((Moving right along...))
When the party is ready to get moving, perhaps after grabbing a breakfast of sorts (more porridge), they emerge from the boarding house/inn to find a different guard standing watch. He is wearing the same armor, and has the same brand on the back of his palm, but he is a man of decidedly fewer words and neglects to even introduce himself.
A brief tour of the city proper reveals more evidence of what the party already suspected; the people here more resemble a band of refugees than they do a functioning society. There is a blacksmith and a general goods store, but they seem to be somewhat lacking in inventory. The guard avoids bringing the party anywhere near the outskirts of town, where the light isn't so good at penetrating.
Finally, with all other options currently exhausted, the party decides to go see what this Luminary Ith has to say. The guard leads them to the castle in the center of town. The front door is essentially a smaller version of the entrance to town; it actually opens downward rather than side to side. It's already open when the party gets to it, however, and it leads to a very wide, spacious hallway.
The inside of the castle is by far the busiest part of the entire town. It's full of armored soldiers, artisans, and magicians, and all of them are hard at work, performing renovations on the building to make it more hospitable to humans; it was obviously originally designed to accommodate its former vampiric denizens. It is flooded with light in here, and if Sarm wasn't certain earlier, he now knows beyond any doubt that this light originates from the Rod because he can feel himself getting closer to his god's presence.
A spiral staircase leads the party up to one of the higher floors of the palace, and the guard leads them to a room with a long, ornate wooden table. There are five chairs lined up along one side, and a single chair on the other side.
"Please wait here while I confirm your arrival with the Luminary," says the guard, and after the party has a seat, he leaves the room.
Only a few minutes later, a serving girl enters the room with a large tray of golden goblets. Three are placed in front of each of you; one contains a fine, aged wine; another contains a rich, stout ale; the third has cool, purified water.
A few more minutes pass, and more servers enter the room, this time with trays of warm bread and serving dishes of honeyed butter and fresh fruits.
More time passes, and the main course arrives. One large, cooked bird and one rack of lamb are brought in on very large trays, along with gravy and mint sauce; bowls of garlic-roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables accompany as side dishes. An empty plate is set at the empty chair across the table.
Finally, just a few minutes after the food arrives, the door in the back of the room opens, and the old man who stole the Rod of Pelor emerges. He is dressed in velvet red robes with golden trim, and wields an oaken staff with a bulging green jewel set on top. He takes his seat on the other side of the table and folds his hands in front of him, resting them behind his plate.
"Welcome to the Palace of the Suns," he announces. "It warms my heart to find that you've made it here safely. Sigil and Ravenloft both are very dangerous places, and I feared for your safety - though in all honesty, I do wish you would've heeded my warning.
"I suppose first things are first. I apologize for stealing the Rod of Pelor from you. I realize that you went to great lengths in acquiring it. However, trust me when I say that it was for the greater good. As you no doubt have been able to tell, my people and I have been putting it to great use. We've already taken the city from the clutches of the vampire slavers, and this is only the beginning.
"Now, while I serve myself from the exquisite meal so generously prepared by the kitchen staff, I welcome any questions you may have." Ith proceeds to reach forward and take small helpings of each available dish at the table, meanwhile looking expectantly back and forth between members of the party.