Level Up Times/Adrian: Mr. PlayStolen, who are you, and what do you do?
PlayStolen: Im someone who is highly disappointed that the information of so many people has been taken from a trusted source. Im from Australia, just working a regular job NOT in the IT industry. As you can see from the website, it is pretty amateur but I hope it does the job. If anyone with some actual web site building expertise would like to get involved, I will be more than welcoming.
To be honest I am not a current PS3 owner or user. I do regularly game online on another machine though. I still have a big issue with my personal data being out there in the hands of anyone!
Adrian: Whats the purpose of PlayStolen, and what do you hope to achieve with the site?
PlayStolen: The site was made with a catchy title in an attempt to easily draw people to the site. I am unsure of where [you're] from [LUT: We're from Australia], but an Australian Mobile Phone operator Vodafone has been having some serious issues and someone set up the very popular vodafail.com. I thought the use of a simple but catchy title would be quite useful and beneficial.
[The aim] of the site is to get a list of people together and team them up with a legal team as the time goes on. What I aim to achieve is a firm will want to take the case, at which time I can pass on the information for interested parties.
It has been mentioned in the press already that Rothken Law Firm is taking on the case in the United States. I am attempting to get in contact with them at the moment and will pass on any Americans details onto them.
Adrian: What will you do with peoples information if they provide it to you?
PlayStolen: People are only providing me with fairly basic information of Name, Email and Country. All I am doing is filing them into folders based on their country and will pass it on when required. A majority of people who have responded have only given First Names which is more than enough information for me.
Adrian: What are your thoughts on the PSN breach?
PlayStolen: My main issue with the data breach is who has this information and what are they going to do with it[?] They have details of 75 million people, which they could use for some major identity fraud, credit card fraud and spam.
My other worry is how did this occur and how suspect are other institutions that are storing our data? Is this an issue that should be looked at as a serious threat internet wide?
Adrian: What do you hope people who manage to get in contact with a lawsuit through your site will ask for in compensation against Sony?
PlayStolen: People have various personal reasons for wanting to get involved, alot can be seen detailed in internet forums. Most people will not address a lawyer themselves due to the cost so this is the easy option for them. I guess it will be a wait and see what the lawyers of various countries say in regards to what we can expect. At the moment its a bit of unknown about what is going to happen, but I am just trying to get the ball rolling.
Adrian: Are you personally going to enter a lawsuit if possible and what will you be looking for in compensation from Sony?
PlayStolen: I would like to get involved hence me taking the time to set up the site. Sony needs to be held accountable for what has occurred. Some people have been saying that if it didnt happen to Sony, it would have happened to someone else. What these companies have to realise that if they want to collect everyones personal data, they must keep it secure.