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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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A.R.K said:
well some of the so called gamers here were rooting for the hackers and donating for their 'just cause' against the evil Sony empire...

how you like them apples now hacker loving GAF? :/

I donated to the Geohot defense fund. I did this because I love open hardware that runs homebrew, region free gaming, and think the right to do what we want with our hardware is important. It was my money, and my choice to make.

You're unfairly and rudely equating me to supporting this criminal act of illegally obtaining customer data.

Not only are you being absurdly short sighted to the point of self-delusion, you're also insulting me.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Called Chase, they already knew what I was calling about, I was like the fuck?, they were like we were alerted by Sony and so was everyone else

God as much as I <3 Sony, being one those fanboys in their army, this really has hurt morale for me

Holy fuck man, I knew shit was gonna get comprised, but jesus they being the hackers have everything @ their disposal of our info

I worked my ass off to get my account to where it is, bought so much shit, subscription services I have with them, and time spent =/

I'll still be loyal to a degree, but Sony has made me very weary of them, only PSN cards will be used from now on, and the free marketing they got out of me trying to sell the PS3 is done. Had to call up like 5 cousins who each had PS3 and multiple friends to get the word out on it.

I swear if anything happens to my account, I will fucking RAGE!
Zenith said:

My old man watches CNN the whole day, am baffled they haven't said anything seeing as this is the most important news today. (Rant: All they ever fucking talk about is Libya, Royal wedding and Obama. Change the fucking topic CNN)


LQX said:
How do you know it's not true?

How do you know it IS true? Most likely another case of the media throwing around bullshit numbers. Waiting till I hear some kind of valid or backed up information on this one.
Ferrio said:
Perfectly fine with it. Console hackers different than what is currently happening.

Are we 100% sure that the people who stole the personal information did not make use of any of the tools the console hackers came up with?


As someone who has been down identity theft lane, this is the kind of thing that will terminate any future aspects of my dealings.

As a habit now I keep my account numbers shredded and off file much as possible now. But if in fact the hackers got everything means info compartmentalization and breach contingency plans was fucking zero. It still might be on the old purchase records.

Sucks for you Sony. I was beginning to favor you over MS lately.


baekshi said:
what? they are over 75 million accounts....

yea but Sony have not announced anything about bank account info being taken yet.

While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, we cannot rule out the possibility. If you have provided your credit card data through PlayStation Network or Qriocity, out of an abundance of caution we are advising you that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may have been obtained.


Trucker Sexologist
evolution said:
Thanks to this outcome, I doubt sony will ever implement something like otheros into a system again.
Some people theorize that the Other OS was the only real security the PS3 had, because it gave hobbyists access to the hardware without the need for any hacking. Which happens to be completely unrelated to the intrusion into PSN because it was already gone before that happened.



How is this Sony's fault?

They didn't release the information, someone deliberately and illegally obtained it...

Sure security maybe should have been tighter, but come on, aren't they the victim in this too?

It's not like they WANTED their consumers to be compromised.
RustyNails said:
I understand that, but I don't think it's those slick mafia types in international, professional e-crime rings that did this. They could, after learning about security flaws in PSN through other means, but I think it's the same group of people who got upset at Sony for going after Hotz. At least, the evidence about their timing points in their direction to me.

It could easily go the other way. Any group targeting Sony could have used the CFW/Anon dealings to be the perfect scapegoat for what's going on.


The Inside Track
A.R.K said:
mofo console hacking got us to this point!!!!! you guys just don't get it huh
Sony security team's incompetence got us to this point, firmware hackers only facilitated the process. The 360 has been hacked to the same level with the JTAG stuff, and nothing like that came out of it, and I'm sure many people tried (as soon as credit card are involved, you can be certain people will try again and again to get in). Sony seemingly relied way too much on the client side (PS3) security, and what's happening now is entirely their fault.
syoaran said:
people in the group could have taken the data when they tried to disrupt the service in order to make money from themselves, but these people would then be anarchists, not "justice seekers".

glad we agree. that wasn't so hard, was it?
Blimblim said:
Sony security team's incompetence got us to this point, firmware hackers only facilitated the process. The 360 has been hacked to the same level with the JTAG stuff, and nothing like that came out of it, and I'm sure many people tried (as soon as credit card are involved, you can be certain people will try again and again to get in). Sony seemingly relied way too much on the client side (PS3) security, and what's happening now is entirely their fault.

Don't blame the arms dealer for bloodshed.
Don't blame blood diamonds for terrorism.


Blimblim said:
Sony security team's incompetence got us to this point, firmware hackers only facilitated the process. The 360 has been hacked to the same level with the JTAG stuff, and nothing like that came out of it, and I'm sure many people tried (as soon as credit card are involved, you can be certain people will try again and again to get in). Sony seemingly relied way too much on the client side (PS3) security, and what's happening now is entirely their fault.
Entirely their fault? The hackers are not at fault at all you're saying? There's plenty of blame to go around as far as I can tell.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Jackl said:
As someone who has been down identity theft lane, this is the kind of thing that will terminate any future aspects of my dealings.
likewise as someone who has been down the lane of credit card theft (sigh.. monoprice..), it did nothing to change my habits with them. as a matter of fact I placed an additional order with them around 2-3 weeks after they started accepting credit card orders. (byw, this is actually true, swear to god)

bad shit happens. breaches happen. information gets stolen. it's silly to let it cause you to lose faith in the company just because it happened to you. and if you want to distrust EVERYONE that has ever had a breach, your list of trusted companies will probably be down to three companies no one has ever heard of before.

just saying..


Fuck Cancer
MalboroRed said:
So you're ok if your personal information is stolen?

Well, I'm perfectly fine with console hacking and not with theft of personal data. There is a big difference here. So big anyone should be able to see it.


GTP_Daverytimes said:
My old man watches CNN the whole day, am baffled they haven't said anything seeing as this is the most important news today. (Rant: All they ever fucking talk about is Libya, Royal wedding and Obama. Change the fucking topic CNN)

It's kinda nice to have a topic in the news other then the fucking royal wedding. It's good to chat about something that effects real world people. Not saying it's good news. Just a nice change.


Just check you credit report, and if its clean, fraud alert your info, and keep an eye on your Cc charges...if they haven't used the info yet, they probably arent going to..you dont wait to use stolen info, you use it immediately, and then dump it.

just. want. to. play. online.
I hate this situation, we all go through our daily life's with real life situations now I need to worry about my CC info on a damn game machine, this is bs man.
Gritesh said:

How is this Sony's fault?

They didn't release the information, someone deliberately and illegally obtained it...

Sure security maybe should have been tighter, but come on, aren't they the victim in this too?

It's not like they WANTED their consumers to be compromised.
1. Incompetent security

2. Not telling their customers as soon as possible that their information might be compromised

If they really cared about their customers at the LEAST they would've told them about this shit.


My reckoning is that the only way Sony will be able to bounce back from this is if 2 things happen;

1. PSN goes back up very quickly

2. There are very few isolated instances of identity theft

If both of these happen, despite what the more dramatic of GAF may think, Sony will likely do alright from a PR perspective. People have short attention spans.

On the other hand, if neither happen, Sony is fucked for a while...


Junior Member
Gritesh said:

How is this Sony's fault?

They didn't release the information, someone deliberately and illegally obtained it...

Sure security maybe should have been tighter, but come on, aren't they the victim in this too?

It's not like they WANTED their consumers to be compromised.

When a company asks for your personal information, they take the responsibility of keeping that information PRIVATE. If said information is compromised, the weight of the blame falls on their shoulders because they required you to give them your information and promised to use the best means available to keep it safe, which obviously they failed to do so.

The Lamp

So I should just call and say I lost my card and have them ship me a new one and cancel the old one?

Simple enough but I'm so busy this week. Plus now I have to create new passwords and security questions and information for all of my accounts and emails.

Good thing we're moving so that the location info they have is actually obsolete.


So it's come to this. People will even defend a company when said company's ineptitude results in the theft of their credit card number.

I don't think I can say that GAF's corporate apologists surprise me anymore. Some of you guys will defend ANYTHING.
The Lamp said:
So I should just call and say I lost my card and have them ship me a new one and cancel the old one?
Yep! I just did it, myself.
Gritesh said:

How is this Sony's fault?

They didn't release the information, someone deliberately and illegally obtained it...

Sure security maybe should have been tighter, but come on, aren't they the victim in this too?

It's not like they WANTED their consumers to be compromised.

They ARE responsible because they did not take the appropriate security measures.


Treefingers said:
1. Incompetent security

2. Not telling their customers as soon as possible that their information might be compromised

If they really cared about their customers at the LEAST they would've told them about this shit.

They did tell us, didn't you read the press release? Who knows how long it took their investigation to conclude how deep the intrusion really went? Please people, stop acting like you know everything about the case when you clearly do not.


Treefingers said:
1. Incompetent security

2. Not telling their customers as soon as possible that their information might be compromised

If they really cared about their customers at the LEAST they would've told them about this shit.

Yeah, there's gonna be a load of people who hear about this from the evening news - not from Sony. Which is fucking crazy.


The Inside Track
StuBurns said:
Entirely their fault? The hackers are not at fault at all you're saying? There's plenty of blame to go around as far as I can tell.
The firmware hackers or the ones who actually compromised PSN? Because they are entirely different people with entirely different goals.
The firmware hackers exposed sony's failures (indirectly), and I don't see why they should be blamed for it. The ones who actually compromised PSN should be prosecuted to the full extend of the law and will hopefully get caught, and deserve everything that will befall them.
Question: I don't use the same password everywhere but I do use a variant of the same password everywhere that changes depends on the site, so if they got my password in plaintext, it's conceivable they could derive how it's modified and apply the steps when trying other sites.

Am I screwed?


Vinci said:
But has Sony stated that, or is CBS pulling that from 'anonymous sources'?

News orgs can get PR people to give semi-off the record statements to use as soft confirmations. Trailng rumours of an event followed by an official confirmation does get a slightly less worse reaction than officially stating it straight up.

They aren't like gaming journalists who you can shrug off, PR people are much more open to "negotiating" with network news than feeding them some empty line.


Stumpokapow said:
No, I don't get it.

Explain it to me.

Hackers hack PS3
Sony takes OtherOS out in fear of further damage
Hackers pissed...hack it further..blame Sony they took out otherOS
Hackers break PS3 key and distribute over internet
Sony sues the hacker
Other Hackers vow revenge
and finally we are here
Paches-EJ- said:
They did tell us, didn't you read the press release? Who knows how long it took their investigation to conclude how deep the intrusion really went? Please people, stop acting like you know everything about the case when you clearly do not.
I highly doubt it took them this long to find this out.


Blimblim said:
The firmware hackers or the ones who actually compromised PSN? Because they are entirely different people with entirely different goals.
The firmware hackers exposed sony's failures (indirectly), and I don't see why they should be blamed for it. The ones who actually compromised PSN should be prosecuted to the full extend of the law and will hopefully get caught, and deserve everything that will befall them.
The latter, yeah.

Raide said:
What about his CC details? Will they make it?
In truth if I had to guess I imagine the actual repercussions to users will be very small. Their relationship with Sony would be shock though, this is far worse for Sony than any of their users.
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