Mein Kampf released in 1925
Well to be fair look how big that book is.
Mein Kampf released in 1925
It's called The Roman Salute and was widely used around the world, and even in the United States before WW2.
You sure? Bellamy SaluteBy fascists.
She was just a kid back then. Sure its bad, but you can't hold that over her.
Jesus, just read the BBC article about it. I knew Edward VIII was a Nazi loving shit but I didn't realise he visited Germany in '37 and tried to organise a peace favourable to the Nazis, and visited a freaking concentration camp in the process.
Really wouldn't be surprised if the whole Wallis Simpsom thing was a cover and he was forced to abdicate because of his views. We founded an entire religion once so the King could marry who he wanted.
Support for appeasement of Hitler was common among the British establishment during the 1930s. Conservative MPs who publicly opposed the policy, such as Winston Churchill, were threatened with de-selection.
The historian Andrew Roberts believes that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policy 'commended itself to the royal family on a number of levels. It was, correctly, considered axiomatic that another war would spell doom for the British Empire.'
Some documents from the period have already entered the public domain, giving an indication of the royal couple's views. In the spring of 1939 George VI instructed his private secretary to write to Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax. Having learnt that 'a number of Jewish refugees from different countries were surreptitiously getting into Palestine', the King was 'glad to think that steps are being taken to prevent these people leaving their country of origin.' Halifax's office telegraphed Britain's ambassador in Berlin asking him to encourage the German government 'to check the unauthorised emigration' of Jews.
Cambridge University's library still holds correspondence between members of the royal household and Tory Minister Sir Samuel Hoare, a leading appeaser. Key documents remain 'unavailable'.
Yeah, you know what recent research found out? Hitler used to be a kid too, not so long before he turned into a crazy mass murderer. It's a slipperly slope from being a seemingly innocent kid to a facist dictator. In fact, every facist used to be a child. Think about that for a minute.She was just a kid back then. Sure its bad, but you can't hold that over her.
Not just them. Daily Mail was Nazi propaganda back in 1933. They along with Daily Mirror supported fascists.
Lord Rothemere (owner of both papers at the time): "The minor misdeeds of individual Nazis would be submerged by the immense benefits the new regime is already bestowing upon Germany."
I promise EVERYONE over the age of 11 has done this salute at some point
You sure? Bellamy Salute
Well, mostly by fascists. Overwhelmingly by that time.
Not that a little child can be blamed for that. That her family were fascists or at least sympathisers should not be overlooked because of that, though.
This just in:
Nazi's were alright until 1939.
Seriously though, not sure why there is a rush to try and dismiss this. Sure, she was a kid, but this is another example of the fascism and weirdness that is endemic within the royals.
Fascism was one of the political experiements of that time and a lot of people were leaning into it. So it's no wonder "by that time" it was becoming more and more used by fascists. That doesn't mean all of these people subscribed to the same for of fascism as Hitler pushed, nor all the other eugenic beliefs.
Roman culture had long been influencing Europe, so you're point that it fascism was just "trending by those times" is a pretty moot point. It was a ubiquitous sight during the Nepoleonic age of France.
Looks more like she was imitating superman flying but whatever
It's nice that you're trying to give us a history lesson, but I think we can be fairly certain that they were neither hailing Caesar nor Napoleon in 1933.
I'm not going to go into the suggestion that it's ok because a lot of people were fascists and that they couldn't possibly know what it stood for/how it turned out, because that's just ridiculous.
This just in:
Nazi's were alright until 1939.
Seriously though, not sure why there is a rush to try and dismiss this. Sure, she was a kid, but this is another example of the fascism and weirdness that is endemic within the royals.
Plenty of rumours about his brother as well, who as king sent his private secretary a letter with orders to tell the Foreign Secretary that he was glad that Jews were getting stopped from going to Palestine.
From the Guardian:
It looks as if they are just waving."the Hitler salute"
It seems she inherited her bad parenting from her own parents then. Her son sleeping with another mans wife while married to himself. Her grandsons dressing up like Nazis and calling ethnic minorities "sooty".
It looks as if they are just waving.
honestly who the fuck cares
That could be a Nazi salute or it could be a picture taken out of context. WHO THE FUCK CARES
Time Magazine's Man of the Year in 1938?
This guy:
I believe he was already rounding up Jews at that point and he was obviously super racist. They wouldn't have given him the award if he didn't share the values of Time magazine and its readership.Least he didn't kill 6 million Jewish people at that point, right? He was a charismatic enough for the title.
Queen Elizinazi. Nah. Kids are young and impressionable enough when it's family. Really funny they went this far back to run a story, either way.
Least he didn't kill 6 million Jewish people at that point, right? He was a charismatic enough for the title.
Make her walk through the streets naked while people chant "SHAME!"
Children performing the Bellamy salute to the flag of the United States.
The Bellamy salute used to be performed by schoolchildren in the United States for the Pledge of Allegiance until WW2 and the Nazis happened.
The hand-over-heart stance was adopted in 1942 in the US after the Nazis ruined it for everyone.
Like the Swastika, the Nazis hijacked the Bellamy salute and changed its meaning for all of history afterwards.
Sources: http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/22/opinion/greene-pledge-of-allegiance-salute/
So really, who cares if this child did the salute in 1933. Millions of American children were performing the salute every morning too.
RIPHard to imagine why the Royal Family would have ever supported an organization who's power was based on notions of genetic superiority.
I actually remember doing this in the early-mid 80s in school during the pledge. It's possible I'm misremembering.. Anyone else? This would have been in a suburb of Atlanta.
Er, what kind of school did you attend lol?