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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Reflex: (1d20+8=18)
((thank you fire shield! Also fast healing.))

Quintus backs away from the orc and casts Scuplt Grease, creating 4 10' cubes of grease under each enemy(one under the two confused orcs), hopefully making Sarms job of healing a little easier. Reflex DC 19.
((Only the big guy slipped and fell, but that will make healing a lot easier since prone creatures can't make opportunity attacks. All the other bad guys made their save.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I'll be all right, at the very least I already have a potion of cure serious wounds. Suvne might need heals though. Was waiting to see what happened to post but I may need to delay until tomorrow morning to access a computer before I make a full post. No idea how you play so much from your phone, Mike, mine drives me nuts even posting more than two sentences.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'll be all right, at the very least I already have a potion of cure serious wounds. Suvne might need heals though.

((Will her berserker rage thing allow at least that measure of self preservation?))

Was waiting to see what happened to post but I may need to delay until tomorrow morning to access a computer before I make a full post. No idea how you play so much from your phone, Mike, mine drives me nuts even posting more than two sentences.))

((I piece it together in the notepad app. Takes a while to do what I could type in maybe five minutes if I had a computer, but work monitors our Internet usage pretty closely and I rarely have a moment's peace at home.

It's... Less than optimal.))
((Suvne would be able to pause a moment to heal herself, yeah. She's not exactly in a rage like a barbarian would be; she's just adhering to her code of fighting injustices and saving innocents. I explicitly said she had to stay and fight so that it was clear that she couldn't run away. The unlimited-Smites is just a bonus to mitigate the added restriction that I imposed on the battle.

Also, I had no idea that you went to such lengths to post here, Mike M. Thanks for making the time for it.

And DeadPhoenix, sorry to hear about your computer, that's pretty terrible))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Just saw your post, man that really sucks Phoenix. There was no way to recover anything on the drive? Sarm, Tarkus has 16hp after that last round and I am editing in my post as we speak.))

Wrenching his greataxe from the claw demon's side, black blood sprouts forth with a squelch, the smell of which burns Tarkus eyes. Before he can renew his assault upon the blighted beast, he feels the pressure of a strike upon his back as the fel Orc attempts to hack at his head. Turning to face him, Tarkus eyes light up in pain and anger as the Orc's jagged blade cuts a gash across his neck, sending a cascade of blood to intermingle with the flow already thickening over his body.

From his peripheral vision he sees the glow of a soft blue light before feeling a cooling sensation as the aura engulfs his body. Tarkus yells triumphantly as his burns no longer feel as painful. "THANK, Q!" The gods are unfortunately not amused as another fireball catches his stiffened legs off-guard.

Reflex Save vs Fireball 2: 1d20+7 → [9,7] = (16)

Unable to tumble out of the way, the flames sear over the sheen of sweat and blood upon his body, the combination feeling like molten lava flowing over his flesh. The edges of his vision begin to take on a red hue, the back of his mind screaming against the urge to kneel to the ground. Hacking a dry cough he lets out a low, defiant growl, pushing through his pain and marshaling what strength he has left for a finishing strike.

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3974145/"]Power Attack 1 vs Orc: 1d20+20-5 → [3,20,-5] = (18)
Power Attack 2 vs Orc: 1d20+20-5 → [15,20,-5] = (30)[/URL]

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3974147/"]Damage Roll 1:1d12+12+10 → [4,12,10] = (26) 
Damage Roll 2 vs Orc: 1d12+12+10 → [2,12,10] = (24)[/URL]

Mike M

Nick N
Dismayed that no one else seems to have the sense to avoid conflict when possible, Val is mentally composing a list of list of what he percieves to be his companions' character defects that he will recite at great length and elaboration should they all happen to survive this encounter as he rushes up the stairs, rapier in hand.

Crossing the threshold back into the main chamber, there's little time to evaluate the lay of the battleground and formulate tactics, so he charges straight ahead and drives the point of his blade about where he estimates the kidneys of the nearest of the two confused orcs to be.

Attack roll:  1d20+17=28
Damage:  1d6+12=17

((Unless of course we decide Suvne needs a potion))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Also if I go down to 0 or ~-10 I get one round of standard action before falling unconscious, so if worse comes to worst I can chug a potion))
Suvne takes a brief pause and a deep breath, and a warm, golden glow shimmers around her body, closing many of her wounds and revitalizing her ((Lay on Hands on herself)). She then stabs straight downward at the fallen demon, hoping to finish it off. ((I'll do the rolls during my turn. Hopefully this will make Sarm's decision of who to heal easier))
((Tarkus's full attack kills the non-confused Orc.

Suvne heals herself with Lay on Hands for 32 HP, and attacks Claw Demon: 23 vs AC will hit. Claw Demon takes 16 damage.

Claw Demon first attack (from prone position): 18 vs AC; miss. Second attack: 28 vs AC will hit. Suvne takes 14 damage.

Confused Orc adjacent to Quintus rolls a 51 for his Confusion and flees down the stairs to the basement. Val takes an Opportunity Attack as he passes, hitting (19 vs AC) and scoring 16 points of damage.

Other Confused Orc rolls a 19 for his Confusion and performs a full attack on Val (remember that you're getting -2 to your AC because you charged): 15 vs AC on the first hit, 19 on the second hit. I don't think the first one is hitting, but the second one might (not in a position to check the sheet right now), so in case it does, the damage would be 11.

Fire Demon/Demon Jester continues to be a one-trick pony, centering a Fireball on Sarm's previous location on the map, which will hit everybody. DC 20 Reflex save; Val, if you pass, take 23 Fire damage; if you fail, take 46 (I rolled ridiculously high on this one). Everyone else besides Val, if you pass, take 0 and if you fail take 23 damage.))

The tide of battle seems to turn as Val returns to the fray, coming to Quintus's assistance in dealing with the two confused (but still dangerous) Orcs by stabbing one of them in the face.

The undead Wizard's grease spell creates four somewhat slippery spots beneath the hostiles, but the grease seems to lose some of its effectiveness when mixed with the blood already coating the floor. The Orcs and Fire Demon seem unaffected; only the Claw Demon, who is unbalanced due to his size and asymmetrical nature, slips and falls to the floor.

Suvne uses the opening to her advantage, pausing briefly to heal herself before stabbing the demon directly where its heart should be; though she does put yet another hole in it, it still seems very much alive and ready to fight. Tarkus turns away from the fallen beast to deal with the red orc that just slashed him in the back, putting an end to that problem permanently. Sarm touches Tarkus on the shoulder, careful not to get in the way, and infuses him with Pelor's healing light, magically closing some of the wounds that the demon and red Orc have torn into him.

The retort from most of the hostiles is less than effective; the Claw Demon attempts to attack from the floor rather than getting up, and as a result merely grazes Suvne once, missing completely on his second attempt. This is accompanied by yet another indecipherable curse.

One of the Orcs, despite his entirely uninjured state, suddenly gets a case of the heebie-jeebies and flees from Quintus as fast as he possibly can, not even bothering to avoid an opportunistic rapier thrust from Val as he passes. The other Orc attempts to fight back against his newest opponent, with questionable success.

The Fire Demon, however, seems to be firing on all cylinders today, calling forth yet another immolating explosive blast - one which Val takes the full brunt of, not being a beneficiary of Quintus's protective magicks. This may more than make up for his teammates' deficiencies this round....

((Begin Round 4))
Reflex: (1d20+8=18)
Quintus is unable to dodge in time, taking the full force of the blast... thankfully his spell protects him from some of the damage, but he does not want to risk taking another one, so responds by casting Feeblemind((DC 22 and here's hoping he qualifies for the -4 on his will save...)) on the fire jester demon.
((Right. Healing Suvne, Tarkus will have to pot himself if he takes damage.

Oh, btw, I had Suvne purchase 4 Potions of CLW and a Potion of CMW awhile back since her healing is so limited.))

Sarm, having realized after the demon used the spell twice already anticipates a third fireball, and is able to brush off the damage with the help of Quintis' spell this time. Looking over to check on Suvne, he sees her reeled over on her knees, and promptly runs around the big demon in order to get her back to condition.

Cure Critical Wounds: 4d8+10=29


bitch I'm taking calls.
[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977271/"]Reflex Save vs Fireball 3: 1d20+7 → [11,7] = (18)[/URL]

Tarkus takes another fireball to the face and is nearing the end of his patience with the demonic jester. He hacks into the Claw Demon with renewed fury, hoping to put an end to the beast once and for all.

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977355/"]Attack Rolls vs Claw Demon: 1d20+20 → [14,20] = (34)
1d20+20 → [4,20] = (24)[/URL]

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3977383/"]Damage rolls: 1d12+12 → [3,12] = (15)
1d12+12 → [11,12] = (23)[/URL]
The Claw Demon lets out a final, guttural cry of anguish and hatred as Tarkus's axe puts an end to it. Its body bursts ineffectually into a pile of sludge and goo, sullying the armor of Tarkus, Suvne, and Sarm, but apart from being disgusting, it is otherwise harmless.

Mike M

Nick N
((AC is 22, so he just barely avoids that second hit. Rolled a 1 on Reflex save : / Ouch...))

Val has no idea why the demonic orc is heading past him to charge into the basement, but he's not about to pass up the opportunity to inflict some damage as he passes. It's an awkward attack taken in passing, but the orc is unnaturally large and as such is difficult to miss.

The other orc he stabs, seems less inclined to run away, and instead turns his fury towards Val. The first swipe is an awkward strike that swings wide, but before Val has time to smirk about the fiend's lackluster swordsmanship, the orc fields a second blow with far greater speed and accuracy than the first, which Val only manages to avoid by a hair's breadth.

Unfortunately, so consumed with evading the powerful strikes of the red-skinned orc, Val has forgotten the presence of the flaming demon behind the bar, who lets sail with a fireball while Val's back is turned. Val takes the full brunt of the pyroclastic detonation, the concussive shockwave knocking him onto his face, the flames singing his hair and apparel.

"Would someone please have the decency to kill that fucker?" he coughs out as he staggers back to his feet to continue his impromptu duel with the crimson orc.

Attack 1:  1d20+17=33
Damage: 1d6+12=17

Attack2:  1d20+12=23
Damage: 1d6+12=18
((Dodge bonus on the orc))
((Suvne charges the Fire Demon and Smites it. 19 on the die; 23 to confirm a Critical Hit for 28 damage.

Fire Demon airborne-charges Val and attacks with a bite: 31 vs AC. Val takes 9 damage and must make a fortitude save versus Poison, DC 19. If you fail, take 2 Constitution damage (meaning, lose 2 Constitution until it's cured. The lost Con will affect your hit points.).

Suvne takes an opportunity attack on the Demon as it moved away: 24 vs AC. Demon takes 14 more damage.

Confused Orc upstairs rolls for Confusion: 39. He does nothing.

Confused Orc downstairs does not return.))

As Tarkus and Suvne finally put an end to the grotesque monstrosity that appeared to be in charge of this establishment, they turn their attention to the fire-demon behind the bar.

Fortunately for the party, the fire-demon seems to be fresh out of fireballs, but despite the fact that the odds have suddenly turned against it, the creature shows no fear, making a beeline toward what he perceives as the most vulnerable member of the party, rather than tangling with the heavily-armored Paladin standing in his face. He clenches his abnormally large jaws, lined with shark-like teeth, around Val's shoulder, injecting it with poison and then releases, ready to bite again at the next opportunity.

The remaining red orc looks as though he wants to retaliate against the thrashing he just received by the tip of Val's rapier, but suddenly a genuine expression of bewilderment overtakes his features. He begins babbling in the Orcish tongue, but Tarkus is pretty sure that he's spouting a whole lot of meaningless gibberish.

((Begin Round 5))
making a beeline toward what he perceives as the most vulnerable member of the party
((We've come a long way when, for once, this happens to not be Suvne.

Congrats, Val.))

EDIT: ((Ok, now that I'm out of bed it looks like if Val takes Con damage, I won't be able to Restore it until later because I spent the spell slot to heal. How much HP do you have left, Val?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Slathered in a coat of sweat, blood and the putrid innards of the slain Claw Demon, Tarkus spits on its burst corpse. Turning as he hears Orcish, his burning eyes fall upon the babbling Fel Orc. Seeking to neutralize the threat before it begins he charges, swinging his Greataxe in an overhead attack.

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3978719/"]Attack vs Orc: 1d20+20 → [11,20] = (31)[/URL]

[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3978722/"]Damage vs Orc: 1d12+12 → [8,12] = (20)[/URL]

Mike M

Nick N
((We've come a long way when, for once, this happens to not be Suvne.

Congrats, Val.))

EDIT: ((Ok, now that I'm out of bed it looks like if Val takes Con damage, I won't be able to Restore it until later because I spent the spell slot to heal. How much HP do you have left, Val?))

Fortitude Save:  1d20+9=23
((Current HP is 24/79))

If Val didn't know better, he'd think that the fire demon behind the bar was taking great personal offense that the only one of the lot of non-demon types to have the sense to run away was not paying his undivided attention to the flaming monstrosity. Fortunately, his armor seems to have taken enough of the brunt of the creature's bite that the poison did not find its way into his system, not that he has any way of knowing this at the time.

((If I recall, he's on fire and Val would incur damage if he attacks?))
((Yeah that's right. Suvne's armor protected her from it, but I guess I should have actually written that out. It's straight-up 5 Fire damage each time you attack it.

Also, since it might be relevant to others' turns... the demon rolled a Natural 20 to resist the Glitterdust, so he is not blinded))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm thinking about making Val chug a pot so I can actually do something offensive for one turn.))
((LOL, I can do that.))

Wreathed in flames, the features of the ravenous demon are difficult to discern, outside of its too-large mouth filled with too many teeth leering at Val. The heat coming off the flaming apparition is oppressive, and Val dare not come any closer, at least not without a considerably longer weapon. Landing a strike with his rapier would be like plunging his hand into a furnace for shits and giggles.

Taking advantage of the fact that his earlier target is just standing there gibbering and staring off into space, Val slips his hand into his haversack and withdraws the smoky glass bottle of a healing potion. Deftly popping the stopper, he greedily consumes its contents, feeling its effects soothe his burns and knit flesh torn by those demonic teeth.

Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds: 2d8=12
((Plus what, 5 I think it was?))
((Question 1: Is the demon attacking Val considered an outsider?

Question 2: Can I cast Holy Smite without Targeting Val (or anyone else for that matter)? I don't know what his alignment is, but the spell will damage non-good creatures so I don't want to catch anybody in friendly fire.))
((Sorry about the delay. It's been a very long evening. The potions are 2d8 +5, yes))

Sarm's spell strikes true, and the fire-demon's skin starts to sizzle and bubble from the wave of holy light engulfing it, after only a few seconds, the creature pops like a bubble, splattering Val with demon innards.

Meanwhile, Tarkus's charge at the stupefied crimson orc ends the battle in one swift decapitation; its body falls limply to the floor as the bloody head rolls across the floor until it's stopped by one of the cages.

This leaves the party alone in this blood-covered den full of torture victims, and now that the din of battle has subsided, all that can be heard is the horrible, desperate moans of the ailing, suffering captives.

Suvne steps away from the blood-soaked bar and raises her sword straight over her head. It's now apparent that her eyes are glowing a bright, pupil-less white; her sword shines brilliantly, and a burst of holy energy radiates rapidly outward, momentarily blinding everyone. When their vision returns, Amriel, the two Devas, and the Fire Elemental are on the scene.

Suvne looks directly into Sarm with her white eyes, and he feels a familiar presence. The way she is carrying herself is entirely different than normal; there is an ages-old wisdom in her posture and facial expression. "Amriel and the others will tend to these poor souls," she says in a voice that is not her own. "Go forth to Ravenloft, Sarm Santee, and recover that which was taken."

The white light fades from Suvne's eyes, and her demeanor returns mostly to normal, except that she is breathing heavily; her face is flushed, and she is clearly speechless, still trying to process what just happened to her.

The crew from the Temple are already well equipped for the task at hand. The fire elemental is in the process of casting holy wards and using white, holy fire to cleanse the building of its sanguine curse; as the flame washes over the party, they find that it is not at all hot, and is in fact warm and oddly comforting as it evaporates the desecrated blood.

The Devas are busy fortifying the building against incursions by more demons; one is lining any potential entrances with thick salt piles, while the other is busy drawing holy wards and glyphs on the walls and ground. Amriel has already begun to survey the victims in their cages and is evaluating their conditions to determine how to best help them.

"We have this under control," he assures the party as he Lays Hands on a particularly grisly-looking victim. "There are others from other Temples of Pelor throughout the city already on their way to help. You did good works here today, ladies and gentlemen; may Pelor's light always guide you."

If the party ventures downstairs, they find that the other confused Orc is gone; he almost certainly ran straight through the portal, which is still intact and waiting to be traversed.

((Everyone gain a level. Quintus, remember that you're on d12's now for HP, but also roll a d4 and keep it on file for when/if you stop being undead. This will bring Suvne up to Level 9 and everyone else up to Level 11. Oh, and well played, you guys; this whole chapter in Sigil was awesome, IMO))

Mike M

Nick N
((Took the occasion of leveling up as an opportunity to build a Swashbuckler class in my RPG Scribe iOS app now that they finally allowed custom classes with the last update. Christ, that took a while... Already works out better than what I was using though, so that's good))

Val shudders with revulsion as the demon's flames are abruptly snuffed out while it inverts itself inside out all over him. Maybe it's just some intrinisc element inherent in the tissues and fluids of outsiders that make them naturally more offensive to the sensibilities of denizens of the material plane, but being coated in the life systems of the demon seems especially vile.

"Oh gods, I think I got some in my mouth..." Val mutters, spitting out what fluid he can muster from his mouth.

A obsceneity-laden lecture about how Suvne's unthinking devotion to her principles to the exclusion of her ability to see the larger picture dies on his lips as she manifests powers far in excess of what Val would have estimated her capable of, summoning the priests from the Temple of Pelor to her aid. "Better late than never. I don't suppose you could have done that from the start?"

It's clear that the temple crew have no time or inclination to indulge Val in his acerbic quips, as they ignore his comment and set to work purifying the horrors of the establishment. "There're more victims downstairs," he says aloud to no one in particular. "I don't suppose anyone has a Purify Clothing spell or something? I feel positively vile..."
The Fire Elemental responds to Val's request by directing the blessed white flames in his direction. They cover him completely, no doubt causing a temporary panic which subsides on the realization that they are not hot, and yet are at the same time incinerating every bit of demon gunk that covers him and his clothing. The process takes less than a minute, and then Val finds himself as clean as he was before entering this place.

The flames continue to crawl over every inch of the room, purifying it completely over time; this includes the claw demon-splatter that had erupted all over Tarkus and Suvne.

Suvne blushes deeply at Val's indirect address toward her. "Lord Val... 'twasn't I that summoned Amriel. I... I felt Him. Pelor himself was acting through me, directing my movements. I..." she trails off, lost in thought and amazement.

((Remember that the entire battle only took about 30 seconds from start to finish within the game world))
Sarm seems to immediately understand that Suvne is being used as a voice. He nods to the message given to him, stating back with confidence, "I shall. There is no distance that I cannot travel to achieve my goals."

He watches the holy fire cleanse the grounds. Because of circumstances, he no longer needs to use a casting of Sending, so he asks any of the other party members if they need to be healed. When Val talks about the mess that had come over him, Sarm responds apologetically, "Forgive me for that. I was expecting the demon to have disintegrated and disappear in the spell's light." Maybe that would have happened on a full roll.

When Suvne talks about Pelor coming over her, Sarm responds, "You have did well today, better than I would have due to my lack of aggressiveness. I believe Pelor saw that in you."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Man it's weird to try and convert the battle into a 30 second movie in your head. Cool visual though. And to think we almost left before Suvne sucker punched that claw demon haha.))

Tarkus is transfixed as white flames lick painlessly over his body, cleansing the blood and gore from his skin and armor. Coughing and moving slowly, he reaches for his leather skin pouch and pours water greedily down his throat. Once satisfied he pours the remainder over the head of his greataxe to cleanse it of blood and reattaches it to his back.

Clutching his side he makes his way over to Suvne and pulls her into a bear hug. Or as much of one as can be managed between two walking suits of armor. "Ha! Not bother to lie had Tarkus know you have such fire! Good combat!" he releases the paladin and scrapes some of the burnt flesh off his shoulder "...still sting a bit."
Suvne takes in Sarm's encouraging words and accepts Tarkus's bear hug neutrally, still mulling things over in her head as the rest of the party regroups. Finally she clears her throat and addresses the party. "I'm sorry that I endangered all of us," she says, "But I just couldn't let things continue the way they were here. I don't regret what I did, but I know it was a risky move, and I hope you can forgive me."

She mostly seems to be looking at Val and Quintus as she says this, after having already been validated by Tarkus and Sarm, but she does steal the occasional glance at Sarm, in deference to his wisdom.

After the exchange, she collects herself and makes a show of being ready to go whenever everyone else is.
Sarm shakes his head and responds to Suvne with a pleasant tone, "No, it's fine. It is like I said, if you had to endanger us, I would not stop you, and it worked out in the end. If anything, I should have been the one to strike the demon first."

Sarm would turn towards the rest of the party, Quintis, Val, and Tarkus, and take a deep breath. He exhales and says to them, "Normally I try not to take control of how we operate, but I believe I must ask you three something of us. The next time we encounter unspeakable acts done to helpless such as now, that we strongly considering putting a stop to it. There are times that if we ignore such things, our god will punish us and we can even lose our powers, which would cause us to become a hindrance for future encounters."

((Man it's weird to try and convert the battle into a 30 second movie in your head.
((I usually imagine a sequence of short scenes, kind of like an anime or something.))

((Also, I forgot to actually level up yesterday so I'll be sure to get on that.))


Sarm Hit Die roll: 1d8=1
Suvne Hit Die roll: 1d10=8
Quintus groans a little "I perfectly understand who you two feel about this place and its certainly not something I had an easy time ignoring, but we have a job to do. And if we fail... well places like this will be the least of our worries. This all happened rather quickly, so no big deal, but these artifacts we are looking for can... well... just look at me! Not to mention Aldar before we came in and fixed everything. ...Crap I feel Like I'm defending this place now. Screw it, from now on, we will leave no cats stuck in trees, no old ladies to cross the street alone and no slaver left alive!" and steps through this damn portal already.
((Feel free to chime into the conversation before entering the portal, but since one of you went in I'm going to assume everyone else follows))

The transition into Ravenloft is much smoother than the one into Sigil. There isn't even a membrane to push through this time, and upon entry, you find yourselves still at ground level.

Small comfort, considering what you find on the other side.

You are on a path - a narrow one, only wide enough for three of you to walk side-by-side. It's made of dirt, and runs through a heavily-wooded area. The trees are all ashy-gray and appear to be dead; not a single leaf grows on any of them. The further off the path you look, the thicker the trees appear, to a point where it would be impossible to move between them.

The path really only extends in one direction. Only about thirty yards behind you, it ends in a short, lonely pier that overlooks a turbulent body of water - black water. In the other direction, the path continues forward, on and on toward an obscured horizon.

The sky here is pitch black, devoid of any celestial bodies or light sources. In fact, when you think about it, it doesn't make sense that you'd be able to see anything at all - and yet somehow, everything is quite clearly visible.

The air is vaguely chilly, and remains so regardless of how many layers you heap on. It's that feeling where you are just uncomfortable enough that you feel exposed.

There is music playing. ((yes, your characters are hearing this in-game.))

The haunting melody seems to be coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once; it's not deafening, and other sounds and voices can be heard around it, but it is omnipresent, with no visible (or audible) source. It continues ceaselessly, and seems to have a chilling, supernatural effect on the party....

((Except for Suvne, everyone has -2 to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This is a continuous magical fear effect.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Character sheet updated. Two questions: does Val still have the cube and KM can I possibly get a heal from you or Suvne? Tarkus is still at 27/111HP))

After requesting magical healing, Tarkus grins and says to the others "Dead flesh not dull Quin humor...or lack of patience" before stepping through the cage door after him. The transition feels seamless, as if this was simply a door back outside to Sigil. However, once he steps through, he knows this is somewhere completely different.

"This...Ravenloft?" Tarkus asks, blowing into his hands at the sudden change in temperature. Beyond looking to be a scene from a dream, an unsettling melody seems to play from nowhere that sets his teeth on edge. "Bad music..." His hands tremble slightly as he takes point and attempts to look a bit further ahead on the dirt path. As he walks he balls his hands into fists.
((Character sheet updated. Two questions: does Val still have the cube and KM can I possibly get a heal from you or Suvne? Tarkus is still at 27/111HP))
((Consider it done. Since we're out of battle it'll be a full heal that gives +43 HP.

I'm also going to cast Cure Light Wounds, Mass during a point in time where Quintis has entered the portal but not everyone else yet, that way he's not taking damage from the positive energy. +19 HP Healed.))

Sarm doesn't make attempt to argue with Quintis, knowing that would just slow everyone down even further. He decides to do a pass of healing before entering the portal himself.

He steps into Ravenloft like it were a door. He can feel the aura of fear working at him and giving him a confused feeling that conflicts with his thinking. "I shouldn't be finding this setting any more frightening than the building we stepped out of.." Once the melody of the music has cycled through some of its notes, he says then, "This.. tune is irritating! I already feel for those forced to live on this plane."

Mike M

Nick N
((Val's still got the cube at this point))

Val's simmering anger at the events that has transpired doesn't seem to be blunted much by way of Sarm's explanation. Addressing Sarm and Suvne both, he speaks bluntly. "I would propose then that perhaps your god needs a lesson on risk management. Delegation of authority. Overall managerial vision. We are the only ones who are working to prevent the destruction of all planes of existence, and as such we are irreplacable. If Pelor would go so far as to punish you for not tilting at every windmill that comes along when he has a vertible army of followers more powerful than we -- who only show up after the battle is concluded, I might point out-- who would do just as well in our stead, well then I guess have a low estimation of the smarts in his head. You can't build a castle if everyone's a stone mason, but that seems to be the sort of show Pelor is running here. We may have just incited a feud with this entire blighted district in Sigil, did you ever give any thought to how we were to manage the return trip from Ravenloft if we need to come back this way? I hope for all our sakes your cohorts from the temple can hold this position should the local population decide to try and take it back."

His piece said, Val is quiet in the preparation to breach the barrier between Sigil and Ravenloft, only nodding curtly in begrudging thanks to the healing spell casts upon the party after Quintus has already passed through the portal. Eyes forward, he steps through the doorway between worlds seemingly without incident. He decides immediately that he loathes this place. Ruby Keep was a place bustling with life, Ravenloft is utterly bereft of it. Impossibly so, it would seem, after all how can you have a forest made entirely of dead trees? And the air here... It's like constantly feeling you've been entombed alive in a crypt.

"What... What's that music? Where is that coming from?" Val's not entirely sure why his hand is on the pommel of his rapier, but it seems prudent despite the apparent lack of immediate threat to them.

Oh wait, speaking of that...

"We're short one body from the demons' den. This is the only way the orc could have come, and I doubt he's happy with us. I don't think he'd be so daft as to take us all on by himself, but he may be clever enough to try and get the jump on us."

((I actually know a little (Very little) about Ravenloft. Tell me we're going to stake Strahd...

Out of curiosity, did you actually have a story note about what the diversion of the Lady of Pain's route was going to actually accomplish, or was it just a McGuffin for us to get the key?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
"Forgot about Fel Orc..." Tarkus eyes shift around looking for signs of life in their desolate surroundings.

((@Mike: Based on the hints dropped in the post mission narrative I'm willing to bet there was a story there, especially given that black-market goblin we interrogated seemed to have been involved in some way. We just missed out because we were laying low after the crazy end to the infiltration. Plus there are lots of other loose threads we never tugged on such as that crazy princess at the Ruby Keep and the fact that the Vecna cult recruit a ton of Orcs from there.))
There is no sign of the Orc, save for some fairly obvious footprints leading down the path, originating where the party emerged from the portal.

((You would be amazed at how many alternate plans and storylines I have in my head as contingencies for pretty much whatever you guys decide to do. Some of them are still developing in the background from things you guys have neglected in the past, and will eventually resurface (Quintus getting swindled by Rubio is an example of this).

So yeah, something definitely would have happened if you had chosen to be at that intersection... and the outcome would likely have changed depending on whether you yourselves were there or not. The observer effect in action :)

I'll do a proper plot-driving post after Quintus chimes in.))
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