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PS2 Metal Slug 3 USA release


Is there any word on the release of Metal Slug 3 for the PS2 in the US these days?

The only news I could find is a year-old news bit from Gamespot -

Metal Slug 3 news

...but that bit is over a year old. No update in the meantime?



SCEA blocked it... you'll have to get an Xbox or a NeoGeo AES if you want an official US release. Metal Slug 4/5 will be coming to the US PS2 (and Xbox) next spring though bundled together.


Gold Member
SCEA switched into 1995 mode and said "2D? NOOOOOOOO! People will think we're the Super Nintendo!".

Seriously, did anyone ever see that "Girl Gamers" episode of G4TV.com where one of the guests worked in the approval department of SCEA? Judging from her attitude at describing her job, we're lucky Katamari ever passed...
The PS2 version still has slowdown, BTW. It's much improved from from AES\MVS and even emu, but there's still some there. The XBOX version has no slowdown, but the continue system is kinda weird. It forces you to get better, but it results in some fucked up high scores.

Just FYI

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Seriously, did anyone ever see that "Girl Gamers" episode of G4TV.com where one of the guests worked in the approval department of SCEA? Judging from her attitude at describing her job, we're lucky Katamari ever passed...
I'd like to hear about this. What did she say?


Gold Member
Marconelly said:
I'd like to hear about this. What did she say?

Basically, in a very arrogant way, she explained that they look at games and how they will make the PlayStation brand look competitive against other consoles.

Like I said, it seems as if we were lucky to get Katamari if that's the mindset that drives SCEA approval.
ManaByte said:
SCEA switched into 1995 mode and said "2D? NOOOOOOOO! People will think we're the Super Nintendo!"
1995? SCEA didn't start being 2D bias until at least a year or two after the PS released.


i don't think it was 2D as much as the fact that the game is a short, basic arcade game (from their viewpoint.) i.e. it's not the graphics that make the big deal anymore but the length and percieved value of the game. i guess it's a somewhat subtle difference, but it makes some sense.


ArcadeStickMonk said:
I put more hours into MS3 than I put into KOTOR, and I beat KOTOR twice.
that's as may be, but most people would be inclined to credit feed their way through it and go THIS SUX. probably.

anyway, i'm not defending their actions, just explaining the mentality behind them. i think it's comprehensible, but i also think they should abandon concept approval.
ferricide said:
that's as may be, but most people would be inclined to credit feed their way through it and go THIS SUX. probably.

anyway, i'm not defending their actions, just explaining the mentality behind them. i think it's comprehensible, but i also think they should abandon concept approval.

But you CAN'T credit feed your way through Metal Slug 3 for Xbox! I still haven't recovered. The last level..........so very angry. :D
ManaByte said:
Basically, in a very arrogant way, she explained that they look at games and how they will make the PlayStation brand look competitive against other consoles.

Like I said, it seems as if we were lucky to get Katamari if that's the mindset that drives SCEA approval.

Yeah, things would be so much better if every 15 year old game were resurrected, ported to the PS2, and stuffed onto a store shelf for $19.99. The ideal PS2 software library would closely resemble the PC software section at Walmart.

That doesn't sound very appealing to me.

If you're one of the 5 people who really care about Metal Slug enough to play it (as opposed to making posts about how wonderful it is on Gaming Age, just because it's trendy), you probably already have access to the game on your Neo-Geo or your emulator anyway.

If someone tried to port Star Control II or Nethack (Sony is just a bunch of haters for not letting games with ANSI graphics on its system!), both games I really like, from PC/3DO to PS2, I'd say the same thing. The last thing I want to see in the video game section is more lame shovelware from companies that for whatever reason aren't capable of actually making new games anymore. If people want to see Metal Slug on PS2, make a new one and sell it to them. Problem is, aside from a few very vocal fans, people don't. Watch the Xbox sales numbers and see for yourself.
Open Source said:
Yeah, things would be so much better if every 15 year old game were resurrected, ported to the PS2, and stuffed onto a store shelf for $19.99. The ideal PS2 software library would closely resemble the PC software section at Walmart.

That doesn't sound very appealing to me.

If you're one of the 5 people who really care about Metal Slug enough to play it (as opposed to making posts about how wonderful it is on Gaming Age, just because it's trendy), you probably already have access to the game on your Neo-Geo or your emulator anyway.

If someone tried to port Star Control II or Nethack (Sony is just a bunch of haters for not letting games with ANSI graphics on its system!), both games I really like, from PC/3DO to PS2, I'd say the same thing. The last thing I want to see in the video game section is more lame shovelware from companies that for whatever reason aren't capable of actually making new games anymore. If people want to see Metal Slug on PS2, make a new one and sell it to them. Problem is, aside from a few very vocal fans, people don't. Watch the Xbox sales numbers and see for yourself.
Talk about over exaggerating to prove a point. I'm a Metal Slug fan but A) can't afford NeoGeo hardware/software and B) shouldn't have to resort to piracy in order to play the game. If SNK is willing to give me a legitimate and affordable way to purchase and play the game on PS2 what's the problem?
A lot of the blame can still be leveled on SNK. I paid $50 for MS3 on the Xbox without hesitation because up till then I been logging in so many hours in the game in Kawaks, and it was time they got their money.

However, is $50 reasonable for MS3, a four year old game based of ancient hardware? Even as completely awesome as I think the game is, and with the token extras, I still have to say no.

The reasonable thing to do would have been to release a comlpete Metal Slug set for fifty bucks, maybe sixty. No extras, no Live scoring, just a spartan, but accurate port of the whole series. That'd be worth the money.

But SNK is used to getting top billing for their individual games. A NG cart of MS3 would run over three hundred easy. They are used to having their games dumped and on the net within hours of release too.

I guess that SNK figured that the gamers owed them one. So they thought if they gave us a superior version of one of their very best games, with some extras thrown in to make it interesting, that the community would feel obligated to pay $50 for Metal Slug 3 as I did. Obviously, they thought wrong. Metal Slugs 4 and 5, as well as numerous KOF games, are being released in bundles.

I beleive that SCEA looked at PS2 MS3 from a pure value standpoint, and deemed it, as I do, not worth full price. And SNK was stubborn, and luckily found an out with the Xbox. I really don't care, the Xbox version is superior anyway, and I got to pay for a game I had been enjoying for nearly a year. The deal is square with me.
ArcadeStickMonk said:
importing the Japanese version is both legitimate and affordable.
How is importing affordable? Paying hundreds of dollars to buy a JP system plus the $60-$70 pricetag (depending on where you go) for said game doesn't sound 'affordable' to me when SNK could've just released the game here in the states for $40. BTW, MS3 was $40 on Xbox, not $50.


Open Source said:
If people want to see Metal Slug on PS2, make a new one and sell it to them. Problem is, aside from a few very vocal fans, people don't. Watch the Xbox sales numbers and see for yourself.
Actually Metal Slug 3 on Xbox outsold the PS2 KOF bundle... it's doing amazingly well all things considered.
Mr_Furious said:
How is importing affordable? Paying hundreds of dollars to buy a JP system plus the $60-$70 pricetag (depending on where you go) for said game doesn't sound 'affordable' to me when SNK could've just released the game here in the states for $40. BTW, MS3 was $40 on Xbox, not $50.

Your import system estimate might be a bit high, but in any case, it it comparitively cheaper than acquiring the AES version. Lots of people here do it. You could always mod your system you know.

Was MS3 $40? OK, it was one case in which I wasn't keeping track.
ArcadeStickMonk said:
Your import system estimate might be a bit high, but in any case, it it comparitively cheaper than acquiring the AES version. Lots of people here do it. You could always mod your system you know.

Was MS3 $40? OK, it was one case in which I wasn't keeping track.
The cheapest any of the current gen home consoles is going for is still over $200 so 'hundreds' is fair. Sure it's cheaper than AES but then again what isn't :p And modding isn't an option for me because A) it voids the warranty and B) I've had bad experiences with machines dying soon after being modded. Never again :(


I have this odd repugnance towards the design of the Xbox system - it's just plain ugly. I put up with the monstrosity for a year back when I owned one, but I sold it off when I was hurting for rent money last summer. I don't think I want to buy another - I really hope that the XBox 2 will have backwards compatibility, because I really want a way to keep playing Panzer Orta...and, finally getting to my point, Metal Slug 3.

Here's hoping the XBox 2 won't be such a tragic monolith of industrial design like the first.

I really want to play MS3 at home. Before I get too much older, as I find it hard to ration time out now in my life to play games.

Sorry, tangent there.
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