Thank you Mad Magazine & DC Comics, You have now guaranteed that I will not be pulling the REM until the DC collab comes out.
Superman should be the strongest.
Hello Kitty, Superman, and Goku team up to defeat SatanSo does that make Puzzle & Dragons the first official Superman/Dragon Ball crossover?
I prefer LTron in general, but I think Zhuge still serves other purposes.Any reason to bother with Light Zhuge as a leader if I get a Light Metatron?
I prefer LTron in general, but I think Zhuge still serves other purposes.
LTron pros:
1) It's easier to stay above 50% health than at full HP, and it'll be even easier with LTron's HP boost.
2) Following the first point, LTron's HP boost multiplies with a friend LTron for an even bigger boost.
3) LTron is bind immune, which is great for a leader. But her active and one of her awakenings also let you unbind other team members. That's a powerful combination. Oh and her active also heals you, which can put you above the 50% threshold even against enemies that attack every turn. Oh and you can skill it up to an amazing 6CD. Oh and double that with another LTron helper!
Zhuge pros
1) He is better for sheer offense. 4x ATK, double TPA, orb enhance and row boost make Zhuge's burst potential much higher than LTron's. Raph > Valk > Zhuge > King Shynee/Sandalphon = GG.
2) Skill bind resist
If I just wanted to power through a dungeon, I'd take Zhuge. You can also compromise by using Zhuge with an LTron helper (which there are plenty more of than Zhuge helpers). You give up a little ATK multplier and a row boost for LTron's versatility. LTron can unbind your Zhuge if he gets bound.
9 runs of star vault.
11 plus eggs. Had two runs with no plus eggs...
Finally got all 5 mech dragons. Ok, which Ultimate Voltron Dragon is worth getting?
Hmmm, should I reverse my Warded Storm God Susano and turn him into the Demon Slayer? Might be kind of interesting running an attacker farm team.
Finally got all 5 mech dragons. Ok, which Ultimate Voltron Dragon is worth getting?
Got one of those blue orbs, very happy. Was scared it would take a few resets to get the blue one to show up but it popped first.
Also, I run a DQXQ team but got Lmeta last godfest. Any good team suggestions there? I like the fact that she can get to a decent multiplier without needing the color restrictions. Can she do the higher descends or should I stick with DQXQ?
(I really like the hp boost she is gonna get)
I have an Idunn too, help.
Is there a more reliable (read: practically surefire) way to get normal Dragon Fruits than the stupid Thursday dungeon? Spending 10 stamina for a 1/3 shot at getting one at the end of a trash dungeon is just such a waste.
Is there a more reliable (read: practically surefire) way to get normal Dragon Fruits than the stupid Thursday dungeon? Spending 10 stamina for a 1/3 shot at getting one at the end of a trash dungeon is just such a waste.
With 1.5 on Tower to the Sky Beautiful Being is a decent place to get them, better exp and a decent chance to get some plus eggs.
Dragon Fruit still not a guaranteed drop so you will probably have to do a few runs.
I wish I can give you some, I had like 50 at one point before feeding some for experience
Not there yet, I'd settle for one at this point, and doubtful since it's "Mythical" difficulty.Can you run Trifruits? I've gotten a lot of dragon fruits there while farming for Ronia skillups.
Well Terra Battle is out now. Time to run the reset marathon in yet another dragonesque
First two pulls are always fixed at B rank; pick up your day 1 login bonus and roll the gacha after the tutorial to try to get an SS, which is purportedly a 5% pull rate. Current meta claims that healer SSes are the most desirable.How rerolling/resetting works?
I know the most sought out cards are SS, the first two guys I got were both B, is that when I quite and try again or is there some free gatcha I have to do.
First two pulls are always fixed at B rank; pick up your day 1 login bonus and roll the gacha after the tutorial to try to get an SS, which is purportedly a 5% pull rate. Current meta claims that healer SSes are the most desirable.
Edit: guess you figured it out on your own.
Not there yet, I'd settle for one at this point, and doubtful since it's "Mythical" difficulty.
Which brings up something else: is there a resource to look at team builds other than PADX? Specifically, for non-IAP players still coming up? You look up a dungeon there, then click on the team build section and become instantly overwhelmed with people's "recommended" teams that happen to be full lineups of fully evolved REM gods, sometimes with multiples. Some of the other resources I've seen posted do a better job at being less REM -centric, but not by much.
For example: I see by the schedule that "Goddess Descended" is coming up, which is the only way outside of REM to get a Valkyrie. Valkyrie's evolved form happens to be the leader lynchpin of a Healer team, which according to what I've read is one of the easier teams to put together for early players, since most of the monsters on it (including Valkyrie) are farmable. So obviously, I'm interested in getting a Valkyrie, since I already have most of the components for a Healer team except her, and even though it's a "Mythical/Legendary" dungeon I'd like to attempt if I can. So, I click on the team build section to see what sort of teams can run "Goddess Descended" and.... Lu Bu. Ronia. Awoken Zeus. Awoken Hera. Haku. Lucifer. And so it goes.
I'm just reading impressions on Something Awful (thread, if they're not behind a paywall currently) from people who played the Canadian version. Afaik since there are no leader skills getting monsters with good skills (like healing) are what to look out for.God that tutorial takes a long time. Is SS healer the only one to shoot for or is there a good resource to look at for leaders? I noticed that GAF doesn't have a thread yet.
Not there yet, I'd settle for one at this point, and doubtful since it's "Mythical" difficulty.
Which brings up something else: is there a resource to look at team builds other than PADX? Specifically, for non-IAP players still coming up? You look up a dungeon there, then click on the team build section and become instantly overwhelmed with people's "recommended" teams that happen to be full lineups of fully evolved REM gods, sometimes with multiples. Some of the other resources I've seen posted do a better job at being less REM -centric, but not by much.
For example: I see by the schedule that "Goddess Descended" is coming up, which is the only way outside of REM to get a Valkyrie. Valkyrie's evolved form happens to be the leader lynchpin of a Healer team, which according to what I've read is one of the easier teams to put together for early players, since most of the monsters on it (including Valkyrie) are farmable. So obviously, I'm interested in getting a Valkyrie, since I already have most of the components for a Healer team except her, and even though it's a "Mythical/Legendary" dungeon I'd like to attempt if I can. So, I click on the team build section to see what sort of teams can run "Goddess Descended" and.... Lu Bu. Ronia. Awoken Zeus. Awoken Hera. Haku. Lucifer. And so it goes.
Which brings up something else: is there a resource to look at team builds other than PADX? Specifically, for non-IAP players still coming up? tries to throw a few bones to non iap players for team builds.
Goddess Descended in general is not an easy dungeon though and was at one point considered the most difficult dungeon in the game. If you have a padherder post your box and we can try to lab out a team for you (or tell you you are not ready).
It's more that the core players' teams have grown over the years along with the game through free REM pulls and Descendeds clears.
For a new player, you may want to look for sources or resources at least a year old to find older builds/strategies to tackle the first tier of Descendeds (Hera, Zeus, Two Heroes, Valkyrie). Everyone was there at some point, but now there are just WAY more options, especially as power creep (Awakenings for all, newer/better Leaders) change up team builds and compositions.
Looking at the team builds on Wikia, I don't have anything close to a team that can tackle the Valkyrie dungeon then.OK Goddess descended is probably the toughest of the "Tier 1" descends. And with the rest of the tier 1 descends becoming standard dungeons it will be slightly easier to get with a non-IAP team.
If I were in your shoes, I would post your current box so that we can see where you are Leader wise to offer suggestions on teams. A surprising amount of VERY effective teams for the normal dungeons are non-IAP. We can also help you trouble shoot using less "popular" REM pulls that are still effective.
Dat triple wielding Ronia...You can post your box by taking screenshots on your phone and uploading the pictures to