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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls


Ugh, I'm so bad I died to the berry dragon. What a downer. It felt like the board would just not cooperate with me that entire time.


At your rank, I think you should be able to finish the coin dungeons outside a few random failures. Do you have a PADherder or box pics? Maybe we can help build something. It might be a matter of underlevelled subs, though.

My PADherder that took a minute, over 100 levels since I had updated it. I may have missed a few descended bosses, and didn't add my mats either. I have 2/3 of the descended bosses, very few of them are leveled. Thanks for the help.


Messing around with PAD W on the Japanese version. I kind of can see why it didn't come over. Not only is it super Japanese heavy and would require a ton of localization time, it's not all that interesting. The bigger board, objective based gameplay and skill orbs don't really add all that much fun to the puzzle solving. It's super cute and I love the free stones, but I don't really see anything that would make it worth putting a ton of time into outside of those free stones. The fact that the slot machine doesn't even have a stone options I think says a lot about what GungHo Japan thinks of that mode.


Messing around with PAD W on the Japanese version. I kind of can see why it didn't come over. Not only is it super Japanese heavy and would require a ton of localization time, it's not all that interesting. The bigger board, objective based gameplay and skill orbs don't really add all that much fun to the puzzle solving. It's super cute and I love the free stones, but I don't really see anything that would make it worth putting a ton of time into outside of those free stones. The fact that the slot machine doesn't even have a stone options I think says a lot about what GungHo Japan thinks of that mode.

I was debating if I should play it for the free stones. Might give it a try later.


I feel so behind the tumes with my LTron healer team and XQ rainbow team. I did a poor job so far for my Beelz team. :(


Just evo'd my Verdandi and got TPA...


Got a blue present dragon from my gift. Do I use it to boost my Verdandi's level or save it for a water element leader down the road... Decisions, decisions.


Will this team be as over powered as I think when I get everything max leveled and skilled up (and evo goku)?


Might swap Sonia gran for Yamato or kali one day.


I was debating if I should play it for the free stones. Might give it a try later.

It's probably worth it just for the stones. At its core, you're still just playing PAD so it's still fun. You can also really easily chain heart refreshes to clear level after level. It's not overly difficult. Today, I cleared out almost half the levels. I only died once, and most of that was my own stupidity. The only levels I've had trouble with are the ones that require you to match 8+ of one color for your attack objective. It can be kind of hard to manage the board with those, but still not that bad.


I have been saving pluses and need advice on what to use them on and what teams to build. I have the following:

1. Roniax2, Lu Bu, Haku, utility This is what I use the most right now. I can make ultimate Beel but haven't yet.

I recently picked up an Urd, Red Valkyrie, and Shiva. I also have 3 Hino Kagutsuchi and a Cao Cao. So I can make something like

2. Shiva, Urd/Kagu(more than 1?)/Red Valk/Cao Cao

3. Kirin or L. Kali or U&Y I already have some pluses on Kirin, but she doesn't seem that great anymore.

I also have the following 2 I can eventually awaken
4. Bastet Do you need Liu Bei? I don't have one. I have Susano, Gronia, Meimei,Sasuke,Marine Rider,Perseus for green monsters

5. Horus

Other notable gods:Sun quanx2, Orochi,Karin,Hermes,Gabriel, Amaterasu, Dark Meta, Hades, Neptunex2, Yomi, Indra, Raphael, Belial, Apollox2, Amon


1 million exp difference between on-color and off-color feeds. I'd save it.

Yeah it is quite a bit. :( I do have an Orochi (who I managed to skill up twice with Ancient Blue Masks I got from the super-PAL machine!) that I could use it on once evo'd. Are delays still usable on late game teams? I don't really see them in anyone's teams.

Also, does anyone know of a good list of farmable subs?


Man, after using crazy end game teams for so long in NA, it's crazy to be scrub level over in my Japanese account. I've almost have 30 stones now, so I'm starting to consider what Godfests I should be shooting for. Currently thinking anything that isn't Angels, Demons or Indian 2. Egyptian 2 gods don't really fit with my play style, so I'll probably skip them as well. Egyptian 1, Heroes, Chinese and 3K are probably my top ones.


My PADherder that took a minute, over 100 levels since I had updated it. I may have missed a few descended bosses, and didn't add my mats either. I have 2/3 of the descended bosses, very few of them are leveled. Thanks for the help.

That's a nice box. How are you having trouble again? I sent you a friend invite. BFF plz, haha.

Most Alt coin dungeons have two boss floors, so generally you want two bursts at the end. Going to cover setups for the no-dupes since those are more common. The others are similar difficulty, although they can give you bad luck starts like multiple high defense mobs on first floor.

Valk/Wukong/Genbu/Verche/Thor/friend Athena. Valk/Wukong and Genbu/Verche for bosses, Thor and Athena as extra insurance. Use Valk and/or Verche early to keep light orbs flowing, make sure they're up for the final floors. TPA everything, might need multiple matches for high defense mobs. Ping down piis if you see them, you can't crack their armor.

Shiva/Red Valk/Freyr/Kagutsuchi/Chiyome(until max skill Minerva)/friend Urd. Same style as above, but you have armor breaks if necessary. Red Valk/Urd and Kagu/Chiyome bursts, Freyr for boost. I use this one a lot, although I prefer to lead with Wangren for the extra ATK.

Haven't tried this, but Blue Valk/Andromeda/Hatsume/I&I/Sun Quan/friend Skuld should also be effective.

You have many different teams waiting for exp and skill ups. Maybe back away from the REM and start working on some key members. Awoken Lakshmi, Andromeda, and Sarasvati leads are good focus for blue. Red can go towards Urd, Goemon or Awoken Shiva if you like his combo direction. Green is missing poster boy Liu Bei, but Ceres can still tough out many hard dungeons, including no RCV. Verdandi paired with Astaroth is always a solid combo to have available. Wukong has two best subs there with Apocalypse and Superman, not to mention DQ. Sadly no Venus. Your darks/devils are also in a good place. Pandora isn't quite the lead she was, but still very strong and an excellent sub. Hades and Beelzebub(with Ronia) are great leads to have, and D/L Batman is a very good sub to consider.

I have been saving pluses and need advice on what to use them on and what teams to build. I have the following:

1. Roniax2, Lu Bu, Haku, utility This is what I use the most right now. I can make ultimate Beel but haven't yet.

I recently picked up an Urd, Red Valkyrie, and Shiva. I also have 3 Hino Kagutsuchi and a Cao Cao. So I can make something like

2. Shiva, Urd/Kagu(more than 1?)/Red Valk/Cao Cao

3. Kirin or L. Kali or U&Y I already have some pluses on Kirin, but she doesn't seem that great anymore.

I also have the following 2 I can eventually awaken
4. Bastet Do you need Liu Bei? I don't have one. I have Susano, Gronia, Meimei,Sasuke,Marine Rider,Perseus for green monsters

5. Horus

Other notable gods:Sun quanx2, Orochi,Karin,Hermes,Gabriel, Amaterasu, Dark Meta, Hades, Neptunex2, Yomi, Indra, Raphael, Belial, Apollox2, Amon

With the cards you listed, it certainly seems like red is the way to go. If you can make 6 combos consistently, an Awoken Shiva team like you listed will tear things up fine. Urd might be the best general plus egg target, for being both a lead and a sub. Note that the full power of TPA subs like Kagutsuchi and Cao Cao really needs ATK eggs.

Cosmo, you on deck for OT4 - How did we get this far? Or maybe "I rolled all the things, how do I make team?" Heh.


Dang, for some reason I had 10,000 posts as the cutoff in my head. Shows how much I frequent other parts of GAF. Checked the old threads, now I feel dumb, heh. Carry on then.


Dang, for some reason I had 10,000 posts as the cutoff in my head. Shows how much I frequent other parts of GAF. Checked the old threads, now I feel dumb, heh. Carry on then.

I still like the title suggestions. "how did we get this far " especially.
What's the next REM sub group due for ultimate evos? Is it the wizards? I have several of them and I'd love to see them get stat boosts and additional awakening.

Laila in particular has a lot of potential for me. Even though they recently announced a skill up monster for her, I'm thinking of using piis on her. She ticks all the right boxes for fire teams: attacker, row enhance, TPA, skill bind resist, and high RCV. Perfect for my Krishna team.


Poring Tower. Soon. It has to be, right? God damn. Please. Gotta be just 'round the corner.

I should try and make a point of fishing up a Gigas.


What's the next REM sub group due for ultimate evos? Is it the wizards? I have several of them and I'd love to see them get stat boosts and additional awakening.

Laila in particular has a lot of potential for me. Even though they recently announced a skill up monster for her, I'm thinking of using piis on her. She ticks all the right boxes for fire teams: attacker, row enhance, TPA, skill bind resist, and high RCV. Perfect for my Krishna team.

I got 4 monsters from the wizard series during pcgf. Laila was one of them, I should replace Minerva with her on my awoken Shiva team. That would make it 9 total TPAs.

The Chester cards seem to be completely situational.


God I'm so sick of Tower of Giants lol. Can't wait to get the hell out of this awful place.

At least I'm getting plenty of dragon plants for pengdras later.

Edit: Oh god another Gold Keeper. I bet later I'd be super excited but right now they are a burden!


That's a nice box. How are you having trouble again? I sent you a friend invite. BFF plz, haha.

Very helpful thank you, accepted the friend request, we'll see about bff. :)

The main problem is I'm terrible at this game. Street Fighter is the same way, I suck but I'm fascinated and love the game play and art work. I've also been very lazy. I over use the team lists on PADX and PadGuide. I need to take the time and do the math on a few of my teams, so I have a better idea about what to expect. I do a lot of trial and error, rather than putting in time to know if it's even possible for me to beat the dungeon. I guess one example of this is that after running Pandora daily for 6 months I just learned about the bind clear ability, I can't imagine how many times that would have saved me.

I'd like a few of the Devil Challenge dungeons, and I might do OK with a Ceres team, but I haven't tried one yet.

Another problem I've had is that at 860 days the first 500 of which my best lead was Valk, and without Venus there were very few descended I could do. I had most of the subs but they sat around as I blundered though with a fire team and a healer team, running Ocean of Heaven over and over and over.

I've a few really good GF's in the last year and pulled all the Chinese Gods, and my Hero leaders. Odin, DQXQ, UY, 3 Sonias all came in the last 6 months. So I didn't focus on anything because I was getting 2 or 3 new leads each time I pulled in a GF.

For now if I understand maximize complementary TPA monsters to get though alts and work on Ronias and Beelz for the hard stuff. As far as best friend goes, I'm going to work on a few of the TPA teams and see what I end up using, right now it's 24x7 Pandora and Athena with some Kirin and Bastet doing descended duty, not sure what it will look like in a few weeks. BTW, I have a max skilled chibi Liu Bei will that work for Ceres?


What's the next REM sub group due for ultimate evos? Is it the wizards? I have several of them and I'd love to see them get stat boosts and additional awakening.

Laila in particular has a lot of potential for me. Even though they recently announced a skill up monster for her, I'm thinking of using piis on her. She ticks all the right boxes for fire teams: attacker, row enhance, TPA, skill bind resist, and high RCV. Perfect for my Krishna team.

Fruit Dragons, Pad Z, Fairy Tale, and even Swordmans came out before Wizards. I think they would get theirs first, but gungho has jumped/skipped pantheons before.


God I'm so sick of Tower of Giants lol. Can't wait to get the hell out of this awful place.

At least I'm getting plenty of dragon plants for pengdras later.

Edit: Oh god another Gold Keeper. I bet later I'd be super excited but right now they are a burden!
I've never run mythical Tuesday and I still have more gold keepers than I know what to do with.
I got 4 monsters from the wizard series during pcgf. Laila was one of them, I should replace Minerva with her on my awoken Shiva team. That would make it 9 total TPAs.

The Chester cards seem to be completely situational.
Chester is a great fit for an Okuninushi team. Without Pandora, its not easy to build a cohesive skill bind immune team. So with chester I just slot him in, and can use whatever I want on the other three spots.

Fruit Dragons, Pad Z, Fairy Tale, and even Swordmans came out before Wizards. I think they would get theirs first, but gungho has jumped/skipped pantheons before.
Oh damn, maybe I shouldn't hold my breath. But I'd love to see all of those groups get ults to be honest. I feel like they haven't been keeping up with the subs as well as with the gods.


God I'm so sick of Tower of Giants lol. Can't wait to get the hell out of this awful place.

At least I'm getting plenty of dragon plants for pengdras later.

Edit: Oh god another Gold Keeper. I bet later I'd be super excited but right now they are a burden!
R u farming ranks?
Looking at ur box
I think u can easily handle lava tube for better xp



jeff says "there's no way you can make a modern equivalent to 'pong" .

which is amazing because windjammers(and lethal league to a lesser extent) is exactly just that.

2 players, people bouncing and repelling things back to each other with super tight controls and deceptively deep mechanics.

lo and behold, he loves those two game so much.


Picked up the last few HP plus eggs I needed and finished off Trunks. That's now 3 members of my standard Vegito team (Vegito, Vegeta, and Trunks) who are hyper. Still going to take awhile to do Liu Bei as I just started on him and he's only at about 50 plus eggs...

2639 attack with 2 TPAs make for a strong attack. Too bad his RCV is at 0 with no plus eggs. At least he gets a RCV boost on my Vegito team.

Also reached 198 stamina so I can run two 99 stamina dungeons consecutively, yay!

Cleared Thoth/Sopdet on my iPad again and picked up the bubpy. My Pandora team went through without too many problems.

Still need to try Vulcan. Was going to try my Skuld team with a friend Awoken Lakshimi, but my subs (U&Y, BValk) don't work well with her as they get rid of hearts...
Maybe I should try an Andromeda team...


R u farming ranks?
Looking at ur box
I think u can easily handle lava tube for better xp

Oh jeez, this is way faster. Now I feel dumb. Thanks!

Edit: Cleared the normal collab stages for the stone. Most of these seem useless, can I just sell these monsters?


Oh jeez, this is way faster. Now I feel dumb. Thanks!

Edit: Cleared the normal collab stages for the stone. Most of these seem useless, can I just sell these monsters?

Yeah. You can feed them for some exp as well. Other than the Descended dungeons, the collab/bi-weekly dragons/survey dungeons are pretty much for the skill-ups. You use the mobs dropped in those dungeon to skill up certain REM cards.


Finally got my Lemon Dragon today. With that, I have at least one of each fruit dragon. Now, if only I had a team any of them were useful on.


I'd like a few of the Devil Challenge dungeons, and I might do OK with a Ceres team, but I haven't tried one yet.

BTW, I have a max skilled chibi Liu Bei will that work for Ceres?

No problem. I'm fairly bad at this game myself, always struggle with combo shields. And I like to just go with the feel of it instead of doing the math most of the time. Bad combination, heh. I try to watch a lot of videos from other players to understand how certain teams work and what their play style looks like.

liu bei is almost never a good substitute for the real thing. You have lots of other great green orb makers that you should use over him.

Ceres can absolutely wreck Mephisto and Beelzebub in the Devil Challenge. Ceres/Genbu/Michael/Green Odin/Woodsie/Ceres. Would prefer Freyja over Woodsie, but she needs Awakenings. Basically grind down anything that's light or dark, use Genbu->Michael for rows on a board of green/heart and Woodsie/Freyja to boost when enemies change colors or enter dangerous HP zones. For Mephisto, watch CDD when he goes green, kill him before. Everything else you can autoheal and use Ceres actives until you're ready to burst again. On Beelzebub, Belial will take all skills to burst down in time. Recharge on Beelzebub while clearing poison and healing. Would not try to burst him right away, wait till he's blue or at least near 50%.

Don't know if you did it yet, but Corpse Wyrm is an even bigger joke now with subtypes included. Minerva/Kagutsuchi/Uriel/Ronia/.../Minerva works fine. Grimoires are a bit difficult without skill lock resist, especially with Undine/Michael floors. Maybe Andromeda/Hatsume/Seiryuu/Sun Quan/Blue Valk/Andromeda for 80% resist or lower damage with Ruka over Valk for 100%. Sun Quan and a big enough burst will take Michael.

Athena or Bastet teams can destroy Satan without issue, take strong cards with low cooldowns and a bit of burst for final stage.

Finally got my Lemon Dragon today. With that, I have at least one of each fruit dragon. Now, if only I had a team any of them were useful on.

Might as well have them all so you can skill max them through Hello Kitty next week. They aren't terrible subs at full cooldown and there are a few teams that can make use of heart makers now.


Today was a good day progress wise. Ran ruby dragons to evo my Wangren and then my Hino.

Managed to beat a bunch of dungeons for the first time with this team, switching out Echidna for a lv.58 R/B Shiva for some of them.

Endless Corridors
Paradise of the Holy Beasts
Grimoires Mythical, once in Devil challenge, once in the regular dungeon

I got really close on Mephistopheles, but my first burst put him at a hair over 40% and he bound my Urds for 3 turns which killed me.

It's nice having 4 good bursts. Ronia,Urd/Hino,Urd,Urd. Really helps when trying to get through multiple bosses in descends. It's also nice to be able to clear KotG without stalling for Flamie, though I usually have to take 2 turns to kill Zeus. I think I need to level Cao Cao in place of Echidna/Shiva for the extra damage and healing when paired with an Urd active. D/G Cao Cao will be amazing.

Once I UEvo my second Hino, I might put it in place of Ronia.

On Friday I managed to gather enough green dub-lits to evo my 3 Liu Bei and my WIP GZL team is starting to come together. I was hoping for a Verdandi in the PCGF, but my last Norn remains elusive.

Need to max level all of them plus my Kushi. The HP is too low atm for tough stuff, but I do enjoy steamrolling the skydragons.


My ID is in my padherder if anyone wants to add me. My main Urd is 2 skill levels shy of hypermax, but that will be fixed this Thursday.


Yeah. You can feed them for some exp as well. Other than the Descended dungeons, the collab/bi-weekly dragons/survey dungeons are pretty much for the skill-ups. You use the mobs dropped in those dungeon to skill up certain REM cards.

Thanks for the info!

I ended up getting the Blueberry dragon. Seem pretty cool and thinking about Evoing it.

It looks like I can build a Skuld team in the future. I have Skuld, 2 U&Y, Blueberry Dragon, Chrono Turtle. Seems like it could be good! 163 cost though orz

Or 118 cost if I run a gimped pre-evo version!

Edit: Looks like the Hello Kitty collab is totally worth grinding out to max skill the berry dragon. Also it looks like that invade monster would go really good with the Skuld team!

Double edit: Oh my! A devil sub for the Ronia team! I'm totally grinding this thing to hell.
Thanks for the info!

I ended up getting the Blueberry dragon. Seem pretty cool and thinking about Evoing it.

It looks like I can build a Skuld team in the future. I have Skuld, 2 U&Y, Blueberry Dragon, Chrono Turtle. Seems like it could be good! 163 cost though orz

Or 118 cost if I run a gimped pre-evo version!

That's pretty cool. I think Paulina would be right at home on that team with all those orb enhance awakens already in play. Maybe look into something to break all those hearts or wood orbs you'll be making into blue.



With hypermax Urd friend.

Managed to eke out a win against Mephisto just now. Lost several times due to the god bind. I initially went with Echidna, for the bind on the earlier floors, then Shiva for the extra rows, hoping to knock Mephisto into the 40% range to skip the bind, but I couldn't quite get there especially when dealing with being blinded. Rozuel was key for the bind clear, extra healing and the HP boost.

3 Urd actives provide awesome amounts of healing + damage in no rcv dungeons. I didn't actually use my Hino active at all since I always needed the heals from my Urd actives. Should have just used it on its own on an earlier floor.


holy balls awoken lakshmi is STRONK and i dont even have the right subs yet (looking at you andromeda) so well

GAF who did you choose as your bff?? i went with howie :) <3 that awoken lak and the amount of 297 you have is beyond awesome :) <3 <3


Thanks! You can always tag me here or ingame and I'll try to help you out.

I feel pretty far behind on 297s compared to others. I ignored them for too long before shifting focus.

I haven't spent my BFF yet, but I think I've decided who's getting it. Wanted a set of consistent farming leads during Group D times and one of my high rank friends runs what I need.
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