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Quantum Leap - Season 6 Premieres September 19th


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
What is obnoxious about Quantum Leap is that you have some jackass taking your place and screwing with your life.

They never really explained if what they were doing was good. It just got Sam to leap again. It was really kind of selfish.
Didn't they explain that G-d was behind it all in the final episode and that Sam kept leaping because he subconsciously wanted to help people?

There was an evil Leaper and Al equivalent (both women) that ruins people's lives and I think it was hinted that the Al equivalent was the Devil.
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Didn't they explain that G-d was behind it all in the final episode and that Sam kept leaping because he subconsciously wanted to help people?

There was an evil Leaper and Al equivalent (both women) that ruins people's lives and I think it was hinted that the Al equivalent was the Devil.
It is implied they are doing good, but are still hijacking people's lives. They never show the aftermath of a leap.


I wont watch. QL was a show I grew up with that was one of the few shows my family ALL liked, and I can tell already this is not going to work for me.

They waited too long, and its yet another show stolen from my childhood and ruined.



Gold Member

Forgot this even existed after Bakula said he passed on it.




Parody of actual AJUMP23
I watched the first episode. It was bad.

They said a guy who was doing bank robberies to pay for his kids surgery was not a criminal. And I just thought the activity makes you a criminal not the reason.
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In the old show, Sam was the serious type with some levity and Al was the levity with some seriousness.

New show, Ben and his girlfriend are the serious types.

First eps is okay. Ill keep watching but wont be surprised when its cancelled after 1 season. Assuming they dont make some changes.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
How is the green screen effects in this worse then the 90's original 😳
I've literally haven't seen it that bad since the 90's and only in cheap music videos
Look at this shit

I've seen enough, it's absolute garbage.
Everything is too fast paced, jumping back and forth with Ben and his Team
Information is just thrown at you and then they move onto the next scene.
I know more about Ian then I do Ben
Like what the fuck was they thinking, no wonder Scott doesn't have anything to do with it.
It's shockingly bad and looks like it has a lower budget then a early 90's sci-fi show.
I had low expectations but shiiiiit, was not expecting it to be this bad.
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Further thoughts:

Its a pilot. Pilots are janky and a show needs a few episodes to find its voice.

A pacing nit: Ben didn't walk in his hosts shoes it was just action scene to action scene. To much time with the future cast. Needs to slow things down. Old show was all Sam with Al popping up every 15 minutes or so, and that was it for the Future characters. Not really sure why this show is pushing the Future cast so much. I guess for the meta mystery of why he Leapt early...

I guess there needs to be a meta story instead of each episode being one and done.

Also, what did we learn about his host? Nothing, aside from he's an undercover cop. I guess the show can be more about the Future Mystery and less about the lives Ben Leaps into.

Anywho, just needs room to grow and show its hand. A pilot is a pilot. Heck I look back at Buffy season 1 and how so much better it got in season 2 onward.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
It reminds me of NFS live action cut-scenes.
Except NFS did was more realistic.
dorkimoe dorkimoe
Never heard of it
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Gold Member
So how do they handle the leap? The old "look in a mirror and see the 'host'" bit or have they gone a different way?

I feel like Dollhouse was the ultimate expression of this concept, though I guess it is QL in reverse (multiple personas , one body)


Maybe they could change this to an Assassin's Creed show and explore the Animus tech the game developers based on Quantum Leap.


To much time with the future cast
inter-personal drama, 2nd storyline that lasts a whole season and everybody needs a "Team in a base".
Not really sure why this show is pushing the Future cast so much
Diversity quota and so Ernie Hudson can make a Ghostbusters reference at some point.
I guess for the meta mystery of why he Leapt early...
It's a pre-destination paradox, future Ben uploaded the new OS and he needed to leap to get the code to upload it. Easy.
What is obnoxious about Quantum Leap is that you have some jackass taking your place and screwing with your life.

They never really explained if what they were doing was good. It just got Sam to leap again. It was really kind of selfish.
Hey buddy…he was just hoping his next leap, would be the leap home…don’t blame him.


Watched 15 minutes of it, I'll probably watch the rest of it too. I was afraid it's some C tier acting job but the actors are doing their best even if their material is a bit... challenging. Lot of exposition like some reviews were saying, they should've let it unfold organically instead of telling everything. The imaging chamber CGI was really bad.

I don't what the rush: the original took 25 minutes (just checked) before bringing Al to the screen and even then only for a minute or two, letting Sam be alone and lost. In this one, the observer is there basically immediately after the leap.


Gold Member
Based solely on that trailer I think we can begin to understand why Scott Bakula turned down returning 😂
They should get really meta and nasty with it, have the guy jump into the body of a has-been actor refusing to reprise a fan favorite role and when he looks (quickly) into a mirror its a pic of Scott Bakula :p


Yeah, that was pretty bad. Really bad. Turned worse as it went on, ridiculous plot twists and comic book problem solving.


Episode 2, great concept for a leap wasted by too much of the episode focusing on the present day mystery with "The base team".


Episode 3, more of the same. Ever see the voyage Home? Lets retcon that pesky leap only in your lifetime thing. Memberberries, it's the original Ziggy handset! and he leaps into a woman, if the show was actually popular that might mean something to the twitter addicted.
I read through the thread but didn’t notice because I’m buzzed, but is this streaming or is it on cable somewhere right now?
Edit - 🤦‍♂️ disregard, literally everything I asked is in the picture on the OP 😂
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Best episode so far, becuse they kept the base team stuff to a minimum and focused on the leap. Added some interesting lore about what it's like to be leapt into and the main mystery is still blatant predestination paradox. Next episode either uses the retcon about only jumping within your lifetime or is a fake out.


And the quality has dropped back down again. Instead of focusing on the leap they keep throwing all this extra shit into the story. So now the episode time has to fit in, the leap (Most important), relationship with his wife, Evil (maybe) Leaper, all the shit with the team at the base. All that extra shit is just predestination paradox that the writers think is so smart but actually is so obvious if you've probably watched any other time travel movies/shows.


Perpetually Offended
Ii actually liked the show... Didn't like how they did the second (final) season beginning tho. It closed really well tho. I loved it. It felt like a series finale. Nailed it.
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