsay here. I asked Reuby to post this for me, as my GAF account is still pending approval.

To clarify- I am not Kinda Funny's Community Manager. That would be Joey Noelle. I do help run several KF community platforms, but I don't work or speak for them in any official capacity.

In regards to my tweet- I've been reading through hundreds of messages in all of KF's community places- after Greg's speech last night, everyone seemed like they were in a good place, most ready to put the drama behind them and move on. Today I woke up to hundreds of new messages and DM's- seemingly because new tweets added more fuel to the fire.

I don't know what's going on behind closed doors, but I simply believe airing it out publically in any capacity, or not speaking in a plain and clear way gives people reason to continue to read into things. I can only speak from the position of being part of the community, and that community is in a bad spot right now and needs leadership to get out of it.

Honestly I thought things calmed down after Greg talk or at least wait until next week. Even here the threads slowed down a bit. But the new stuff just re-ignited it all over again.

Hope her Gaf account get approved soon. I remember someone from the community thread got Colin account approved back then. Maybe they could help again.

I'm not sure what she'd do, but I'd have expected the community manager to be a little more involved in trying to repair this...

Joey's refusal to touch this on twitter is interesting to me.

She is in a tough spot to be fair. Her hands might be tied as well, the group could've told her to not comment. She posted the Twitch stream details and summary on multiple site. I imagine she notified the guys before stream about the situation.




So, Colin is tearing apart their fanbase and laughing about it all the way to the bank. Wish i could say i was surprised.

Just glad i cancelled my patreon.


Neo Member
I'd love for a psychologist to evaluate Colin and give a detailed post about his findings. I think Colin wears himself on his sleeve so most people can get a surface idea about who he is, but there are some deeper elements that could be interesting.

From what I gathered consuming their content over the years, and as Colin has actually mentioned numerous times in recent videos, Colin suffers from depression. He has mentioned the amount of hate he receives online, specifically from NeoGaf, has stressed him mentally because it bruises his ego so much.

At some point he took a stand against NeoGaf, not bending anymore to social media, and not allowing his ego to hurt. As a result of that, I think he developed (or enhanced) his need to have loyal personal connections that caress his ego. I truly believe he feels extremely hurt by Greg's stand, which is why some of his recent tweets go beyond thanking his GF and one of his best friends (Ramon) for supporting him, and which is why he is feeling embraced and comfort from Dave Rubin and Glen Beck. All those tweets stroke his ego, which is compounded when you throw in his HailColin fanbase.

This would also explain why he continues to fuel the fire that Greg has tried to drown out, because he feels these other connections growing stronger, his ego growing, and is comfortable stoking the flames. I think Colin is feeling more and more comfortable moving away from KF, and with him possibly feeling his ego is on the line, that may happen a lot sooner than later.

That's my view on the matter, obviously could be completely wrong. Interested in others opinions.



Neo Member
One of their big initiatives this year was to hire a community manager. Between here, Reddit and their forums (the only places I've looked) she has barely commented on this whole situation where the community seems totally fractured. Surely a community manager is in place fo situations just like this?
I'd love for a psychologist to evaluate Colin and give a detailed post about his findings. I think Colin wears himself on his sleeve so most people can get a surface idea about who he is, but there are some deeper elements that could be interesting.

From what I gathered consuming their content over the years, and as Colin has actually mentioned numerous times in recent videos, Colin suffers from depression. He has mentioned the amount of hate he receives online, specifically from NeoGaf, has stressed him mentally because it bruises his ego so much.

At some point he took a stand against NeoGaf, not bending anymore to social media, and not allowing his ego to hurt. As a result of that, I think he developed (or enhanced) his need to have loyal personal connections that caress his ego. I truly believe he feels extremely hurt by Greg's stand, which is why some of his recent tweets go beyond thanking his GF and one of his best friends (Ramon) for supporting him, and which is why he is feeling embraced and comfort from Dave Rubin and Glen Beck. All those tweets stroke his ego, which is compounded when you throw in his HailColin fanbase.

This would also explain why he continues to fuel the fire that Greg has tried to drown out, because he feels these other connections growing stronger, his ego growing, and is comfortable stoking the flames. I think Colin is feeling more and more comfortable moving away from KF, and with him possibly feeling his ego is on the line, that may happen a lot sooner than later.

That's my view on the matter, obviously could be completely wrong. Interested in others opinions.
Agree completely. That's all basically what I said on this page, his belief that he is right has grown and any disagreement he sees as an attack.

Of course the fact that neogaf gets singled out is quite telling since unlike most of their channels, you may get the odd shit post here 99% of responses to Colins actions are civil and go into detail about what the disagreement is yet if you were to only listen to Colin and his extreme fans you would think we are all raving lunatics flinging shit at each other.

I know full well what depression can be like and I'm sure it's hard for Colin to have dealt with all the negativity he has had to deal with other the years. The problem is though that any disagreement with him now (by fans online) triggers him into lashing out and dismisses all the logical, polite and inclusive attempts to have a discourse and the people making it as overly sensitive sjws.

If you just listen to Colin, the picture he paints simply doesn't match up with reality. Either he genuinely believes what he sees or he plays up to it to avoid actually having that discourse. Neither scenario is good.

One of their big initiatives this year was to hire a community manager. Between here, Reddit and their forums (the only places I've looked) she has barely commented on this whole situation where the community seems totally fractured. Surely a community manager is in place fo situations just like this?
She actually posted on this page funnily enough, still waiting for her account approval so asked someone else to post it.

Also, she must be in a really hard place since not only is she new but is also coming into a situation where the tension isn't just professional but most likely personal too considering the conflicting actions of Colin and Gregg in this issue.
It's interesting to note that Joey Noelle is there community manager, but it's not her full time job. She has a another job that actually "pays the bills" (direct quote from her). Not sure why they didn't just hire her full time.


Neo Member
She actually posted on this page funnily enough, still waiting for her account approval so asked someone else to post it.

Also, she must be in a really hard place since not only is she new but is also coming into a situation where the tension isn't just professional but most likely personal too considering the conflicting actions of Colin and Gregg in this issue.

I think that was Lindsay not Joey? Lindsay isn't the community manager. And I totally understand it's a difficult position with what appears to be difficult people. But this is what she was hired for and she doesn't seem to have done much.

It's interesting to note that Joey Noelle is there community manager, but it's not her full time job. She has a another job that actually "pays the bills" (direct quote from her). Not sure why they didn't just hire her full time.

Ah see I thought it was her full time job hence my annoyance. But if she has another job, then ye she has a lot more to be worrying about than this! But maybe they should hire someone full time for this. Rather than friends and family members just stoking the fires.
I think that was Lindsay not Joey? Lindsay isn't the community manager. And I totally understand it's a difficult position with what appears to be difficult people. But this is what she was hired for and she doesn't seem to have done much.
Lol my confusion :)

No I agree in that case, something should have been said.

I think behind the scenes must be a bit of a mess right now, basically both owners of a business going against each other, one intentionally starting fires and the other repeatedly trying to put them out, with other members being drawn in. In the dynamic they have (small business run by a few friends) I wouldn't want to try and manage that potential shit storm.

*edit - just saw she isn't full time, that makes the situation even worse for her.


I listened to the episode and I don't remember him saying that. Timestamp?

I don't think he used those words exactly, it was during the Horizon 'brave' 'savage' discussion, he said people should stop getting offended on other people's behalf, because women can defend themselves, black people can defend themselves etc. But that doesn't really work when the person writing the article is also Native American, doing just what Colin said.

I think thats what is being referenced, someone correct me if i'm misremembering.


And people told me that I was crazy thinking that Colin was trying to break up KF or lose Patreon subs.

Just like they told me I was crazy that he was fostering an alt-right community within the KF camp.

Colin needs to leave and stop ruining the work that Greg, Nick, and Tim have put in. Colin is being selfish as fuck, but I wouldn't expect anything less from him.

Hilary was right all this time. Colin never changed, he's always been a fucking asshole. Wish he would have stayed in academia so he wouldn't have a platform to spew this shit.

Your post is correct and my quoted statement was a paraphrase because saying black people can defend black themselves he is essentially saying only black people should defend black people.

And it's hilarious how he went on the rant without taking the time to read the article to know the author is Native American.

I don't think he used those words exactly, it was during the Horizon 'brave' 'savage' discussion, he said people should stop getting offended on other people's behalf, because women can defend themselves, black people can defend themselves etc. But that doesn't really work when the person writing the article is also Native American, doing just what Colin said.

I think thats what is being referenced, someone correct me if i'm misremembering.

Your post is correct and my quoted statement was a paraphrase because saying black people can defend black themselves he is essentially saying only black people should defend black people.

And it's hilarious how he went on the rant without taking the time to read the article to know the author is Native American.
One of their big initiatives this year was to hire a community manager. Between here, Reddit and their forums (the only places I've looked) she has barely commented on this whole situation where the community seems totally fractured. Surely a community manager is in place fo situations just like this?

Unfortunately I don't think Joey has the tools to do her job yet. It seems they hired her without a clear idea of what she would/should be doing, and how she'd do it. I think Joey's doing the best she can, and likely putting in many, many extra hours outside of what KF is paying her for. I just hope they can put her to good use and actually make a noticeable difference in how they communicate with their fanbase.
Joey's refusal to touch this on twitter is interesting to me.
Really nothing she can do when end of the day it's really up to the guys that run the show, once Monday and Tuesday rolls around then they can be more effective at their jobs. SHe can't dictate anything, she is just a community manager.

Just imagine how much different this situation would be if PAX wasn't this weekend.


And people told me that I was crazy thinking that Colin was trying to break up KF or lose Patreon subs.

Just like they told me I was crazy that he was fostering an alt-right community within the KF camp.

Colin needs to leave and stop ruining the work that Greg, Nick, and Tim have put in. Colin is being selfish as fuck, but I wouldn't expect anything less from him.

Hilary was right all this time. Colin never changed, he's always been a fucking asshole. Wish he would have stayed in academia so he wouldn't have a platform to spew this shit.


Come on man. This is such a gross over reaction, and only one that can come from not actually listening to what Colin has said for a long time.

He is passionate, often loud and often wrong. But this is just conspiracy theory bullshit.


A lot of conspiracy theory stuff going on here which I don't really buy into. I don't see there being any real fallout for multiple reasons primarily being that KF is a business first and community second. Which is frankly how it needs to be because it's their jobs. I don't believe this has really affected them monetarily so they have no real impetus to act.

Also, Colin is going to continue to be Colin. I think he'd die before he gives an inch to what he believes to be "over sensitive humorless sack of shit babies" by even admitting that anything about his actions were even remotely questionable. I have always felt like Colin has an animosity towards people online, probably built up from years of being in conflict with people based on his gig at IGN.

Also his friends and business partners are not going to get rid of him and he's not going to walk away from a business he is a part owner over because of this. Nor should he. That's madness and anyone asking for that is IMO being a bit over the top. All that it would take to smooth this over is a bit of compassion from Colin for the people he hurt. Rather than the insistence that it was "just a joke". Or that everyone who took even the slightest issue with his decision to make a cheap and mean-spirited joke on a day to celebrate and support a group of people who are still kept down is a sack of shit.

While Greg was very clear that he didn't agree with the joke or the intent behind it I think we will see all the blame put on the community. There will be a speech about how the extremes on "both sides" suck, probably. Some lip service about needing to come together more. But of course no one willing to take the first step towards the other party. Y'know, like not belittling a huge swathe women on international women's day during an attempt at a strike to act against a President who got elected after a tape of him grabbing about sexual assault went viral.

KF is a business. I know, I know. "The best friends thing is no bullshit". But money makes the world go round. I don't say that to judge or be snarky, where I in that position it would be my primary concern as well.

I just don't see this as being a major point of concern to them beyond "what can we say to calm the infighting down"


Personally I'm not demanding for Colin to leave, I just have next to zero interest in watching any of their videos as long as his in them (for reasons bigger than that tweet). Can imagine other people feeling the same way over a longer period of time and that having an effect on their popularity etc. There is no longer a status quo where people in the community can be nice to each other. At some point a decision has to be made.
Personally I'm not demanding for Colin to leave, I just have next to zero interest in watching any of their videos as long as his in them (for reasons bigger than that tweet). Can imagine other people feeling the same way over a longer period of time and that having an effect on their popularity etc. There is no longer a status quo where people in the community can be nice to each other. At some point a decision has to be made.
And that decision is to not stress over people leaving simply because they don't like Colin. You can't please everyone but some people are a lot harder to please than others, especially when they want you to be something you're not.

Spin that any way you want but end of the day, he is a lot more enjoyable to listen to on the subject of video games than a majority of the other podcasts I listen to imo. Losing him would he a loss for the podcast industry for sure.


And that decision is to not stress over people leaving simply because they don't like Colin. You can't please everyone but some people are a lot harder to please than others, especially when they want you to be something you're not.

Spin that any way you want but end of the day, he is a lot more enjoyable to listen to on the subject of video games than a majority of the other podcasts I listen to imo. Losing him would he a loss for the podcast industry for sure.

I dont find him enjoyable at all, rather frustrating.

Think you are missing the point. Nobody is asking for Colin to change, for all I care he could steer even harder into the whole right wing groups he's attracting. It's not about free speech as people like to angle it. It's strictly a business question.

Are Kinda Funny ok with giving more and more into Colins opinions by having him stay, if they are they need to understand that some people will inevitable leave and as I'm sure more people aligned with Colins opinions will probably jump on. Are they ok with Colin and those fans representing their vision?

EDIT: Even think Greg kinda misses the point. As he says himself, he's close enough to Colin where he has to solve any issue that arises between them. He has to be sympathetic. As a casual fan of theirs though, I have no reason at all to tolerate his bullshit. I will gladly pay my attention elsewhere, as I have for the last couple of months.


So i decided to listen to the latest episode of PSILY and Colin says "well, I don't see what Zelda does any better than Horizon when it comes to open world" LMAO, what the fuck is this guy smoking? I know he's a fanboy, but god damn, how ignorant is he?


So i decided to listen to the latest episode of PSILY and Colin says "well, I don't see what Zelda does any better than Horizon when it comes to open world" LMAO, what the fuck is this guy smoking? I know he's a fanboy, but god damn, how ignorant is he?

has he played zelda? (for more than 5mins? his TLG thoughts were dumb but i guess its just an opinion)
they probably don't get review copies like back in the IGN days
The trouble is Greg and Colin have fostered a community that is taught not to question them. So many times they answer any criticism with if you don't like it fuck off, that it's really no surprise there is a section of fans that just blindly defend anything one of them says then attacks anyone that criticises it.

As a lot of people have said I feel most sorry for Tim in this. When kf started I had no idea who he was. But over time it's clear he is the one most concerned with constantly wanting to push kf forward and make it better.

Edit: I swear once he even said that he wouldn't vote for Colin for president or something to that effect which instantly gets him bonus points.


has he played zelda? (for more than 5mins? his TLG thoughts were dumb but i guess its just an opinion)
they probably don't get review copies like back in the IGN days
He said that he played for about an hour. Greg and Tim got review copies and Greg enjoyed the hell out of it. When he said it, Greg pretty much said "keep playing"

I just feel that he has a biased against anything Japanese developed that's not named mega man.
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