I just want to say im fed up with Sony. I bought a ps4 over the xbone for longevity , and because a lot of my friends will eventually get one.
However, Sony has been pathetic with their ps4 exclusives. They only had frickin killzone and knack.....thats it. Both games are mediocre as per metacriric ratings.
For the next year, all we will have is infamous (never been a fan) , drive club (which i think was ready for launch but purposely delayed until 2014 to make sony's next year line up feel loaded, which its not) , (not even ps4 exclusive and not a baseball fan) , and the order, which is a new ip that we've seen so little of.
This is why the jokes of sony having no games are valid.
Xbox has a HUGE console exclusive in titanfall, halo 5, project spark, sunset overdrive, and more for 2014.
Before you say 'sony is holding back their cards' thats just BS to me at this point. At one point i believed it, but not anymore.
Where the hell are the games Sony? 2014 is looking like crap for sony exclusives, and that pisses me off.
I believe xbone is the better choice for games in the short.term, and and sony in the long term, but many gamers arent patient.
TLG and agent were announced 4 years ago.