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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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nods at old men
borghe said:
likewise as someone who has been down the lane of credit card theft (sigh.. monoprice..), it did nothing to change my habits with them. as a matter of fact I placed an additional order with them around 2-3 weeks after they started accepting credit card orders. (byw, this is actually true, swear to god)

bad shit happens. breaches happen. information gets stolen. it's silly to let it cause you to lose faith in the company just because it happened to you. and if you want to distrust EVERYONE that has ever had a breach, your list of trusted companies will probably be down to three companies no one has ever heard of before.

just saying..
Yup. This is like the 4th or so company in which my personal information may or may not have been accessed.

I take care of my finances, so I'm not worried.


Fuck Cancer
A.R.K said:
Hackers hack PS3
Sony takes OtherOS out in fear of further damage
Hackers pissed...hack it further..blame Sony they took out otherOS
Hackers break PS3 key and distribute over internet
Sony sues the hacker
Other Hackers vow revenge
and finally we are here

Blimblim to the rescue:
Blimblim said:
The firmware hackers or the ones who actually compromised PSN? Because they are entirely different people with entirely different goals.
The firmware hackers exposed sony's failures (indirectly), and I don't see why they should be blamed for it. The ones who actually compromised PSN should be prosecuted to the full extend of the law and will hopefully get caught, and deserve everything that will befall them.
A.R.K said:
Hackers hack PS3
Sony takes OtherOS out in fear of further damage
Hackers pissed...hack it further..blame Sony they took out otherOS
Hackers break PS3 key and distribute over internet
Sony sues the hacker
Other Hackers vow revenge
and finally we are here
dot dot dot


I might as well get a new CC number. I don't really know what is going on with this whole situation, but I supposed it is better to be safe than sorry.

Also, this is why I have a second bank account for mostly online purchases, but I can't remember is my primary bank account was ever used on PSN.
A.R.K said:
Hackers hack PS3
Sony takes OtherOS out in fear of further damage
Hackers pissed...hack it further..blame Sony they took out otherOS
Hackers break PS3 key and distribute over internet
Sony sues the hacker
Other Hackers vow revenge
and finally we are here

pretty much


Funny that I don't have anything at all from Sony in my email. Don't you think they should send something out?

I would expect something soon. It would be a very bad idea not to warn people after this announcement.


pantyhelmet said:
glad we agree. that wasn't so hard, was it?

We clearly don't, unless you did a 180 while you were editing out the parts you didn't agree with originally. I still don't get why your stating that Anon. is responsible for the CC theft, despite the fact that their goals are totally opposite to hackers that steal CC details and sell them on.


Here's the IP info for the person who apparently hacked PSN:

IP Address :):d601:d3fb)
Hostname nhlem-wsa-dp.med.navy.mil
City Columbus
Region Ohio
Postal Code 43218
Country United States
Coordinates 39.9968, -82.9882

Either the guy is in the military, or was spoofing his IP.


Thank god I removed my card a week before this shit happened. Still, I'll monitor my cards just in case. Other than that, I am peeved at Sony for taking this long to at least share some suspicions so that users could at least make password changes.


Vinci said:
But has Sony stated that, or is CBS pulling that from 'anonymous sources'?

It's probably a case of chinese whispers. 75 million accounts were compromised. Some of these have credit card #s associated, which may or may not have been stolen. After an intern reads the news post and tells their copy desk and it reaches an anchor, it becomes 75k CC #s stolen.


Unconfirmed Member
Probably posted already:


In short: Rebug team claims it wasnt their CFW. They even say that their CFW cant even put in fake credit card numbers (as was speculated on countless sites). They think is something far more serious than Rebug.

Morn said:
Here's the IP info for the person who apparently hacked PSN:

Either the guy is in the military, or was spoofing his IP.

Really? How was that even found out?


Nihilistic Monk said:
Weird that it's a DoD ip address though... seems like a compromised host anyway, but as you say, not one that's done the attack.

Same dude at the DoD likes to edit the Call of Duty Wikia however :)


Tempy linked me to this blog on irc, and I took the time to crawl through logs and debunk it.

The linked server is a gracenote db server, related to cddb/music identification. In no way was this server compromised by the stuff the blogger highlighted, it's a fairly normal security/vulnerability scan (from the looks of it).

See my fuller responses (and amused findings) at the blog site: http://shockwavelounge.blogspot.com/2011/04/playstation-network-log-of-hacker.html


Paches-EJ- said:
Ok, just wanted to confirm that we are working off your opinion as fact then.

And the fact that Sony has still, at this point, failed to send out emails to all of its customers to warn them of this possibility?
Funny that I don't have anything at all from Sony in my email. Don't you think they should send something out?

They probably won't send you an email regarding this because email isn't considered to be a safe way of communicating financial information.


Feorax said:
My reckoning is that the only way Sony will be able to bounce back from this is if 2 things happen;

1. PSN goes back up very quickly

2. There are very few isolated instances of identity theft

If both of these happen, despite what the more dramatic of GAF may think, Sony will likely do alright from a PR perspective. People have short attention spans.

On the other hand, if neither happen, Sony is fucked for a while...

Considering Sony's estimate is within a week, that may not be quick enough.

But yeah, there are bound to be reports of some people claiming there are fraudulent charges, but if there's just a handful or so this could be the worst of it for them.

Still... god damn!


Treefingers said:
I highly doubt it took them this long to find this out.

I don't, I mean they need to be sure 110% positive that this information could be compromised before coming forward.

Someone had to make a decision to say "Ok, we believe they may have this information, and we believe it enough to puke all over our brand when we come forward. Proceed with alerting the community"


-viper- said:
Alright, I've cancelled my debit account, and changed my email password (which is the same as my PSN password).

For the likes of Amazon, Paypal, eBay, I use completely different passwords.

There is no need for me to change OTHER passwords, right? All other websites in my LassPass vault are essentially... RANDOM. Like various forums and shops, where credit card details MUST be entered to purchase items.

There was no need for you to do ANY of that shit...
Paches-EJ- said:
Ok, just wanted to confirm that we are working off your opinion as fact then.
Okay say that they actually did just find out about this. Why are they not e-mailing their customers to let them know? Why is their only warning about this on their blog?
A.R.K said:
Hackers hack PS3
Sony takes OtherOS out in fear of further damage
Hackers pissed...hack it further..blame Sony they took out otherOS
Hackers break PS3 key and distribute over internet
Sony sues the hacker
Other Hackers vow revenge
and finally we are here

As they said there isn't current correlation between those hackers that vowed revenge (and certainly they already did when they collapse PSN days ago) and these hackers that make a living of stealing CC's info and personal data.

So yeah, please stop being so shortminded.
A.R.K said:
Hackers hack PS3
Sony takes OtherOS out in fear of further damage
Hackers pissed...hack it further..blame Sony they took out otherOS
Hackers break PS3 key and distribute over internet
Sony sues the hacker
Other Hackers vow revenge
and finally we are here

Wrapped it up nicely. Sony although incompetent to a degree should not be receiving all the hate that is being directed at them. HACKERS ARE FOR FREEDOM! /s


Junior Member
StuBurns said:
Entirely their fault? The hackers are not at fault at all you're saying? There's plenty of blame to go around as far as I can tell.

Ok let me give you a nice little pictorial if you will of what happend.

You have a bunch of hungry SoBs with machetes(Hackers) walking around outside your establishment, but they don't have a key to get in. You see them go into other places but hey your ok, they dont have your key. Now you find out that you missplaced your key and it might have been Duplicated, instead of taking steps to say change the locks, or add security within your establishment to guard that meat locker in the back, you go about your business.

few days later you are surprised when you find a machete attached to your skull...


Changed my credit card number and net passwords out of some paranoia and fear. Feel a bit better now.

What I'm actually stupidly most concerned about now is the state of our PSN accounts once the service comes back up. I can't even remember which e-mail address I used to sign up for it, if I even did use one. Sigh.


Feorax said:
My reckoning is that the only way Sony will be able to bounce back from this is if 2 things happen;

1. PSN goes back up very quickly

2. There are very few isolated instances of identity theft

If both of these happen, despite what the more dramatic of GAF may think, Sony will likely do alright from a PR perspective. People have short attention spans.

On the other hand, if neither happen, Sony is fucked for a while...

Are you high right now?

I'd say millions of broken 360s was/is far more damaging than PSN being down (with nothing confirmed wise of anyone being compromised) and MS is doing fine.
HaRyu said:
Probably posted already:


In short: Rebug team claims it wasnt their CFW. They even say that their CFW cant even put in fake credit card numbers (as was speculated on countless sites). They think is something far more serious than Rebug.

Really? How was that even found out?

*stare at an entire tutorial thread about how to set up fake credit card number on nextgen*BEEP*date site*

(don't believe me? google it)


Oh, I'm sorry, the kiddies at that site are probably more knowledgeable
Such a mess here, how the hell the normal folk who has there info on psn supposed to get this info, this is some bs, Im blaming Sony because its their damn console and my CC number attached to it.
epmode said:
So it's come to this. People will even defend a company when said company's ineptitude results in the theft of their credit card number.

I don't think I can say that GAF's corporate apologists surprise me anymore. Some of you guys will defend ANYTHING.Yep! I just did it, myself.

bububut shit happens! Every company goes through breaches!


Gritesh said:
I don't, I mean they need to be sure 110% positive that this information could be compromised before coming forward.

Someone had to make a decision to say "Ok, we believe they may have this information, and we believe it enough to puke all over our brand when we come forward. Proceed with alerting the community"

Pretty much.

They should have mailed all their psn users en masse while publishing the blog, that's really bad form that they didn't.
I mean it' not the sort of things you wanna learn through the media or something (and it wouldn't have cost them much anyway).

Seriously the fishy thing about the attack is that if it were scammers and the like they probably wouldn't have waited until after the stuffs with Geohot to settle to do this.
I mean it's the smart thing to do to draw suspicion elsewhere after all.
syoaran said:
We clearly don't, unless you did a 180 while you were editing out the parts you didn't agree with originally. I still don't get why your stating that Anon. is responsible for the CC theft, despite the fact that their goals are totally opposite to hackers that steal CC details and sell them on.

what they did, was 100% illegal, no matter what their motives, if one of their own went rouge and accessed that info due to what they were able to accomplish during their QUEST FOR JUSTICE *echo* , then they are ALL at fault, need i spell it out? Not too long ago about 42 claiming to be members of anonymous were arrested for similar actions. be serious.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Magnus said:
Changed my credit card number and net passwords out of some paranoia and fear. Feel a bit better now.

What I'm actually stupidly most concerned about now is the state of our PSN accounts once the service comes back up. I can't even remember which e-mail address I used to sign up for it, if I even did use one. Sigh.

You sure did. You can't sign up without one (fake or not). Of course if you put a fake address in there, god help you restoring forgotten passwords...


Are you high right now?

I'd say millions of broken 360s was/is far more damaging than PSN being down (with nothing confirmed wise of anyone being compromised) and MS is doing fine.
Re read my post. Im not saying Sony/PS brand will be screwed permanently, but rather that the worst case scenario is that there will be a negative association with them for a while and an air of caution, much like there was with MS following the RROD fiasco.
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