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PSP & DS full game lists

What is Project S by Sega? Can anyone tell me anything about this game.
Thanks Jarrod, great list of games for the DS and PSP. by the way I though there was a Final Fantasy game coming to the PSP?


I wonder who will be the next company to show their NDS wares? I'd imagine the explosion of NDS information begins now.
Lost Weekend said:
I wonder who will be the next company to show their NDS wares? I'd imagine the explosion of NDS information begins now.

Better get them in fast since the PSP game unveiling are coming in around 2 months. :)


SolidSnakex said:
Better get them in fast since the PSP game unveiling are coming in around 2 months. :)
More like better get them out fast because DS hits retail in about 2 months. :p


I'd expect them all by August, actually (Nintendo has a new software showcase in Japan then)

Also I don't think Nintendo's worried too much about the PSP software announcements thus far, what with Nintendo launching first and all :)

Edit: I think you and I read from the same manual, jarrod...


When the heck was Far East of Eden announced for the NDS? I missed that one (or forgot the japanese title of the game :))

That's gonna be big.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Lost Weekend said:
When the heck was Far East of Eden announced for the NDS? I missed that one (or forgot the japanese title of the game :))

That's gonna be big.

If it comes to America... the FEoE games have a lot of Japanese culture and inside jokes in them (in fact, most of the series takes place in a fictional version of Japan), which makes localization difficult.


I've got great news! I just saved a bunch of money by buying all of those games for $10 each on the clearance rack at Walmart!


Damn that's one sexy list of games... a lot of those appeal more to me then the DS list.

Anyone know anything about the Armored Core for DS? I seen the preview of formula front for PSP looks cool I guess... but I'd like to control the mechs :)

Any word on a confirmed release date for PSP japan? and will it be region locked? I'M IMPORTING THIS ONE! :D


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