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PS3 to be shown in the next 5 months


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
hmm? Why

Perhaps tech demos in the next 5 months?

this is all too confusing, I think i'm taking a break from all this next gen news till something solid comes out newswise


Queen of Denmark
If true, wouldn't this kill things for the PS2 a little?

Then again, it would be a fiendishly good way to try and ruin Microsoft's early-launch parade -- show the PS3 as a taste of what's coming, but have it debut after Xenon in hopes of giving Xenon a Dreamcast fate.


It's too soon. It can't be!


GAF's Bob Woodward
Where are they getting this from? The presentation slide with the timeline didn't explicitly say 2004...I'm thinking they're confusing the end of Sony's fiscal year with the end of the calendar year? They have no direct quotes saying it'll be announced initially in 2004.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
It's not too soon, actually. Seems like the typical 4 year plan for Sony. They did it with the PS2 - they revealed the first tech demos about 4 years after the release of the PSX, and then revealed the hardware about 6 months later.


AlphaSnake said:
Seems like the typical 4 year plan for Sony. They did it with the PS2 - they revealed the first tech demos about 4 years after the release of the PSX, and then revealed the hardware about 6 months later.
Gee, I must've missed the PS2 tech demos in 1998. :p


source: kikizo
Ken Kutaragi could get PS3 on Japanese shelves for Christmas 2005, with European launch following in Early 2006.

PS3 to be unveiled at the end of this year - with full pubic exhibition at E3 2005 next May - and playable titles likely at TGS 2005 next September.

next gen may come sooner than expected
They've screwed up the dates. They're mistaking fiscal vs calendar.

What pathetic reporting. I guess everybody wants a scoop.



It depends. I think the reason why Sony and Nintendo are talking is because MS have their console coming. So they want to get in on the hype too. Sony hyped Ps2 alot aorund the DC times.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, after reading the article, it's becoming obvious that they've just screwed up the dates from that timetable Kitaragi presented.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
jarrod said:
Gee, I must've missed the PS2 tech demos in 1998. :p

That's cute.

The PSOne came out end-94 in Japan. 9/9/95 in US. We saw the first PS2 tech demos in early 99 (*less* than 4 years after the US launch, and just about 4 1/2 years after the Japanese launch), and then the hardware on Sept. 17 1999. The console was released March 3rd, 2000 in Japan, and October 26th 2000 in the US.

For the US, it was 4 years until we saw actual hardware, but less than 4 for tech-demos. Overseas it was about 5 years until hardware, and roughly 4 1/2 for tech-demos. Because the release date gap wasn't very wide with the PS2, as it was with the PSOne, those adjustments have to be taken into consideration. Once that's said and done, 4 years (give or take a few months) seems like the correct time to wait until tech demos are demonstrated. Now go back to making your little handheld threads and leave the console talk for the big boys, please.
sonycowboy said:
They've screwed up the dates. They're mistaking fiscal vs calendar.

What pathetic reporting. I guess everybody wants a scoop.


How are they mistaking it? If you look at the fiscal calendar, it goes up till March. Fiscal year 2005 is at the end of March. By their chart, it would appear that the PS3 will be unveiled some time as early as December or January, but before March 2005.


Check it out, the PS3 "Premier" (red next generation PlayStation timeline) is in the same location as the "PlayStation Party 5th anniversary" December 3, 2004 (its on the Blue PS2 timeline)....cannot be just a coincidence ;)


Marty Chinn said:
How are they mistaking it? If you look at the fiscal calendar, it goes up till March. Fiscal year 2005 is at the end of March. By their chart, it would appear that the PS3 will be unveiled some time as early as December or January, but before March 2005.
It looks like the very end of FY04 in the chart, i.e. February or March. Microsoft is likely planning on a major splash at GDC '05 in March, with launch games demod at E3 '05. Sony seems to be hussling to meet the same time line.
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