Most Vanquish kills ever, so far:
Damn, I thought I was hot stuff with 49 Vanquishes and 34 Vanquish Streak. Impressive.
Most Vanquish kills ever, so far:
Exactly how I feel. Even if I suck (like in most rounds), I still have a lot of fun and I can do my own thing while still contributing something to the objective.Picked this up along with Diablo and Metro. Damn fun and oozes personality. Definitely one of those games where you don't really get stressed out over the competiveness. Just kick back a few brews and have fun.
Elzar, does it seem like the MB's fire rate is higher? I'd swear it is compared to the stock scientist.
Elzar, does it seem like the MB's fire rate is higher? I'd swear it is compared to the stock scientist.
Just wanted to say, the marine biologist is amazing. Really enjoy being a medic on the zombie side now.
Just wanted to say, the marine biologist is amazing. Really enjoy being a medic on the zombie side now.
So I've been searching for good local multiplayer games on Ps4.
Up untill now all I can play with my friends is Towerfall.
Is PvZ a good local multiplayer game?
Is it only local co-op or also one on one?
Is the game worth buying mainly for local multiplayer?
Just wait until you get the chemist.
For anyone interested on buying the game of the Ps4, if you buy the Digital be aware it my take 2+ hours to download. I've fast internet and I still can't believe it took that long.
Honestly if you're gonna just stick to the local multiplayer mode it's hard to recommend. You guys might enjoy it for a few days but Garden Ops doesn't have enough there to keep a group of people interested for very long.
It's just local horde mode coop, no VS.
The Marine Biologist is better than the chemist, MB is the best scientist variant in the game.
Is there a good resource that explains the intricacies of the different subclasses?
Is there a good resource that explains the intricacies of the different subclasses?
There's a button on the character select screen to switch teams.Its becoming very annoying not being able to win a single match of gnome bomb. Wish there was a classic mode. Toxic splash damage and sprint burrow are even worse than their standard form. (READ: I'm dying to these lol). Wish I could play against new people but I just cant get matched up with them
On the main screen there is something called "stickerbook". You can page through all the characters and what abilities and differences that they have.
Those info screens are very poor for supplying information on variants, almost useless even.
This is your best bet but it could still be better.
I just bought a Cheetos code on eBay. I'm curious to see if the promo characters are significantly better than the stock characters.
Guys I just got the game for Ps4. Got the digital version, it downloaded and got installed from the store fine. But once I started the game it started installing again and is SUPER SLOW is there any way to fix this? Maybe deleting it and installing again? Stuck at 56% at the moment.
Edit: For those that might have this problem, I made it download faster by pressing options in the app, then going to information. It will show that the game is actually still downloading, and it will download faster at that screen.
Edit: Nvm, fuck I should had bought the retail version.
Just found out about being able to do Boss Mode on an iPad via the PS App across all modes (including split screen)...oh man that's gonna come in handy.
Hope you didn't pay much for it, those DLC characters will likely be handed out to everyone when the promo ends in a month.
The Dr Chester variant is pretty terrible, you have to be point blank range and it only does 25 damage. His new healing ability is the fastest in the game but it has the shortest duration and (I believe) an even longer cooldown than default. His new stickies do 75 damage but have a smaller blast radius. Those abilities can be used on other variants.
Chester Chomp I don't think does anything special, devs claim he chews faster but the timing looks the exact same.
I don't have either character this is just what I've seen/read since they went live.
So the marine biologist is largely considered the best scientist class. What are some of the other variants that are the best for other classes?
This is probably a dumb question and I'm overlooking it somewhere...but is there anyway to mute someone while in game? I've looked through all the menus and see nothing about it. I know you can do it once in the lobby. Nothing worse than a mouth breather or someone playing shit music entering the game and they can't be muted.
Just press the touch pad to bring up the scores and there you can mute people.
What's the best way to get those challenge skip stars?
I had the same problem and posted around the beginning of this thread. Noone believed me and gave me smartass comments. I did the same exact thing you did though and sat at the ps4 main menu with the information tab selected. It felt like the download went by a lot faster doing so.
If it has a ps4 app then yeah.What about android can I do this on my S4?
They really need to out a fucking cap on unbalanced teams. It's ridiculous being on a team being outnumbered by 4+ players.
Guys, I need some tips. I'm having a hard time doing the following:
1) Getting coins. At first it felt easy, but now is a shore, and it feels to take forever. So far I've only focused in playing 'Garden and Graveyards' and 'Team Vanquish'. Both modes are a blast, and the first seems to give a lot more coins. I played Garden Op but it was sort of boring and tedious, specially the Crazy difficulty. And getting coins there was the worst.
2) How do I kill faster? Every time I play I seem to get killed super fast, while the opponents are like sponges absorbing damage. Are the vanilla character the worst of the bunch? I've only unlocked one 'extra character' since I figured out kinda late that you can buy them at 40,000 coins.
Finally I just want to say the game is really good, and I recommend to anyone wanting a good multilayer game for their PS4. It's super easy to find matches, and it just damn fun to play.
Edit: Oh, also how do you skip challenges more often? Is it random?
You really can't use the skip challenge star stickers on the character screen? You have to go in a match?
Default All-Star
Commando Soldier / Camo Soldier
Law Pea
Fire Cactus