My alt rolled a Kanna last GF and I have no idea what to do with her. I used to want her on my main for RaDra, but now I don't know what she's still used for. Is there generally a preferred evo? I'm thinking dark.
My alt runs DAthena coop and Ameno solo mostly if it matters, though it has a pretty developed box. Haven't had the time or interest to keep up with the meta the past 6 months or so.
Also, I've heard that an inheritable leaderswap might break the game. Does it? 'cause it is a thing that seems to be happening.
The big one i can think of
You can enter a dungeon with a 7x6 lead that usually have low attack multiplier
And swap it out for something better
You can also bring ganesha with you into almost any dungeon for extra xp and coins
Unfortunately I blew all my JP stones on the prior godfest, feels bad manHoly shit! Inheritable leader swap! (22 turn cooldown though so planning will be needed)
Info dump
This is probably the REM to hoard stones for. Worst thing you can pull is maybe Kiri? only because the active, while inheritable, goes against her main attribute so you get a triple dragon killer with a sub-par active. Or a dupe Lye? You only really need that active once. Everything else has a real use either as a sub/lead/inherit or an equip. Lasios maybe the weakest overall...?
Either way I'm going to go in deep if/when we get this over here.
That'll be neat, but that 22 turn CD is no joke. If I could play anubisxanubis on a 7x6, I'd probably stop complaining so much. Having it up on turn one would be no joke though. Probably need to be coop and involve Fudgie the whale. It will be interesting to see how it pans out though.
Unfortunately I blew all my JP stones on the prior godfest, feels bad man
If you wanted Anubis on a 7x6 board you'd need 29 turns of SB to be up turn 1, which realistically isn't happening even in coop for any content you'd actually want Anubis's damage on. Whales don't provide anything but SB so I'd only sacrifice 1 sub slot, Oichi is solid, Despharion could see some sub use for the SB too.
Best case is you swap out 4sb Ilmina for the 7x6 board.
In coop you'd need something like:
Ilmina (4)
Anubis (1)
Yamato (3)
Yamato (3)
Whaledor (5)
x2 = 31 sb
so the other coop partner can lose 2 SB and swap whale out for another 3 sb monster or a yamato with almost any relevant red monster. I'm not sure anything would need this but it would be hilarious to see. And since you've overloaded on SB you could inherit damn near anything on the subs. Or you could equip additional SB too to add a bit of flex.
I missed it because I updated my phone. Blessing in disguise apparently. I only have 3 rolls + the freebie to throw at this though. I IAP on my main too much to IAP on alts.
First swap must be initiated from a subOdd question, if you start with a swap leader as a lead and try to use the skill, what happens? Like can I inherit the swap skill on, say, diochan, enter the dungeon, then figure out a way to swap it with anubis; or does it not work that way?
Unfortunately I blew all my JP stones on the prior godfest, feels bad man
This is probably the REM to hoard stones for. Worst thing you can pull is maybe Kiri? only because the active, while inheritable, goes against her main attribute so you get a triple dragon killer with a sub-par active.
I dont understand what you mean by this. She is blue and makes them red. Seems pretty good to me?
Also, rip dream of dragon killer Sumire lol
OK, I'm trying to let go of sucking at this game a bit and I want something to work on. So, back to Ra dragon. Those of you with experience with the chicken, I'd like some advice.
I could run something like:
D. Kali/G.Kali/Something Blue/Something Else. In particular, I was thinking about the pros and cons of trying aten in the "something else" slot. It give up unbindability in exchange for having killers against everything. However, even though it is bindable, it being bound won't lock me out of my leaderskill activation, which seems pretty reasonable.
As for the blue slot, any recommendations? I have an Isis, who I could reincarnate for this team (as the sub attribute doesn't matter too much here). I also have scholarship Isis, who has tpa, but not much else. Are there any unbindable gods that cover blue that are worth the trouble? Dark Athena maybe?
To play Ra Dragon keep its strengths in mind. Ra Dragon is one of the few rainbow teams that can be completely unbindable. Rag drag is close but I don't think there's a NA unbindable red machine worth using besides Markab.
Your core looks solid, so you need utility. Traditionally it's been a spike, a shield, and a delay but we have some new things to consider like killers, guard break, fujin-likes, and follow up attack. FUA covers resolves and means for most things you don't need a delay if you have a FUA god. A spike is probably a requirement depending on what you're going to try and tackle. Arena needs the spike or a shield. 7c subs would be a good choice but unfortunately the number of unbindable god types with 7c in NA is very small. Odin Dragon, Lead DMeta, Revo Ame-no-Uzume, G/G ruel, L/L Ariel, RGY, Lead Famiel, R/R Rozuel, Lead Lumiel, Uruka, GGY.
most of those have actives that screw up full activation or are useless on a fully unbindable team.
Keep in mind TE and SBR if you use Aten
To cover unbindable blue:
Uruka (active, TE, SB, 7c)
Dathena (delay, SB, prongs)
Dmeta (sub form for guard break)
RKush (TE, shield +combo)
ReIsis (TE, stats, inherit base)
Bad Lmeta (budget option)
If you need more time, use RYomi for time extends as the "something else" that could be bindable. as you get better drop Yomi for an unbindable, or better utility.
I forgot about SBR, Dath doesn't work too well when trying to run aten. I'm not sure how much time I'll need, really. Part of the reason why I want to try this idea is because I've not really tried rainbow before. Before filling in the blue slot, it has like 8 TE, which isn't too bad--I'm ok at crossing with 8 seconds, so we'll see. I have revo yomi, and I may give her a shot if it ends up being a bit too much for me. I know I suck at 7c, and this is six specific ones, so I'm not sure how much better I'll be at it.
After that, it starts to look like Re Isis, I suppose. I can put something on her at least, but she feels a bit like a dead sub that further dilutes my damage.
Are there any FUA gods that could work?
Any of the norns work but of course they're bindable and you'd need to inherit over them (a good home for a utility active). Skuld is best because she'd hit like a freight train and covers blue. Wedding Scheat is probably the best pick if you have her.
No luck on the wedding scheat. Gah, norns feel so out of place here and I don't have a skuld either. I do have an Athena another for guard break, when I need it. Bindable, but not out of place either.
Verd works well with Gkali and you could put Balboa as your unbindable blue sub. This gives you a mostly green Ra dragon team. Ideally in long dungeons you don't want to pop actives anyway so you'd be saving up verd for a burst or shield. Balboa's a risk due to Vishnu but I recall you saying you had multiple Fujins so maybe that's not a big deal for you. You have to match all colors to do max damage no matter how you slice it so work with your strongest color to fill out those two slots. I'd focus on light, dark, or green though just to synergize with the required members.
...Kanna isn't OP anymore?
man this game moves fast
I have about 120 stones on both my main and my alt and I'm just in a holding pattern until a nice-looking REM hits. Would be fun to try some new playstyles.
I don't have Meri. Are there any other clears that are possible? I really wish they would stop the clock when you can't actually do anything. It's basically a 1:30s time attack as it is now.
I managed it with a dmeta team and pixel seph sub for the +combo. Use izanagi inherit turn 1 then just spam dark orbs. Pixel seph covers machine killer and combos.Dark Metatron with Eschamali or Persephone sub should work, though I've been too slow with it. No Skyfall seems mandatory, especially given the skyfall boost on 1F
I can put Julie with bride Persephone up for the absorb null if you want.Fuck. This fire wood dragon in OSC is kicking my ass. Stupid green absorb is killing my Julie team
I can put Julie with bride Persephone up for the absorb null if you want.
For the dupe Yuna depends on your needs but uevo is still likely better.
Done, good luck dude.Please, lol. Im so sick of dancing around Lucifer and Khepri already.
Done, good luck dude.
I had her up, just put her back in the bf slot. Sorry about that.For some reason I don't see her up. I see Algedi, Ragdrag, and Raphael.
The FF collaboration is arguably the best collaboration in the game next to Bleach and has value at every level of rarity. That said the standard advice is to not roll collaboration REMs until you have a more fleshed out box.I just booted up the game after not playing in probably a year or so. Is it worth rerolling for the Final Fantasy Collab? I don't really know much about the game's meta, etc. I just saw someone post a pic of Noctis and jumped back in again out of curiosity.
Rank 23 Box:
Buy the tamadra infestation dungeon under Shop-->purchase coin dungeonWhat's the best way to get a bunch of Tamadra nowadays? Saw that that Alcyone has a pretty decent leader ult (144x with 25% damage reduction on 3 light combos incl. one 5 w/ enhance) and I have an alright sub pool for her (him? I can't tell!) so I figured I would make a team while I wait for the new Gadius uvo.
Buy the tamadra infestation dungeon under Shop-->purchase coin dungeon
I recommend bringing true damage or a partner with true damage to get through it quickly.
Yeah tamadra village sorry!Ok, thanks! You mean Tamadra Village right, I don't have Infestation on my list? Just gotta save some coin now. Double Ganesha weekend dungeon solves that problem but boy is it slow :lol:
Not really concerned with getting through quickly since I only have enough stamina for 1 run per buy anyways unless I do it on a level-up. Gotta save my stones for REM!
Used Meri to beat the 50 stam JP endless dungeon. Kiri was the reward roll. I'm ok with this.