Gather 'round, friends -- it's punditry time! From, I present you the insane ravings of one, Bill O'Reilly:
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ACLU is a bigger threat to freedom than Al Qaeda. Bill O'Reilly began a segment of Westwood One's The Radio Factor by saying that "Al Qaeda is not the most intense threat to your freedom -- it's the American Civil Liberties Union." From the March 30 edition of The Radio Factor:
O'REILLY: All right, this hour's devoted to the most intense threat to your freedom in the world. It's not Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is not the most intense threat to your freedom -- it's the American Civil Liberties Union. And I will back up what I say.
As Media Matters for America has noted, O'Reilly has previously called the ACLU a "terrorist group " and "a facsist orginization. " He has also said that "Hitler would be a card-carrying ACLU member. So would Stalin."
Gay marriage is part of a trend leading to marriage with goats. From the March 29 edition of The Radio Factor:
O'REILLY: The judges in Massachusetts knew they weren't going to be impeached when they said to the state legislature, "Gay marriage is now legal in Massachusetts because we say it is. We the judges" -- they knew they weren't gonna be impeached. They knew the legislature didn't care. You get the government you deserve. In California, the prevailing wisdom is marijuana is no big deal, let's legalize it. And since we can't get that through the legislature, we'll do it this way. And they did it! You see?
And 10 years, this is gonna be a totally different country than it is right now. Laws that you think are in stone -- they're gonna evaporate, man. You'll be able to marry a goat -- you mark my words!
O'Reilly said he needed "armed bodyguards" because of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and "the far left." O'Reilly compared himself to Judge George W. Greer, the judge in the Terri Schiavo case, who has armed protection because he has received death threats .
From the March 29 edition of The Radio Factor:
O'REILLY: [Quoting Krugman's March 28 column ] "One thing that's going on," he says, "is a climate of fear for those who try to enforce laws that religious extremists oppose ... George Greer, the judge in the Schiavo case, needs armed bodyguards."
Well, that's true. So do I, Mr. Krugman. And the reason I need armed bodyguards is because of you and the far left. I gotta have 'em. Okay? So this isn't a one-way street here.
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