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PSP to play MP3s?


Hates quality gaming
Based on the article's wording, I'd expect Sony to ship the PSP (at least the first model) just in time before they do this with all of their portable machines.

Or perhaps blame MP3 implementation for any sort of price/delay issues ;)


For the time being, Sony customers will have to be satisfied with MP3 support in flash-based players, which could come as early as this year. Sony not only plans to release new devices; it is working to make available software that will let owners of current models upgrade their devices to add native MP3 support, European sources said.

Sounds like it could be a sure thing. PSP would be the best place to use it.


Knows the Score
Link no worky.
It was European sources that reported the lack of mp3 support in PSP initially(via Edge). I wonder if there's an about turn there.
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