((We'll start with what's going on mechanically. The Glitterdust failed to work on Clementine, and although the zombies were within range, they also made their saves against it.
Both attacks hit her, but she is still alive.
Klaus failed his save against Hold Person, so he is currently unable to move.
Their turns:
Clementine attempts to grab Kaff. d20 + 7 = 17 vs Touch Armor Class; hits. Make a Fortitude save AND a Will save. Each is DC 18. If you fail either one, you lose your next action, and some other stuff happens that we'll deal with after the rolls are made.
The two armed zombies (sans Klaus) move for Kaff, but will only attack him if he makes his saves. So, I'll make the attack rolls, but Kaff, if you fail, these attacks aren't actually happening.
Minotaur attacks: d20 + 6 =17; that should hit, with your -2 from Charging. 17 damage.
Knife-wielder attacks: d20 + 9 = 16; I think that misses you by 1. In case I'm wrong though, it would be 5 damage.
Klaus attempts to break free of the Hold Person. d20 + 2 = 15, fail.))
Sarm's earlier Silence spell has produced a drastic change on the battle landscape, rendering the zombie guards unable to hear her commands and causing them to continue ignoring anyone who doesn't move toward Clementine, while simultaneously forcing her away from the guards if she wants to cast her spells. Quintus attempts to further cement their advantage by creating a screen of Glitterdust to render her unable to see, but she is able to resist the spell fairly easily (will save of 24), while Sarm seeks to prevent any harm from coming to the unfortunate Klaus by using Hold Person to keep him firmly in place; for the time being, it seems to be working.
Kaff and Ivor both move to take the queen down. Kaff charges forward, using the grease slick from Quintus's spell as an accelerator, and putting on an impressive display of ducks and slide flips while in motion in order to deftly evade the guards' attempts to stop him. While sliding through the area, the sudden total silence is somewhat jarring, but not enough to affect him as he glides ahead and thrusts with his rapier. Although he doesn't quite get her heart as she does an awkward sidestep, he does put a nasty gouge in her, followed up immediately by a crossbow bolt to the shoulder, courtesy of Ivor.
Clementine looks to be badly wounded and in trouble, but she is not entirely out of it. Summoning up all her willpower, she refrains from recoiling away from the blow Kaff has just dealt her, and instead moves forward, clutching his arm with her skeletal hand. He feels an evil, dark power seep into his skin, and it begins to claw at both his mind and his body simultaneously....
((I'll wait for Save results before continuing the description. The rest of you may try to take actions in the interim, unless you prefer waiting to see what happens to Kaff first.))