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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Will check:  1d20+8=14
((No horse slide gif for me...))

Val meets "Valance's" baleful glare with an even, unemotional expression, clutching the hilt if his rapier buried in the chest of his foe. Eventually the facade decays, leaving behind a shapeless gray mass that dissolves into nothingness.

Looking out at the remaining opponents, he sees that his brothers and sisters have been replaced by indistinct blurs molesting Quintus and Sarm. Climbing back to his feet, he tries to muster another attack, but can't beat back the anxiety of being wracked with pain of some other horrible form of death as the malformed reflections of Valentino and Valance did.

Nevertheless, he maintains his airs of cocksure dignity. "Tarkus, feel free to introduce the remainder of our guests to the edge of your axe, I'll be back in the mix momentarily."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus nods to Val, and rushes forward to strike the blob attacking Quintus...or all 8 of him. Grinning mischievously he hefts his greataxe and attempts to engage the outnumbered phantom. He forces his mind into a calm against the jagged edges that scream out in resistance to going near the mysterious blobs.

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3993138/]Will Save to Attack vs Fear: 1d20+11 → [14,11] = (25)[/url]

Confident in his strikes now that the eerie threat has started to unravel, his muscles answer his call and Tarkus aims another arc at the blurry phantom before him.

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3993093/]Attack vs Psycho Blobby 3: 1d20+21 → [3,21] = (24)[/url]

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3993225/]Damage: 1d12+12 → [2,12] = (14)[/url]
((Just for Quintus's benefit... Tarkus's hit didn't kill this bad guy either. So there are two left. If you wanted to try and get them both with an area effect, you wouldn't be able to avoid catching Tarkus in the blast))
((I am so awed by Quintus's crossbow-snipe for the exact amount of damage needed for the kill (plus the last guy is 1 hit away from dying too) that I'm going to call this one done))

A well-placed crossbow bolt pierces the forehead of the wild-haired Theon, silencing his mad cackle and returning him briefly to his natural form before dissolving away.

And just like that, the party opens their eyes to find themselves lying on their backs, staring up at a black sky.

The first thing they notice is that that damned music has finally stopped.

The second thing they notice is Suvne kneeling over Sarm, trying to shake him awake. When she sees him open his eyes, a rush of color returns to her face.

"Thank the gods!" she cries out. "I... I knew you were breathing, but I didn't know if you'd ever wake up!"

The surroundings are superficially similar to what the party recalls - the sky is still black and starless, and the nearby trees (the few that you see, anyway) are ash-gray and barren -, but there is no longer any sinister presence lurking just barely under the surface. The horizon is visible, and the dead trees are significantly more spread out. The environment is bleak, but it is at least three tiers less spooky.

Toward that horizon, a walled-off city is clearly visible - particularly because a brilliant light source is shining out from it. The light is bright enough that the party can actually feel some of the warmth it radiates. It looks to be two hours away on foot; significantly less if any faster means of travel are employed.

Suvne proceeds to explain that, immediately upon passing through the portal to Ravenloft, all four of you fell unconscious, and have been that way for over an hour. If what she says is to be believed, everything that the four of you have experienced since entering this realm was all in your heads.

((That doesn't mean your HP is suddenly restored or that you have back the spells that you used during combat, just FYI))


((Thank goodness you ended it early since failing to do enough damage meant Sarm was going to be brought... Well... Double-unconscious by the next attack.))

Sarm's torso flings upward with a horrified gasp, his eyes widened and his skin stained with sweat as time seemingly goes backward all around him, back to where they first came into Ravenloft.. He darts himself around to look at the others, as if they were still in danger... Once his mind begins to register the release they are in, he begins to calm down and he looks to Suvne, "I seemed to have a terrible dream.. Please never willingly become a vampire.." He starts to get up but then his shoulder gives and gives wince in its pull. He reaches a hand to it. Either he actually did suffer from pain, or his mind only thinks he did. Either way, he feels horribly exhausted, "We may need to rest..."
"So it was all a dream? Guess it would be too much to hope whatever it was that we fought is gone for real..." Quintus remarks as he gets up. "As for resting... we've apparently done enough of that I'd say. If nothing else we should at least have a look at the city first."

Mike M

Nick N
((I hear if you fall unconscious in a dream, then in real life you... uh... wait...))

"Felt real enough to me," Val says as he tries to spit out the foul taste of the swamp muck that still clings to his palette.

Dusting himself off as he stands up, he nods towards the horizon. "Well, it seems readily apparent where the rod is at least. Could it always do that, or do you suppose they've augmented it somehow?"
Sarm is fully aware that the full extent of the Rod's powers are unknown to him, but the man who stole it seemed to have a very advanced grasp of both arcane and divine magicks, and could very well have designed some way to augment its abilities.

It's also fair to assume that the creatures you just defeated in your head were in fact psychic invaders, and that you only were able to wake up BECAUSE you defeated them.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus jumps up with a start and remains alert for some time before getting his bearings. He frowns as he dusts himself off and helps pull the others back onto their feet. Asking Sarm particularly if he needs a hand he questions the events transpired aloud: "Dream attack...? So...none see what Tarkus saw? None was real?" He tentatively checks the straps under his plate mail for signs of chafing, the ripping sensation of flesh torn by barbed whip still fresh in his mind. With a shudder, he begins to walk toward the illuminated city.

"Raven world is dark place. At least damned musics gone."
Sarm tries to explain to Tarkus, "I saw Suvne, and she is still with us.. We fought impostors."

Staring towards the light in the distance, Sarm responds to Val's question with no denial of his theory, "We're about to find out..."
The two-hour trek toward the town is depressing (owing mostly to the desolation of the landscape and the relative lack of light; the illumination from the city helps, but it's no substitute for the actual sun), but at least it's uneventful. There are dark, wretched creatures lurking about, but they seem to have a fairly accurate gauge of the party's formidability, and always scurry away once a certain distance threshold is crossed.

The walls of the city of very tall - at least fifty feet high - and are made of black stone. The path on which the party has found itself leads to a gate half as tall as the wall; there is a balcony about halfway up the wall on each side of the gate. Each balcony is manned by a human, and bright light shines onto each of them from a door built into the wall behind them.

As you approach, one of the men leans down to squint at you. They are both wearing golden armor, with symbols of the sun drawn shabbily onto the front of it. Once he gets a good look, he leans back through the doorway as though he's shouting to someone, and the large, wooden gate begins to slowly fall outward. Once it's completely down, a very bright light shines out of the opening.

"Welcome to Immol," the guard says as he returns to the balcony. "Acting Luminary Ith invites you to join him in the Palace of the Suns at your convenience. Until such time, you will be provided with a guide to escort you around the city." He cups his hands in front of himself at chest level to form a circle; this seems to be a form of salutation.

Almost immediately after crossing the threshold of the city walls, the door begins the slow process of returning to its closed position, and the party is met by another human, dressed in chaimmail with golden decor. He is extremely skinny, and his face is young and lean. "Welcome to our city," he says in a voice much older than his appearance would suggest. "My name is Victor, and I am here to show you around the city and take you wherever you wish. Our leader, the Great Luminary Ith, has extended an open invitation for you to dine with him in the Palace at your leisure, but he understands if you'd rather tend to other business around town first; the journey here for you mustn't have been easy."

Looking around, here at the entrance to the city, you see very few people. Though not exactly deserted, the streets are fairly empty, especially considering the layout of this place. The road from the gate leads directly through the center of town, and perhaps a quarter mile ahead, an enormous castle stands tall. It is made of black stone, and yet somehow it also seems to be the source of the brilliant sunlight, which is shining in all directions, and in many cases passing straight through the buildings, such that there are very few shadows to speak of (at least, not in the immediate vicinity).

Mike M

Nick N
Val gazes up at the forboding black castle and mutters something about it being the furthest thing called to mind when he hears the phrase "Palace of the Suns."

Turning his attention back to Victor, he inquires "Tell me, does your Great Illuminary leave a standing invitation for all visitors that happen upon Immol to join him for dinner, or are we in particular expected?"
Victor replies immediately. "Oh, the Luminary has been expecting you for some time. He could not be sure of when you would arrive, but he gave us special instructions, should a party of four humans and a half-orc approach the gates. Of course, not many mortal parties happen upon our city in the first place, so I suspect that if any humans, half-orcs, or what-have-you ventured into Immol, the Luminary would like to arrange an audience with them."
Sarm steps forward, saying, "Two of us, myself and this Paladin are followers of the god, Pelor. I think there is a very good chance that it is us your Luminary seeks." He turns to show the sun symbol grafted on his armor.
Though Victor doesn't seem the least bit surprised, he nods respectfully and makes the same palms-forming-a-circle gesture that the guard on the balcony made. "The Sun God is a symbol of hope for the people of this town as well," he says pleasantly. "I'm sure I speak for all of our citizens when I say that we are honored to have you here as our guests. If you wish to see our Luminary now, I can take you to the palace and make arrangements. It is completely up to you."

When he makes the palm-circle, you notice that he has the same symbol burned into his hand that was branded onto both the old man on the sandbar, and the man who first tried to steal the Rod from Sarm back in Alydar.
Sarm catches the symbol, and quickly begins, "Forgive me if we aren't quite ready to accept the invitation yet, but this is a question I have had for a long time. What does the symbol on your palm represent?"
The man's expression grows grim, and his eyes change, as though he is reliving a terrible memory. "The vampires did this to us when we were born," he says, tension apparent in his voice. "They would brand us like cattle. But that's in the past now. Now that we've risen up and taken this town from them, no human child will EVER have to wear this accursed symbol again."
Sarm's expression also dims at the revelation at what is happening to the people here, "I see..." At this point, Sarm is done asking questions.
((That little hand signal reminds me of the blitzball/yevon thing from FFX for some reason...))
Once Sarm is finshed, Quintus asks "How about you direct us to the nearest inn? I think we could use a little rest before talking to your 'Great Illuminary'."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((That little hand signal reminds me of the blitzball/yevon thing from FFX for some reason...))
((YES! Oh man I had that exact same thought and I couldn't put my finger on where it came from, thank you.))

Tarkus walks slowly through the gates, wary and alert for sign of further treachery. As the others speak to the greeting emissary he notices the mark upon his hand almost at the same time Sarm mentions it. He nods in sympathy to the emissary's words of being freed from the Vampire's tyranny.

"Vampires..." he grits his teeth at the thought and pulls his cloak over his head. Although grateful for the seeming safety of the city, he can't help but squint from the strong, radiating light. From Sarm's companionship he is familiar with the calming glow of Pelor, but this seems...different. The light is pervasive and penatrating and it almost makes him feel like crawling back to the shadow.


At Quintus' suggestion Tarkus grunts in approval. "Rest would be good."
"Of course. We currently have only one operational inn, which is also doubling as a homeless shelter - as I said, we get very few travelers here. You will of course have your own rooms, and the Luminary has made it clear that you are to stay here free of charge. Please, follow me."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToP2O8Sc_qo ((The library computers on campus can't play sound and I don't have headphones on me, so hopefully this song somewhat resembles the tone I'm going for here))

On your way through town, one word springs to mind in regard to the architecture here: Gothic. Most of the buildings are very tall and somewhat lean; there are steepled, angular roofs on nearly all of them. Many have belfries, and there are perches extending from a lot of the windows. Bat and gargoyle statues are ample in supply. Common design elements include depictions of upside-down crosses, and lots of sharp points, reminiscent of fangs.

The ambiance, of course, is ruined by the bright light of Pelor permeating every inch of the section of town you're in. Those designs would be right at home in a dark, foreboding environment; as it stands, nothing seems to fit together, which is likely giving fits to Val's appreciation for aesthetics and the fine arts.

After maybe twenty minutes of strolling through the center of town (never venturing far from the palace), the party is brought to a building that looks far more like a boarding house than an inn. The common room is full of people - all of them skinny, most of them destitute and sickly-looking. A worker is distributing porridge when you enter.

Victor moves to speak with that worker; that worker nods and continues to pass out food.

"Leopold will bring you to your room as soon as he's done," Victor explains. "If you need anything, you'll find either me or my replacement right outside the front door, standing watch. May your sleep be restful and bereft of nightmares." He does the salutatory hand gesture, and steps outside.

It only takes a few more minutes for Leopold to finish passing out meals to everyone. He offers food to the party, which is nourishing, if somewhat lacking in the taste department; there are bits of meat, vegetables, and soggy bread floating in it, which is at least enough to keep hunger at bay.

Though the people in this boarding house are lacking many things, space is not one of them. That seems to be the theme for the entire town, actually; it's way too big for the amount of people here. Each party member has an entire room available to himself or herself if desired, and though not all of them are equipped with beds, enough rooms are that it won't be a problem to find one. Aside from the beds, though, the rooms are completely bare, except that some of them have empty coffins that appear not to have been cleared out yet.

Once the party gets situated, Leopold hangs around in case they have any questions; after that, he returns downstairs to leave you to your own devices.

((Your rest will go by uneventfully; you can talk in-character if you want to, either before or after sleeping. Either way, by the end of your next post, it will be "morning" and you'll have recovered your HP and spells per day. Quintus and Tarkus are free to describe how they spend their time in lieu of sleeping, unless Tarkus actually wants to sleep))

Mike M

Nick N
On the walk to the inn, Val frequently finds himself squinting and shading his eyes. He knows one or two things about the behavior and physics of light, but the light emanating from the palace doesn't seem to have had the same education. In theory, breaking line of sight with the towering castle turned beacon should produce shade and shadow cast by whatever intercepts the light, but in practice it seems as though the light just flows around it unhindered, like the town were flooded in some intangible fluid illumination. Everywhere seems to be direct illumination, regardless of position relative the Palace of the Sun. "Gods, how does anyone ever sleep in this city?" he asks, shielding his eyes.

Entering the inn--or what passes for one in Immol--brings blessed relief for Val's over stimulated eyes, but the establishment has little else to speak of in way of amenities. Over a bowl of soup that seems to embody the very notion of bland, Val ticks off his observations and conjectures to the rest of the party.

"I think it's safe to say this Ith fellow is the one who stole the rod in the first place. Judging by the hospitality, I think it's unlikely he means us harm, but I don't think he's going to just give back the rod if we ask him.

"This city doesn't seem designed with human occupation in mind, if I had to guess I'd say this was a vampire metropolis captured with the aid of the rod. I'd also speculate that whatever they've done to juice its output only works while stationary, otherwise they'd be out scouring vampires from the land instead of just establishing a defensible position."

To confirm his hypotheses, he waves Leopold over and asks what has transpired since the arrival of the Great Illuminary.


When the time comes to retire for the night, Val picks a random room since they're largely indistinguishable from one another. In truth, they remind him of the room he awoke to after his first night in Sigil, only this one has a coffin pushed haphazardly into the corner. "Charming decor," he says aloud to no one. Just to be cautious, he confirms that the coffin has no occupant before flinging himself on the mattress that can be described as adequate at best.

His dreams are mercifully devoid of strange music, bloody little girls, and vengeful siblings.
Leopold smiles at Val's inquiry. "Friend, Lord Ith's been a citizen here all his life. He started up the resistance some years ago, and last week he brought the Rod of Pelor back what drove the biters into the shadows. Soon as he got back here, he surrounded himself with that light you see out there and marched straight into the castle. Vampires can't survive in the sunlight, y'see; soon as they're exposed, they just melt away into ashes. They couldn't do anything to 'em. Once he got set up in the castle, he did some magic stuff I don't understand, and somehow the light spread out, leavin' half the city uninhabitable by the biters. From there, us humans took over, and we been tryin' to carve out space for ourselves ever since.

"'Course, there's plenty of work to be done. We just got control of the city 'bout a week or so ago, and there's still plenty o' biters lurkin' in the outskirts of town, where the light can't go through buildings like it does in the center. Probably plottin' somethin' to get the town back. Not sure what Lord Ith's got planned to deal with that. Right now though, we're in way better shape than we were a few weeks ago, that's for sure."
Once the group is alone, Quintus speaks "Well I was originally hoping to come up with a plan to steal the rod, but I get the feeling we are gonna have to hunt down every vampire in Ravenloft or something first... And I suppose pissing off the one guy who knows the way out of Ravenloft probably isn't a good idea anyways."
"I don't believe I could easily justify taking away the only hope these people have. I made a serious error in judgement last time due to our being in danger, but now we are safely inside a place of rest, witnessing another world's war.."

Sarm sighs, "Had I known it would be this way, it would have made more sense to seek out Evaneth quickly." The image of him becoming a beast of darkness flashes in his head, "In fact.. I worry about how he fares now. We have been out of our home plane for over a week now."

Mike M

Nick N
"Hopefully Ith is not so short-sighted as it would first appear," Val muses as he drains a crude wooden tankard of plain water. "You've driven the vampires to the dark corners on the outskirts of town, great! Now what's their next move? How do you keep a population even as meager as this supplied with food and water when you cannot dare leave the walls to till the soil? They think they've landed a decisive blow, but really I think they've unwittingly laid themselves under siege. The vampires need only wait them out, and I fear their retribution will be most terrible indeed. We should give serious thought to evacuation, we haven't the time or resources to do battle with an entire plane of evil, regardless of how much Suvne might feel a trill in her loins at the thought of it."
Suvne turns red and glares at Val. "If that's what you think of my faith in Pelor's grace, I pity you," she says coldly and quietly. "I don't help people to make myself feel better. I do it because it's the right thing to do. You may not have the same moral center that I do, but I'll ask that you refrain from making japes about me and my... my "loins" because of it."

She looks Val straight in the eye as she says this, and her gaze lingers for just a few seconds before she turns to address the entire party. "With that said, I think Lord Val is right. I'm interested in what Lord Ith has to say, but I fear there isn't much we can do for these people, short of a miracle. And here..." she hesitates for a moment, "Miracles seem to be in short supply."

Tarkus grunts in reply. "Make sense. Should go see what Luminary have to say, but also be ready convince him to make back-up plan." He makes sure to catch Suvne's eye, giving her an approving glance at the way she stood up for herself.

((Jackben is indisposed for a day or two on account of birthday festivities. He'll make his presence known when he gets back, but for now it's just the three of you. Hopefully I've done Tarkus's character justice here))
Sarm nods, "You two make a fine point. Still, there are lives in the balance, even if it is just this town."

He finds a place to sit down and starts to think, "Do the people here even have much knowledge of Pelor? What was brought here was the Rod, but not knowledge or wisdom."
((Moving right along...))

When the party is ready to get moving, perhaps after grabbing a breakfast of sorts (more porridge), they emerge from the boarding house/inn to find a different guard standing watch. He is wearing the same armor, and has the same brand on the back of his palm, but he is a man of decidedly fewer words and neglects to even introduce himself.

A brief tour of the city proper reveals more evidence of what the party already suspected; the people here more resemble a band of refugees than they do a functioning society. There is a blacksmith and a general goods store, but they seem to be somewhat lacking in inventory. The guard avoids bringing the party anywhere near the outskirts of town, where the light isn't so good at penetrating.

Finally, with all other options currently exhausted, the party decides to go see what this Luminary Ith has to say. The guard leads them to the castle in the center of town. The front door is essentially a smaller version of the entrance to town; it actually opens downward rather than side to side. It's already open when the party gets to it, however, and it leads to a very wide, spacious hallway.


The inside of the castle is by far the busiest part of the entire town. It's full of armored soldiers, artisans, and magicians, and all of them are hard at work, performing renovations on the building to make it more hospitable to humans; it was obviously originally designed to accommodate its former vampiric denizens. It is flooded with light in here, and if Sarm wasn't certain earlier, he now knows beyond any doubt that this light originates from the Rod because he can feel himself getting closer to his god's presence.

A spiral staircase leads the party up to one of the higher floors of the palace, and the guard leads them to a room with a long, ornate wooden table. There are five chairs lined up along one side, and a single chair on the other side.

"Please wait here while I confirm your arrival with the Luminary," says the guard, and after the party has a seat, he leaves the room.

Only a few minutes later, a serving girl enters the room with a large tray of golden goblets. Three are placed in front of each of you; one contains a fine, aged wine; another contains a rich, stout ale; the third has cool, purified water.

A few more minutes pass, and more servers enter the room, this time with trays of warm bread and serving dishes of honeyed butter and fresh fruits.

More time passes, and the main course arrives. One large, cooked bird and one rack of lamb are brought in on very large trays, along with gravy and mint sauce; bowls of garlic-roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables accompany as side dishes. An empty plate is set at the empty chair across the table.

Finally, just a few minutes after the food arrives, the door in the back of the room opens, and the old man who stole the Rod of Pelor emerges. He is dressed in velvet red robes with golden trim, and wields an oaken staff with a bulging green jewel set on top. He takes his seat on the other side of the table and folds his hands in front of him, resting them behind his plate.

"Welcome to the Palace of the Suns," he announces. "It warms my heart to find that you've made it here safely. Sigil and Ravenloft both are very dangerous places, and I feared for your safety - though in all honesty, I do wish you would've heeded my warning.

"I suppose first things are first. I apologize for stealing the Rod of Pelor from you. I realize that you went to great lengths in acquiring it. However, trust me when I say that it was for the greater good. As you no doubt have been able to tell, my people and I have been putting it to great use. We've already taken the city from the clutches of the vampire slavers, and this is only the beginning.

"Now, while I serve myself from the exquisite meal so generously prepared by the kitchen staff, I welcome any questions you may have." Ith proceeds to reach forward and take small helpings of each available dish at the table, meanwhile looking expectantly back and forth between members of the party.
((I'm probably the only one awake right now, So I'll go ahead and have Sarm speak.))

Sarm steps forward, and begins speaking in response, "Unfortunately, I too need it for the greater good, a good so great that I've required myself to tolerate certain evil artifacts for the task. I will also speak for my troubled friend, who needs it the Rod's healing powers the most right now. Your warnings had to surely be ignored with that in mind."
Quintus is unable to keep himself as composed as he would have liked to and stands up, slamming the table with his fists "Greater good? The 'gods' themselves sent us on this mission for the relics, because something is out there that even Vecna and Pelor are willing to work together, in a way, to stop it. We need that rod, plus several other artifacts that are probably falling into the hands of a bunch foolish cultists right now because we had to make a side trip to Ravenloft thanks to you, in order to stop... them. By the way you are also in part to blame for my new arm. Thanks. Now I don't quite know what it is out there that has the 'gods' so worried, but despite still not truly believing in their divinity, I have seen their power and if it has them scared, odds are whatever it is, is gonna make your little vampire problem look like a particularly annoying rat infestation! Now, how about you give us that rod, show use the way back to Sigil and when we are done saving your and every other ass in all the known planes, and probably a few unknown ones, you can have it back." He then stands there for a moment, clears his throat and sits back down, quietly.

Mike M

Nick N
Val raises an eyebrow at the quality and opulence of the meal set before them. Any student of history would know that those who dine such as this while the populace at large subsist on far more meager fare do not hold on to their position for prolonged periods of time.

Still, he cannot help but succumb to temptation and partake. It's truly splendid stuff, especially coming on the tail of the bland porridge that had served as the morning's meal. When Ith finally deigns to make his appearance, Val is of two minds about him. Initially, Val had thought the man more the self-sacrificing type, driving the vampiric menace from the city. But he doesn't seem to have wasted any time in seizing the reigns of power and making himself comfortable.

Extremely comfortable...

"Luminary Ith, is it? While you have clearly done much good here, and I'm most interested in knowing what your greater plan involves, I'm afraid it was categorically not for the greater good. Our aims are vital to not only the survival of Ravenloft, but all planes of existence."
Ith weathers the verbal assault without flinching. "To the Nine Hells with the gods and their 'greater good'. You may not want my advice, but I'll give it to you anyway: The gods care not for the everyday struggles of the common man. Take it from a man who prayed to the heavens for over a century, desperately seeking any kind of help to free my people from the tyranny of those damned vampires. Not once did I ever receive one whiff of assistance.

"It was not until I took matters into my own hands that I saw any results, and I'll be damned if I'll give that up for the whims of a gaggle of petulant, self-proclaimed 'deities'.

He seems as though he's done talking for a moment, and then decides to keep going. "Do you think these people care that the gods need their precious artifacts back to stop some abstract, undefinable threat? The moment that rod leaves this palace - at least at this point - we are all doomed. I will NOT sacrifice my people for some ambiguous 'quest'; Pelor himself could arrive on my doorstep, and still he would have to pry that rod from my cold, dead hand."

Now he does pause for a moment, to take a few bites of his meal and compose himself.

"Now, I have a counter-proposal for the five of you. Since we have clearly established that I am not going to give you back the Rod of Pelor, and you have no way of returning to your home plane, I would like to extend to you an offer of employment. This city's outskirts are currently filled with vampires, in corners that the Rod's light can't yet touch. I need a task force who can hunt these vampires down, and the five of you fit the bill. You will live like kings here in the palace, and will never want for food, shelter, or luxury.

"You are of course under no obligation to take my offer, but it is there for you. I can't imagine you finding much else to do around here."
Sarm responds firmly to the declination, fully knowing that such a response such as this would happen, "Criticize my god, and the other gods as you wish, but we are not here to seek work, and even my home plane has no place for me as a king, much less the confines of a single city in all of Ravenloft. I wish to help your people, but I refuse to leave this plane without the Rod back in my guardianship."
"I'd hate to break it to you, Lord Santee," says Ith, not unkindly, "But you're not leaving this plane period. That's not a threat; that's simply the reality of Ravenloft. And even if you do find some way out of here, it will not be with the Rod of Pelor.

"Given that, plus the fact that you just said that you wish to help my people, seems like it makes the most sense to accept my offer, but of course that's up to you. Either way, I wouldn't advise leaving town; it's dangerous out there, even for a hardy band of adventurers such as yourselves."
"If no one can leave then who did you get out? Not to mention on our way here we fought our way through a group of demons that sold slaves here. There is a way out, even if we can't use whatever you did to leave before, you probably know something that could help us find another way." says Quintus "In fact, screw the vampires, lets find a way out, and bring your people with us, then they can go to any plane they want from Sigil. Even ours if they want. Anything has gotta be better then barely surviving on meager amounts of food, while you apparently horde massive amount in here, surrounded by vampires plotting their revenge."

Mike M

Nick N
"Quintus has the right of it, you need to focus on finding a way to get your people out of here. You don't even have full control of this city, let alone the means to cultivate the land necessary to support it. If and when the threat of the vampires is fully eliminated from Immol, what do you think will happen then?"

Gesturing to the food before them all, he continues. "Eventually the fact that you were instrumental in their delivery from the oppression of the vampires will fade, and they will grow resentful of this splendor in their desperation. You think yourself the victor, but you have no viable long-term stratagem. You're just buying time until the common folk rise up against you as well, or until the oncoming threat we seek to thwart devours all of Ravenloft. Whichever comes first."
"From what I have seen, even Sigil is a step closer to the finer gods. As unrealistic of a task as it sounds, I do agree that your people need to leave this plane."

((OOC stuff: I am assuming something is preventing this spell from working. I am guessing the spell's complications alone are enough and if I'm interpreting it correctly, it's only reliable if you're going from the Material Plane to somewhere else.[/url]))
For a moment Ith seems to be agitated, searching for the correct words, and then his expression changes as though he's just realized something. "Forgive me, I believe I've been approaching this conversation all wrong," he says. "I am not accustomed to interacting with healthy, educated, intelligent men. I hope you don't take that as a slight toward the people here, mind you; they have lived difficult lives, and don't have the advantages that some of you have enjoyed.

"I would like nothing more than to discuss how to remedy the plight of the people of Ravenloft, and will welcome your input, but there are certain realities that you must be made aware of first. I will be happy to educate you.

"First of all, travel out of Ravenloft is absolutely impossible, short of the direct intervention of a god. Believe me - I tried every possible avenue I could think of for over a hundred years. I was only able to make it out of here by entering into a contract with Asmodeus, and I will pay my price to him when my time in this life comes to an end.

"I also believe I've given you the wrong idea by arranging this feast for you, and I bear responsibility for that. Believe me when I say that this is not the norm for me. I am perfectly content to subsist on a diet of gruel. I thought to make a good impression with the five of you by treating you to this indulgent meal, but clearly it's had the opposite effect.

"Mister Reyneel," he turns to Val, "I don't know where you got the impression that I have no plan. My plan is actually quite ambitious. It is true that right now food is not as plentiful as I'd like, but my goal is to train a legion of Clerics whose sole job is to use divine magicks to Create enough Food to feed the entire populace. My top generals are putting a team of cadets through rigorous training for that exact purpose.

"I am also working with the Rod of Pelor to find ways to expand the radius of the light it emits. There is still more research and tinkering to be done, of course, but my current goal is to get it to cover every inch of soil within the city walls.

"Until that time, we are in danger from the vampires lurking in the shadows, which is why your services in exterminating them would be invaluable.

"However, I am more than willing to discuss alternative options. If there is some other way to bring my people to safety that I haven't considered, I should like to know about it." Ith continues eating, looking at you all with eager eyes.

((Sarm: Yeah, according to the 3rd edition Ravenloft campaign setting literature, the only way out of Ravenloft is by direct deific intervention. Plane Shift won't cut it.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Someone with a decent modifier might try to motive check on this guy))

Tarkus remains silent during most of the exchange, eating slowly and quietly listening intently as the others make their statements to Ith. He raises his eyebrows as Quintus interjects uncharacteristically but finds himself nodding in agreement towards what he has to say. In the occasions that his eyes cross paths with Ith, he fixes the man with a steely gaze. Hearing Val's objections his stomach tightens into a knot as the faces of the suffering in their previous place of board swim in his thoughts against the display of opulence that is the feast laid on the table before him. He shakes his head as a servant approaches him for a refill and pushes his plate and goblet away from him, refusing to partake in any further food or drink.

As Ith brushes off the protests of the others, Tarkus grips the table before finally speaking up. "Illu-miner of Sun Palace...do you seek to save your people or to rule?" Looking the Illuminary in the eye, he continues. "Agree with you that man create own fate. You change fate of people here by driving vampires away. Now we are here. We seek to leave world and perhaps we find way for your people too."

As the Illuminary offers them work he shakes his head. "Tis not Tarkus fate to stay and serve your stolen castle of stolen light. Vampires no ally to us. If we kill in pursuit of our task, so be it. But what you offer we have no need." Listening to the Ith explain himself he remains quiet, unable to keep up with his descriptions and uncertain if he is earnest in his words. He turns to the others: "If vampires are immediate threat, killing might not be wrong." Turning back to the Illuminary he remains stoic. "You find way to leave Ravenworld once...we shall too. Who is Asmodeus?"
"Asmodeus is the reigning god of the Nine Hells, patron deity to all Devils," Ith explains. "Similar to Gruumsh's relationship with the Demons of the Abyss. In exchange for my soul after my death, Asmodeus agreed to transport my scout, and then later, me, to Sigil so that I could find my way into your plane.

"I would recommend against making a similar deal. Only after many years of contemplation did I decide that the sacrifice of my soul was worth it for the freedom of my people."

Mike M

Nick N
Val (or perhaps "Kaff Reyneel," as Ith still seems to think of him as) scratches his chin contemplatively. "It's interesting that a man so bereft of faith in the gods' capacity to care about the plight of the common man would have a plan that hinges entirely on mustering an army of true believers to feed his people. Or is this a case of the man behind the stage not sharing the same convictions as--wait, hold up. You've been doing this for how long, did you say? How old are you?"
"I am one hundred and twenty-seven years old," Ith replies. "I was born gifted in the mystical arts, and have learned a thing or two about extending my life span over the years.

"You also seem to be under the impression that faith in a god is required to tap into the divine energies of the multiverse. If one knows how to focus one's own chi, one can tap directly into those energies without them first being channeled through a deity. These are the techniques being passed on to my disciples."

((As a rules side note, it actually is within the rules to be a cleric that doesn't worship any deity))
((Going to give you guys until tomorrow morning in real-world time to propose (or take) a course of action, and then the plot will move on))


bitch I'm taking calls.
"You hold secrets in your long years of life, that for certain" Tarkus intones in a low voice. He closes his eyes for a moment as he mentally weighs what the group has been told. Clearing his throat, he opens his eyes to address the gasps of disbelief from the party concerning Ith's age and atheist source of power. "Know not much about source of magicks anywhere, but no surprise it is strange here to where we call home."

He glances at Ith with a critical and appraising eye before continuing to speak his counsel to Val, Quintus, Sarm and Suvne. "Taking rod now could do more harm than good. Not what we want to do but...maybe in slaying outskirt vampire we learn something more of Ravenworld while helping common folk." He shakes his head in disappointment. "See no different route at this point in tides."

Turning back to the Illuminary he finishes his thoughts. "We will require satisfaction from you, of what now Tarkus unsure. But no interest in servitude or luxury. And when decide time is right, we will retake rod, with or without cooperation. Same as you took from us...or, maybe not as clean."

"Okay... do the vampires have any kind of secret libraries, or something? They may not have wanted to get out of Ravenloft, but I'm willing to bet they were really interested in getting some new blood in from other places, like that demon slave hold we came through in Sigil and to set up something like that they would need to leave at some point. And since I imagine that Asmodeus doesn't care for the souls of vampires, they probably had to find another way out."
((Here is the Sense Motive Jackben requested intended for the post just before his: 1d20+10=16 Got a bad roll on it vs. a character that is undoubtedly good at hiding intentions.

Also, I could have sworn Ith was responding to Sarm about what a Cleric can do with or without a diety, but it looks like I didn't actually bring it up. That's even more silly on my part, whoops.))

Listening to Ith's description of the techniques used to cast spells without a diety, it doesn't sound too dissimilar to how a Monk's powers work at first assumption. The deal with Azmodus also sounds tricky. Still, he feels compelled to respond to one thing that was said, "You say that you have won your people's freedom with such a grave sacrifice, but they cannot leave the confines of the Rod's light nor the plane they set their feet on."

Sarm looks down at his meal which is mostly untouched due to his intent with discussing matters. He is starting to feel that the party needs to discuss things in private as he looks between them.

EDIT: ((For ThLunarian, there's like two posts before mine on the last page))
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