* shoots self* five minutes of searching for someone who is phishing is life long, and it doesn't take five minutes, and DOB is very important and not that easy to find. if it didn't matter the why the big hoopla? go ahead give me you name, DOB, address last buys, last employment, phone number, ect if its no big deal.
I don't recalling giving Sony all that info.
This is also ironic in a way; let's say your name is Ben Stiffens. Your PSN account name is Everhard01337.
Now, the scammer has info to sell. To whom?
To people who know Ben Stiffens? They can know the info you inputted in your PSN registration much more easily than that. They can look you up (address, phone, date of birth) through legit means.
To people who know Everhard01337? So basically to other PSN users. Which would probably be your PSN friends. Big deal much?
Of course, there's that guy you owned at Black Ops who remembers your name and wants to gut you. But that aside, who could use that info and how? Give us a practical example.