Looking for some direction or advice. I don't play enough to keep up with the meta but I really do enjoy this game. I'm stuck on a few things right now, I'm having trouble clearing the Alt. Coin dungeons, and deciding what teams to main.
My understanding is that at my level (340) the coin Alt.s are the most efficient use of stamina. I am unable to get past the last 2 or 3 levels of each of the current set, so I'm just wasting coins and stamina at this point.
I'm really short on plus eggs based on the the time I've been playing. I have 2 297's, a few 50's and a bunch of 15 + egg monsters. I think this is part of my problem with the Alt dungeons, I have 1 297 on the team and maybe a friend. Should I just go by stones and stone the hell out of 5x Mech Dragons, and Starry Vault?
The other problem I have is team, or team focus.
HyperMax Pandora - Persephone, D/W Vamp, Hanzo, Haku - all max skill and max level or close, I don't have D.Meta so I'm missing the spike.
Athena Max Skill, Level +108 - I have lots of subs for her, many max skilled, missing Izanagi for 2x damage.
Those 2 teams plus a few versions of Bastet teams and Kirin teams are my staple.
The teams I'm working now are Andromeda, Urd, Verdandi, and I have Awoken Ceres, Awoken Hades, and Awoken Minerva I don't really know what to do with at this point. All three of them I had multiples of so I have one of each ultimate plus awoken.
I seem to be about 6 months behind, everyone is all nuts over Verdandi and by the time I pull one, and start getting mine skilled and plussed they are on to D.Kali, or whatever the next thing will be. I don't really mind being behind, and I'd like to keep my spending level where it is, splurge once every 6 months and play off the leftovers and handouts.
What should I focus on? I'm assuming that Verdandi and Urd will still be relevant 6 months from now? Is it worth putting effort into them? Should I spend some money and catch up a bit?