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Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls

Base it off the teams that you are using. I have a bunch of Ronia friends still because I have Beelz. I used to have a lot of friends that used Blue Sonia but as I moved away from that I added Urd and verd friends.

On another note I am hating light sprite at the moment. Looking for dqxq skills and not a single one has dropped. Spent about 300 stamina already on expert.

I mostly use rainbow color team, and Athena for quick farming, but I feel like I want to try & explore some new teams that I haven't been using in the past (Isis/Blue team & Dark/Pandora team)

I buy more friend space as I have difficulty deleting folks from my list. I may not offer the best advice.

Initially I increased my friends list to over 200 - but still run into issues. I generally clean my list once a week and remove players that haven't played more than 3 days. I have an open door policy though so most come right back if they need one of my hypermax'd leads.

interestingly after doing this for some time I have a list of over 210 people that never go a day without playing - amazing how addictive this game can be.

Can't, already maxed at 300 from a while ago =(


How many Echidna are needed for teams. Is there any reason to have two. I have two EoS, Echidna and I'm thinking feeding one to the other to open Awoken skill. Right idea?
How many Echidna are needed for teams. Is there any reason to have two. I have two EoS, Echidna and I'm thinking feeding one to the other to open Awoken skill. Right idea?
Generally speaking, no. Low cost teams use double Echidna sometimes since the restrictions leave you with fewer good sub options and the extra delay can help with the low HP/RCV.


How do you guys "clean" your friend list?
I've just removed people who haven't played in 40+ days.

But, after that, how do you choose who to delete?

The friend list is somewhat difficult to sort/manage, when you're at the "Friend List" menu, it doesn't show you their 2nd/3rd leader.
And, when you're at Friend Select screen, it doesn't allow you to delete.

Personally don't usually keep anyone past 10 days without login, sometimes as little as three if I need the space and they are a random add.

I cleared out around 50 players recently. I went to the friend select screen and sorted by Played so I could see both leads. I wrote down the name and rank of everyone that wasn't using a compatible lead with what I run now. Did this a couple times during one day. I wrote out a little note to copy&paste listing what leads I was looking for and to respond if they ran or planned to run the same. Sent it to everyone on my compatibility list through the send mail and gave it around a day. It's a bit of a hassle to go through this, but it was the best I could come up with. Kept almost everyone who responded and deleted the rest if they hadn't changed leads.

Sounds harsh, but if I'm not using them, they likely aren't using me, especially if they won't respond to a mail. Doesn't do either of us any good to stay friends. With the BFF system, it's okay to be a bit more picky about leads since you can BFF someone that uses what you always want available. At the very least they can keep up one lead for you in their 2nd team slot.


I'm getting closer to Rank 80 and being able to unlock coin dungeons to farm some subs. The only bad thing is that I only have around 750k coins, which is apparently nothing when it comes to coin dungeons. :(

Is weekend dungeon the best money maker? I think I can do Master, mayyyybe Legend if I put Orochi on my team and stall enough early to get his delay up for one of the last floors, or use a Golem for damage reduction active.


I'm getting closer to Rank 80 and being able to unlock coin dungeons to farm some subs. The only bad thing is that I only have around 750k coins, which is apparently nothing when it comes to coin dungeons. :(

Is weekend dungeon the best money maker? I think I can do Master, mayyyybe Legend if I put Orochi on my team and stall enough early to get his delay up for one of the last floors, or use a Golem for damage reduction active.

Just run a combo lead and it will be cake tricolor too so an anubis it something would make it trivial.
Just run a combo lead and it will be cake tricolor too so an anubis it something would make it trivial.

You don't need a combo leader for tricolor though. Weekday dungeon is piss easy. Just use a Norn. Or you could even use Ronia. Unless you literally haven't the team cost to make even a semi-solid team with them yet, in which case yeah an Anubis could work.


So its like a mix of descend bosses.

I guess i will yolo the Zhou Yu one since it has Zhao Yun I need him to awaken Mei Mei.

Yeah. They seem like a sort of Challenge or Rush style dungeon, but unlike the Challenge dungeons the monsters actually drop. I don't see much use for it unless you need multiple of those descend monsters or can clear everything for the stone. If you want to get Zhou Yu ASAP and can clear it, I see no harm in going at it.


Cross shape of hearts for damage shield. If it is 30%, matching leads would give 51% reduction. And I bet this can be paired with active shields for even less damage. But I wonder how reliable is it to hit cross shape hearts and still make enough other combos for attacking. If it's attack or defend, these are weak. Blue is five orbs with at least one enhanced orb, green is two green combos. Cross shapes take up a lot of space and aren't always super easy to link orbs into.

Red one is 36x Gadius and Awoken Leilan bait.

Also all have haste actives, the orb creation is meh. (Or not? 3 of each type orb, or 6 total created isn't bad.)
It's something people have joked about since the game first came out, only took them three years to finally do it

Not sure how to evaluate their strength. Depends on how strong the shield is.

edit: they actually all have different leader and active skills

AS: Spawn three random fire/light orbs (not sure if it's 3 of each or 3 total...), -1 cd to rest of team
LS: 2xATK when matching Fire and Light. When clearing 5 orbs with at least one enhanced, 3xATK

AS: Spawn three random water/heart orbs, -1 cd to rest of team
LS: When clearing 5 orbs with at least one enhanced, 4.5xATK. When matching 5 heart orbs in a + shape, reduce damage

AS: Spawn three random green/heart orbs, -1 cd to rest of team
LS: 3.5xATK when matching 2 Wood combos. When matching 5 heart orbs in a + shape, reduce damage


A consistent shield you can activate only when you need it is....interesting. I'll need to see these guys in the wild to really judge what they'll do in a full team situation. They could go either way.
I'm really hoping to roll a Gadius. Such a cool leader. Don't know how to build him. Probably something like: Gadius/Urd/Yamato/Ronia/???/Gadius.

Though I really should probably stick with Ra and Verdandi.

So how does Tsubaki work if you match Fire and Light AND get 5 connected orbs with an enhance? x36?


I'm really hoping to roll a Gadius. Such a cool leader. Don't know how to build him. Probably something like: Gadius/Urd/Yamato/Ronia/???/Gadius.

Though I really should probably stick with Ra and Verdandi.

So how does Tsubaki work if you match Fire and Light AND get 5 connected orbs with an enhance? x36?

That's my question as well. She could make a pretty interesting leader if so. Overall, Sumire is probably a more consistent lead but that potential Tsubaki burst could open up some real cool F/L teams.

Kaede seems kind of trash overall. Definitely the least exciting of the 3 new GFEs.
Yeah idk how easy it is to burst damage while matching a heart + formation. I think these cards will be used more as subs than leaders for now. Except maybe Tsubaki if she is x36. Though honestly as far as x36 leaders go I'd probably stick with Gadius, or Kali.


I'd imagine you'd be able to combo the smaller burst with the + fairly easily. The bigger one would be tricky. Use case would probably be using your shield to help stall out a CD and finally end with a big burst.

I honestly don't see too much potential for these guys as subs. Their 3 heart+3 color active is too focused on their own LS. Maybe they could see use on the Awoken Indian leads, but overall I think you have much better sub options than these 3.


More free magic stones. Did I choose a good time to start playing PAD or is it like this often?

Most events give free magic stones, and we have events every other week. It keeps players active, which raises the likelihood they spend real money. PAD Japan gets even more, typically.

Kaede would make a pretty decent A.Parvarti sub. Double prong, double fingers, active to make wood/hearts.

Great Awakenings, but active feels jack of all trades, master of none to me. It gets you a few of both color and heart orbs, but I feel most situations would be better served by an active that gets you a lot of one of those.


Cool. I have 20 stones, I guess I should save them for the next GF.

So yeah, tried taking down Neptune in Ocean of Heaven, all 1 damage, he one shots me. Great.


Next Godfest will be at the end of the next event most likely, so you wouldn't be waiting long. Next Weekend wouldn't be a bad bet.

As for Neptune, he's the first majorly high defense monster you hit. You have a few options. Burst through it (Difficult with the teams you have at the time), poison with someone like Lillith and stall (hard with how much he hits for), or use a defense zero-er. You sadly haven't been around enough for the Droid-dragon gift to come around, so your only real option for the defense negate would be Shiva. I highly recommend getting a Shiva friend and pairing with him. Use his skill and Neptune should be a snap.


Awoken Lakshmi GET! Her team will be something like this.

Also seeing all these sprites dungeons I hope blue sprites will return soon. My Andromedas are waiting.



Neptune's armor is 96k. Any individual card has to hit over that to do damage. Or half that if using green which gets double damage. You can also use armor break to null or reduce his armor, something like Shiva, Minerva, knights, dark or light golems, etc.

Guan Yus, Zhuge Liangs, and Apocalypse are getting kicked out of the Godfest exclusive club. I wonder if they'll be easier to roll now or stupidly rare like the colored Valks. Not surprised, it's already getting near impossible to roll pantheon featured gods during Godfests. Doesn't solve that issue either since they are getting replaced with the new exclusives.

Awoken Lakshmi GET!

For a good time, add 343,149,208. Heh.


Or they can turn some of the older Exclusives into their own regular pantheon. Put the Odins, Metas, and Sonias in a pantheon. Maybe Guan Yus, Zhangs, Dragons and Norns in another. Either that or make half the G-Fest gods (or fewer) appear during a particular day and take the others out.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Feels like they are introducing new GF exclusive every month...kinda nuts.

Sad seeing GZL/Apocalypse being dropped, hope this doesnt kill his chance of them getting an Ult Evo down the line.


GF exclusives definitely need their own Godfest now, there are simply way too many.

You'd have to have the luck of winning the lottery 10 times in a row to get what you want or you would have to become a hyper whale.


Exactly what Gungho wants.

interestingly it has been having the opposite effect on me.

as suggested I've been taking a break from most of my goals and just playing here and there.

This is the third month I've been farming Thursdays for red fruit, and I just haven't bothered today.

call it bad luck or bad drops, the red fruit I do get to drop hasn't made a dent on my second urd or ronia in over six weeks.

given all the new monsters that come months later to the US I've kinda given up caring about chasing the new when I can't complete what i'm working on in a timely fashion.

I will always be confused at how few players critique Gunghos US policy and are quick to snap that I am complaining too much - or that I should simply quit - I think that the addition of more GF exclusives just makes we want to pull fewer times - not more.

(I'm also a bit steamed that GGY is loosing his godfest exclusive status rather than actually fixing or making him a viable godfest drop - its really kinda annoying - oh cool here is this godfest only drop - without a soild build - lets make him part of the regular rem instead of fixing his limitations - kinda lame for anyone who got him in the past and was happy to get an exclusive item)


Most players don't need dozens of teams to enjoy the game, nor do they need to have every new Gods available. Most people have a few teams built over time and are happy with them. If you need to play it like Pokemon and collect and max everything that's fine, just don't assume other people want to play the game like that.

Unlike most free to play games Gungho don't just release newer more powerful Gods. They keep upgrading old ones that fell behind and make them good again. With the 20 or so stones we get every month, that means people can play the game without paying a single dime. So why should we complain when 2 years in Gungho is still giving us new contents?

Also, if a mob is very hard to skill up, just feed it Piis collected from challenge dungeons.


Most players don't need dozens of teams to enjoy the game, nor do they need to have every new Gods available. Most people have a few teams built over time and are happy with them. If you need to play it like Pokemon and collect and max everything that's fine, just don't assume other people want to play the game like that.

Unlike most free to play games Gungho don't just release newer more powerful Gods. They keep upgrading old ones that fell behind and make them good again. With the 20 or so stones we get every month, that means people can play the game without paying a single dime. So why should we complain when 2 years in Gungho is still giving us new contents?

Also, if a mob is very hard to skill up, just feed it Piis collected from challenge dungeons.

I respect what you are saying, but I think you might be responding to something out of context. the previous 4 posts to mine were talking about the proliferation and addition of TOO many godfest exclusives - in fact talking about how they keep announcing new exclusives every month

my post was giving my opinion about how I play the game, certainly.

compared to what Gungho has done for JPN players, US players often ge tthe short end of the stick - regardless if you are playing one team or 12. My point, my perspective - all the recent new releases have actually made me less interested in playing - not more - in fact focusing on a smaller number of teams and playing less.


New GFE leaders are pretty cool. Glad to see new archetypes come in.

I'd like to see leaders that have attack scale with Max HP or RCV. They could be paired with high HP or RCV multiplier leaders to be on par with 4/4 teams or even better when paired with the right subs.

Just run a combo lead and it will be cake tricolor too so an anubis it something would make it trivial.

You don't need a combo leader for tricolor though. Weekday dungeon is piss easy. Just use a Norn. Or you could even use Ronia. Unless you literally haven't the team cost to make even a semi-solid team with them yet, in which case yeah an Anubis could work.

I've only been playing a litte under a month and most of my stones have gone to box space, so my team options are a bit limited. Verdandi is good, but my only real sub is Lemon Dragon and they're nowhere near max level. I don't have any combo leads (unless you were just talking about using a friend Anubis or something).

I know I can dish out about 900000~ damage in 2 turns with double Verdandi actives if I'm lucky. I'm actually less concerned about floor 10, since I can TPA and blow my actives, versus floor 9. With only 15k~ HP they can melt me pretty quick if I don't get enough wood skyfall. :(


New GFE leaders are pretty cool. Glad to see new archetypes come in.

I'd like to see leaders that have attack scale with Max HP or RCV. They could be paired with high HP or RCV multiplier leaders to be on par with 4/4 teams or even better when paired with the right subs.

I've only been playing a litte under a month and most of my stones have gone to box space, so my team options are a bit limited. Verdandi is good, but my only real sub is Lemon Dragon and they're nowhere near max level. I don't have any combo leads (unless you were just talking about using a friend Anubis or something).

I know I can dish out about 900000~ damage in 2 turns with double Verdandi actives if I'm lucky. I'm actually less concerned about floor 10, since I can TPA and blow my actives, versus floor 9. With only 15k~ HP they can melt me pretty quick if I don't get enough wood skyfall. :(

Remember that it is tricolor though and should be able to hit 8 combos or so with minimal effort. You shouldn't really need to blow all of your actives unless you get a poor board which is feasible I guess.
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