So what did you guys and gals spend your $10 SEN credit on?
PS4 has two OTs?
Super Saiyan 2 confirmed.
I keep hearing good things about Sound Shapes. Should I pick this up?
i guess i should get Sound Shapes at some point then
can someone explain what makes it so great?
does it? Was wondering why the Xbox One OT had more posts. Xbox One will sell the best confirmed now, Verendus. I hope you've prepared yourself for that outcome.
does it? Was wondering why the Xbox One OT had more posts. Xbox One will sell the best confirmed now, Verendus. I hope you've prepared yourself for that outcome.
i guess i should get Sound Shapes at some point then
can someone explain what makes it so great?
There is a Europe one and a US one from the looks of it. US vs. Europe World War 3 confirmed then.does it? Was wondering why the Xbox One OT had more posts. Xbox One will sell the best confirmed now, Verendus. I hope you've prepared yourself for that outcome.
They do not.Can someone tell me if the free 30 days on PS4's store and the 30 day voucher for Music Unlimited stack?
There is a Europe one and a US one from the looks of it. US vs. Europe World War 3 confirmed then.
I'm confused now. I had a riddle for all of you. Pretty easy one, but with a good answer. I don't know what OT to use now; can't use both.
Whoa guys, let's get on this.Hm, that makes sense.
Tell me then, what do you get if you take the 5th, 6th, 7th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, and 24th letters of the alphabet? What can you create using those letters?
Not much of a problem but its worth the minimal effort involved. There is your megaton.
There is a Europe one and a US one from the looks of it. US vs. Europe World War 3 confirmed then.
I'm confused now. I had a riddle for all of you. Pretty easy one, but with a good answer. I don't know what OT to use now; can't use both.
I have nothing to say on the latter. You'll have to wait for the show.Anything on Crash Verendus and should we expect Sony bombshells at VXG?
I did it GAF! I got the last PS4 at my local Target.
Whoa guys, let's get on this.
Letters... E F G N S T V X
SF Vent GX? lol. someone help.
It's like option A.Hey Verendus, is it:
a) A "true" Megaton MEGATON, like in Final Fantasy VII remake MEGATON. Like HOLY FUCK I CANNOT BELIEVE IT megaton?
b) Just the average "megaton" like "Resident Evil 7 is in development" megaton? Like, "Oh... Cool I guess..." megaton?
It's like option A.
It's like option A.
Kyoufu said:
yeah, I think this is it. All they would need to show is someone being tasered-to-ash in all their next-gen glory and the crowd would go cray cray...
How can you create Syphon Filter from that. There is no 'Y'.
It's not that. Next generation SF is not a megaton. It's practically guaranteed and already being planned/in the works etc. etc.Next gen st lof
How can you create Syphon Filter from that? There is no 'Y'.
Yes they doPS plus codes stack?
It's like option A.
How can you create Syphon Filter from that? There is no 'Y'.
It's not that. Next generation SF is not a megaton. It's practically guaranteed and already being planned/in the works etc. etc.
Can someone tell me if the free 30 days on PS4's store and the 30 day voucher for Music Unlimited stack?
Wait what?! I didn't know this was a sure thing?
Megaton riddle and Syphon Filter confirmation in the space of three posts! Good man!
It's like option A.