George Claw M.D.
Like Ducarmel said, she's not a general farm lead. Too time intensive for easy dungeons. My friend list is still heavily populated with her but I suspect that, like me, she's just put in the primary slot as a permanent helper and to look more enticing to potential friend additions. My regular farm leads are Ronia and Metatron (basically the new Valk team with Valk moved to sub). But even then, pal points don't really accumulate that quickly unless your speed farming yourself.These days I feel like i hardly get any PAL points. I guess Kirin isn't so popular anymore...? I have no idea who to put up as my second as well. Who do people want?? Man, bums me out. I think I was doing better when you could only put up one for your friends.
I think with many players having large friends lists nowadays, It's much rarer to need to reuse a friend. I always try to use unused helpers for the 10 pal points and will only reuse a helper if I exhaust the unused ones.
Another strategy is to put up dungeon specific monsters that are likely to get heavy use. Like I only had 5 Ganeshas on my friend list while farming Super golds so I kept refreshing and was able to use them 3 times each. I'm sure I'm not the only one scrounging for Ganesha/Catwoman helpers during that dungeon.
Edit: I really want my own Ganesha.