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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Another 5 rolls and I pull a Venus, is that worth keeping?

Better than some, especially since she can gain dual resist (or dual light element for 60% off). Not as useful as some gods, but not a bad pull (especially since she is probably at level 30). If you are tire of rerolling you could make her work.


damn, sigh few more rolls before I go back to valkyrie

valkyrie is not a bad choice, really. you'll be hard pressed to find her later if you need a light team.

on a related note, I'm somehow building a light/dark team out of nowhere. It's just coming together that way. I've got Persephone, CDD, LHD(rippers), Pierdrawn for the healz, etc. It's neat.


Got my 10 stones for 100 days today. It doesn't seem like I've been playing for over three months. I've got 20 saved up for the next event, so I'm excited for that.
Got my 10 stones for 100 days today. It doesn't seem like I've been playing for over three months. I've got 20 saved up for the next event, so I'm excited for that.

hahah I think most of us are pretty close to that milestone. I think i'll be getting mine in a few days. Can't believe i've played this game for almost 100 days straight
Got my 10 stones for 100 days today. It doesn't seem like I've been playing for over three months. I've got 20 saved up for the next event, so I'm excited for that.

I discovered PAD via this thread. Figured I'd try it out and see why it's so popular in Asia. Heck, it was free. Now, here I am 100 days later, way past the point of playing for free. lol. I've gotten at least 1 IRL friend hooked on it, too. So, I did my part to spread the word. Talked to a coworker about it, and he tried it, but it just wasn't his type of game.
welp after another 15 rolls I got Indra, I think I'm just gonna stick with it
Indra will be a highly sought after monster once we get its ultimate evolution which will supposedly have a leader skill that gives 2x HP and 2x RCV to Dragons and Gods, both very powerful creature types. It's basically a Noel Dragon on steroids. I'd definitely keep it. And I'm assuming it already came out at Lvl.30 due to the Light event, so even better! Congrats!



I discovered PAD via this thread. Figured I'd try it out and see why it's so popular in Asia. Heck, it was free. Now, here I am 100 days later, way past the point of playing for free. lol. I've gotten at least 1 IRL friend hooked on it, too. So, I did my part to spread the word. Talked to a coworker about it, and he tried it, but it just wasn't his type of game.

So we started playing on the same day and you're 124 ranks ahead of me. Way to make me feel incompetent!

I wish I had discovered PAD from this thread. I would have known not to keep a Dark Golem and Flame Guardian as my pulls.
So we started playing on the same day and you're 124 ranks ahead of me. Way to make me feel incompetent!

I wish I had discovered PAD from this thread. I would have known not to keep a Dark Golem and Flame Guardian as my pulls.
lol. I spent a ton of stones on stamina refills to accelerate my progress. So don't feel bad.
Indra will be a highly sought after monster once we get its ultimate evolution which will supposedly have a leader skill that gives 2x HP and 2x RCV to Dragons and Gods, both very powerful creature types. It's basically a Noel Dragon on steroids. I'd definitely keep it. And I'm assuming it already came out at Lvl.30 due to the Light event, so even better! Congrats!
Haha that's good to hear, my 2nd pull is a machine golem to match. Wish Indra didn't cost 20 to use, I'm actually having trouble building my team with the guys I have right now


I'm having a hard time getting through the Gung Ho Collab dungeon on Expert. I keep dying on the last boss.

Basically, there are two bosses - one who hits for about 2500 every 2 turns and the other who hits for 1300 every turn. The problem is when you kill one, the other one gets 3x ATK for 999 turns and it keeps wiping me out. We've got a blue boss and a black one so resists are hard to come by.

Sucks because I got the ECO Salamander Alma monster and then lost it when I died at the boss. Good opportunity to stock up on Technique units though;D

Taking my Chiyome / Chiyome team in now. We'll see how it works.

edit: NOPE. Died at the bosses. Needed more RCV or higher ATK to kill them faster. Guess I'll make a boring ass resist heal build that takes about 3 hours to clear the dungeon. :/


Neo Member
[US] PDX 11 Apr Update:: Build Suggestion Feature

You can now submit your favorite build for different dungeons!

You can post any build you want such as first-clear, stalling or farming builds.
Each build should include 1-6 party members, Hp requirement, stones needed and timecost. Please help the community and the newcommer!

User build submissions are manually looked at and approved. This process may take a couple of days.
We want to limit the amount of duplicate, similar and troll builds available to players.

Please do your best to enter an appropriate team.
All builds that do not contain all of the information required will be deleted immediately.

Example: http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/mission.asp?m=252

Disclaimer: Stones and estimated times are still based on monster level, monster skill level, individual player skill, initial orb spawn and luck.
Due to these factors, down votes have been disabled for the original poster.

- UTC+2, Eastern European and Africa Time is added.

If you would like to help update the metal dragon schedule for a day where Kelvin and Quang are busy, please pm me.



I discovered PAD via this thread. Figured I'd try it out and see why it's so popular in Asia. Heck, it was free. Now, here I am 100 days later, way past the point of playing for free. lol. I've gotten at least 1 IRL friend hooked on it, too. So, I did my part to spread the word. Talked to a coworker about it, and he tried it, but it just wasn't his type of game.

Wow! Seems like quite a few of us found the game at the same time. I hit 100 days today too. *DOUBLE INTERNET HIGH FIVE*! Just did 8 runs of the dragon plant dungeon and actually did quite well. Cleared out the backlog of small jewel dragons I had in sapphire and emerald. Now I'll hopefully be able to stockpile a bunch more to last me till next Thursday.


Got my 10 stones for 100 days today. It doesn't seem like I've been playing for over three months. I've got 20 saved up for the next event, so I'm excited for that.

Wow! Seems like quite a few of us found the game at the same time. I hit 100 days today too. *DOUBLE INTERNET HIGH FIVE*! Just did 8 runs of the dragon plant dungeon and actually did quite well. Cleared out the backlog of small jewel dragons I had in sapphire and emerald. Now I'll hopefully be able to stockpile a bunch more to last me till next Thursday.

Count me in the 100 day group, just got mine this morning. Have 18 stones atm with a couple easy ones to grab from the legendary dragon dungeon and normal dungeon progression. I'll be hitting 100 on my iPad in a couple days. Bring on the next God fest!!

Love the game, glad so many of us have hung around for so long. Now back to wasting my stamina on non 2x dragon plant farming. >.<


Still 13 days till my 100. Progress feels so horribly slow after last week. I don't really want to spend stones farming Plants on regular droprate either. But 13 plants with 95 Stamina is not going to do much for me.
I'm having a hard time getting through the Gung Ho Collab dungeon on Expert. I keep dying on the last boss.

Basically, there are two bosses - one who hits for about 2500 every 2 turns and the other who hits for 1300 every turn. The problem is when you kill one, the other one gets 3x ATK for 999 turns and it keeps wiping me out. We've got a blue boss and a black one so resists are hard to come by.

Sucks because I got the ECO Salamander Alma monster and then lost it when I died at the boss. Good opportunity to stock up on Technique units though;D

Taking my Chiyome / Chiyome team in now. We'll see how it works.

edit: NOPE. Died at the bosses. Needed more RCV or higher ATK to kill them faster. Guess I'll make a boring ass resist heal build that takes about 3 hours to clear the dungeon. :/
I just Valkyrie my way through that dungeon, lol

Alma is a semi-common drop even on expert so don't worry that you died.


Metal Dragons (15 Stamina) 4/11/2013 PDT

Check your 3rd digit on the left of your ID as it classifies which group you belong to(A: 0,5) (B: 1,6) (C:2,7) (D:3,8) (E:4,9)

A: 10:00 15:00 20:00
B: 11:00 16:00 21:00
C: 12:00 17:00 22:00
D: 8:00 13:00 18:00
E: 9:00 14:00 19:00

I hit 100 days today also.


GungHo announced Puzzle & Dragons Z for 3DS/Wii U.

I wonder if we'll get a translated version of that here... Considering GungHo's USA offices are putting out weird PS1 games on PSN untranslated, maybe we have a shot?

I also wonder how it'll work out. It can't really be F2P on the 3DS...


So we started playing on the same day and you're 124 ranks ahead of me. Way to make me feel incompetent!

I wish I had discovered PAD from this thread. I would have known not to keep a Dark Golem and Flame Guardian as my pulls.

lol, I was about to say, I saw George post recently with like, rank 200+.. here I am 80 days in and rank 92. Either I suck or he is amazing :p.

Is this real life?!


A thought: Since they seem to be adding new ultimate Evos for monsters in the more recent updates, do you think we will ever see an Ultimate Evo of something like Titan or Siren that upgrades their leader ability to match the god version? I.E: Ultimate Titan with Viper's Resolve (50% instead of 80%) and Siren with Ammy's auto-heal (5x RCV instead of 3x RCV).

I ask just because I was talking to my friend with an Ammy and I was saying how no matter how much I pumped my Siren full of +RCV eggs it would never heal as much as an Ammy due to the god complex.

What do you guys think?


A thought: Since they seem to be adding new ultimate Evos for monsters in the more recent updates, do you think we will ever see an Ultimate Evo of something like Titan or Siren that upgrades their leader ability to match the god version? I.E: Ultimate Titan with Viper's Resolve (50% instead of 80%) and Siren with Ammy's auto-heal (5x RCV instead of 3x RCV).

I ask just because I was talking to my friend with an Ammy and I was saying how no matter how much I pumped my Siren full of +RCV eggs it would never heal as much as an Ammy due to the god complex.

What do you guys think?

I *highly* doubt it.

People want those gods for a very good reason - they're typically incredibly good at what they do, and that means people are willing to spend stones to get them, which nets GungHo money. They're not running a charity :) If you could farm everything the Gods do (and you can, it's just not as strong!) what would be the point of actually getting Gods?

Also the Ammy thing is very arguable since Ammy is useful in some specialized teams for very specific tasks while a max skilled Siren is good almost all the freakin' time, even if her leader skill is not as powerful as an Ammy's. You have to look at the big picture, and not just their leader skill.

Some Gods are just stupidly powerful, though. Neptune is ridiculously good (very strong poison + dual resists? WTF), while some other gods are just kinda... ordinary or have very, VERY specialized skills (like Vritra - highest damage nuker in the game, but only ever useful in resolve teams). Ammy's skill is shit, for example - much too long recharge for a full heal.
Day 97 here. If the rare machine is giving away a color I like when I hit 100 I might go ahead and pull twice, otherwise I'll just hold the stones.

I did 6 plant runs last night and had 11 drop. I had runs with 3 and 4 plants so I was pretty excited. I did another 4 this morning and had only 5 drop, so while the rate is acceptable I guess I shouldn't hope to average 2 per run. I still have a few pendgras to evolve then it is time to stockpile. I'll probably use 2 stones, maybe more depending on how my luck is going.


Ugh, attempted Legend Fire Whiskey with my fire team. Everything was going great until I hit 50% on the dragon, then he started using blaze ball every turn and I died around 40%. 14k/turn is rough to heal through. In hindsight I should've brought Flare Drall over Echidna. With the Drall I can heal more when I need to, and at the same time make use of Titan's skill because at the end I couldn't afford to use Titan or Ares' skills because I needed the hearts. I think I might also use NoelxNoel instead of NoelxAres, but I'm afraid that might cause me to wipe to the demons.


A simple stat I wish they would tally is how much damage you produce in a given round. Sometimes I will pull off a stunning combo/overkill and I always wonder just how much damage it was.


Ugh, attempted Legend Fire Whiskey with my fire team. Everything was going great until I hit 50% on the dragon, then he started using blaze ball every turn and I died around 40%. 14k/turn is rough to heal through. In hindsight I should've brought Flare Drall over Echidna. With the Drall I can heal more when I need to, and at the same time make use of Titan's skill because at the end I couldn't afford to use Titan or Ares' skills because I needed the hearts. I think I might also use NoelxNoel instead of NoelxAres, but I'm afraid that might cause me to wipe to the demons.

Fire Noel/Fire Noel is extremely safe against demons since no demon in the dungeon binds fire. (Fire binds water and water binds wood) You do need to watch out for the mini dragons because they can bind your noels. You'll probably need to used Enchilada if they bind both.

I used a

Fire Noel
Evolved Fire Golem

partner Fire Noel

and was able to win.

The only problem is that it takes forever.


I just Valkyrie my way through that dungeon, lol

Alma is a semi-common drop even on expert so don't worry that you died.

Just ran through again. Got the Blue Drop dood down to about 10% when he binded my Neptune and finished me off.

I almost have him! :3

Awesome heads up about the 3DS version! Man, I wonder if they can pull it off...
so JP and KR both getting an event for 12m downloads. From FB :

[KR] Looks like KR is getting similar event as JP:

- 1 magic stone for 10 days
- JP/Egyptian god fest
- 5x +egg drop rate in technical
- 2x king and super metal
- 2x drop rate for weekday dungeons
- 2x skill-up
- PAL event

dayum at that '5x +egg' drop rate. Chances we get an event : <0%?
Just spent some of my blue pendgras and evo'd a King Siegfried. At this point, my blue team looks like this:

Fortune Deity Lakshmi (34)
Crystal Aurora Dragon (51)
Fenrir Knight Kamui (32)
King Siegfried (1)
Siren the Enchanter (48)

Obviously everything there needs leveling. I have 7 more pendgras I can use immediately plus a good number of blue dragons I can use after farming plants and pendgras. What should I improve first? I am thinking Lakshmi as that will also make her a better friend to anyone who uses her when I have her up.

Also, is there a better monster I can put in place of CAD? I am thinking the blue whiskey dragon when it comes out may be a good option.

EDIT: These are my other blue options
Sea Deity Abyss Neptune 48
Nirai Kanai 20
Viper Orochi 9 (i have kept it low because of resolve but I use other creatures for that so I could max out...)
Undine 14 (from what I understand, she sucks - just putting her here for completeness)
Megalodran 14
second StE 38
Midgard 16


Chances we get an event : <0%?

I actually think we might get it although it would be pretty late for them to announce it considering it would start tomorrow. The godfest they're running is one I think I'd pass on anyway so I'd be cool without it.

My dragon plant tally so far today. 19 Runs, 29 dragon plants. I'm getting a suspiciously high occurence of solo dragon fruit. Received 10 so far. This is with a majority of the final level dropping NOTHING. If this were two times drop rate I'd be somewhere nearer to 40 I'd imagine. 8 more runs later this evening and I'll be quite happy with what I picked up in that department.
Word on the street (of the Internet or something) says that US will also be getting some sort of event for 12mil, to be announced later today.

Just spent some of my blue pendgras and evo'd a King Siegfried. At this point, my blue team looks like this:

Fortune Deity Lakshmi (34)
Crystal Aurora Dragon (51)
Fenrir Knight Kamui (32)
King Siegfried (1)
Siren the Enchanter (48)

Obviously everything there needs leveling. I have 7 more pendgras I can use immediately plus a good number of blue dragons I can use after farming plants and pendgras. What should I improve first? I am thinking Lakshmi as that will also make her a better friend to anyone who uses her when I have her up.

Also, is there a better monster I can put in place of CAD? I am thinking the blue whiskey dragon when it comes out may be a good option.

EDIT: These are my other blue options
Sea Deity Abyss Neptune 48
Nirai Kanai 20
Viper Orochi 9 (i have kept it low because of resolve but I use other creatures for that so I could max out...)
Undine 14 (from what I understand, she sucks - just putting her here for completeness)
Megalodran 14
second StE 38
Midgard 16
That slot you are free to use pretty much anything. I'd go with the Neptune since I assume he has the highest stat total out of everything you have currently.


Word on the street (of the Internet or something) says that US will also be getting some sort of event for 12mil, to be announced later today.

That slot you are free to use pretty much anything. I'd go with the Neptune since I assume he has the highest stat total out of everything you have currently.

Hmmm.... interesting. I wonder if they'll start considering PAD global when it comes to the milestones like this. During our "spring break event" we had wasn't there the same event going on for the japanese side but for 11 million downloads?

I second the vote for Neptune. Viper Orochi isn't a bad sub to have either. Once you get your team members levels high enough you could probably consider losing the Siren because of the increased RCV from your Lakshmi leader.


Hope it's something to do with Gacha pulls. I have 20 stones I'm sitting on right now.

Same here, I've got 15 and definitely need some better monsters. Maybe I should have pulled during the last event after all...
I'd love an Apollo, Valkyrie or Fuma Kotaro which is why I'm contemplating pulling right now :/
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