Griffin said:
-PXG- said:I can guarantee you that there were, are, and will be meetings, amongst publishers, as well as shareholders, discussing whether or not if Sony's network security, including their overall ability to do business, is at all sound.
FTH said:I see. This is probably what the majority of posts in here mean, closing an account does seem drastic. Looks like I've learned something today
borghe said:where were they caught? what information has come out? Surely you are not refering to my post where I just explained why CFW more than likely played a role in this and why packet sniffing on data between PSN and a PS3 would be pointless. Nowhere in there did I or anyone else say they were using client side validation, etc.
the amount of hyperbole in this thread is ridiculous. Sony will never recover. No one will ever buy a PS3. Strike that, no one will ever buy a SONY product, etc.
in six months almost no one will care. This type of leak has never brought down a company before and it certainly isn't going to bring down or irreparably damage a $30B+ corporation. Settle down people.
If you are worried about your credit cards, cancel them and get new ones issued. If you are worried about your passwords, change them. If you are truly pissed about this, hop aboard the inevitable class action lawsuit. But let's at least try and tone down the hyperbole and conclusion jumping that is making up like 99% of this thread now.
-PXG- said:Its really interesting. Even with this level of ineptitude from Sony, some people will nonchalantly shrug it off as no big deal, and continue to do business with them. Sure, the sky isn't falling. It's not the end of the world. But to completely not give a shit is odd. Why willingly do business with a company that is this fucking incompetent?
TTP said:I don't understand the "I'm done with you" statements here. If you don't trust Sony anymore, don't buy stuff from the PSN with your credit card.
Online play is still free.
Antagon said:I can't imagine that Sony is so incompetent that the hackers actually got your passwords. MD5 hashing with a random salt per user is the minimum of security that I'd expect.
-PXG- said:Its really interesting. Even with this level of ineptitude from Sony, some people will nonchalantly shrug it off as no big deal, and continue to do business with them. Sure, the sky isn't falling. It's not the end of the world. But to completely not give a shit is odd. Why willingly do business with a company that is this fucking incompetent?
They're similar but it's not like there is anything they can do on FORUMS and shops which require CC details?darkwing said:only need to change it if it was similar to the PSN one
IchigoSharingan said:rebug revealed all the client side vulnerabilities of the psn system.
Because so much was put on client side (PS3), they were able to make headway in hacking. That is obvious by now, that it was massive flaw #1. Massive flaw #2 was incompetent server side security. Like I said, this is stuff that's been known to create problems since 2003. And it explains why they are overhauling the network. It will most likely be heavily server sided from now on, the way it should have been since day 1.
CFW should have only played a tiny role in this server side debacle. May this be the end of Sony's security through obscurity.
SRG01 said:This needs to be repeated. ANY secure transaction depends on both sides being secure. CFW caused this, plain and simple.
Jax said:Are you insane? Inept? Fucking incompetent? It took the hackers ages to break PS3 and even then that was was the stolen key. Non of this would have happened without the geohot hack to begin with.
They couldn't have forseen any of this.
obonicus said:Publishers will use this to try and leverage better contracts, no doubt. But they will continue to do business with Sony, full stop. The RNG number debacle this year was probably a bigger concern to them, since it directly affects their IP. This doesn't; the real harm for publishers here is that the store has been down for so long.
And for them being 'fucking incompetent', they're not, not any more than any other corporation is (so, okay, they're pretty fucking incompetent). Is this a big deal? Yep. Will it blow over way before it should? Oh, definitely.
herod said:DLC isn't so why tie yourself into an untrusted platform?
iamvin22 said:The PSN logs of the hacker are now on the net.
paskowitz said:Also to the people saying the Sony has done nothing to notify its customers, there has been a new post on the blog every day since April 20th.
-PXG- said:Its really interesting. Even with this level of ineptitude from Sony, some people will nonchalantly shrug it off as no big deal, and continue to do business with them. Sure, the sky isn't falling. It's not the end of the world. But to completely not give a shit is odd. Why willingly do business with a company that is this fucking incompetent?
Four_Chamber said: (BBC) (NPR) (MSNBC) (NY Times) (CNET) (CNBC)
Etc., etc.- this is the first piece of gaming news in a while that has captivated the mainstream media to this extent.
Four_Chamber said: (BBC) (NPR) (MSNBC) (NY Times) (CNET) (CNBC)
Etc., etc.- this is the first piece of gaming news in a while that has captivated the mainstream media to this extent.
Arklite said:Shitty situation indeed, but it's been a week. If credit card info was well and truly fucked I think there would have been news about people losing thousands already. Why would hackers wait?
Doc Evils said:
KennyLinder said:All of this because Sony took out Other-OS?![]()
Thanks. I feel a relieved man now.Baha said:Changing your email password should be enough if you see no suspicious login activity (you can check with gmail by clicking the details link at the bottom of the page next to last activity). Aside from any credit or debit fraud, if your email is still secure then your other accounts should be fine.
I wonder what good it would do to hold back the information if they knew for sure very early on. Seeing what happened, surely they knew they would have to mention this publically some time, so what good reason could it be to wait?Hawk269 said:My biggest issue as many of you passionately put it is that it took Sony this long to figure out our data was compromised. I am sure they knew this very early on, but for some reason witheld reporting this to it's users.
Doc Evils said:
EternalGamer said:You can buy pre-paid Steam cards.
Doc Evils said:
Jax said:They couldn't have forseen any of this.
Doc Evils said:
Four_Chamber said:Etc., etc.- this is the first piece of gaming news in a while that has captivated the mainstream media to this extent.
Rewrite said:that letter from the senator is great.
kvn said:There you have it.
lifa-cobex said:Wonder how Fox news will report on this.....
Wish i didn't think of that