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Question about Cowboy Bebop

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Never put much stock in it. I caught like 5 minutes on Adult Swim and wasn't impressed. I rented the movie through Netflix and quite honestly, was blown away. I'm going to buy this ASAP.

My question is, is the show like the movie? As in, tone, quality, and violence. The fist fights in the movie were amazing.

Also, did the show only have 1 or 2 seasons? Amazon has the Sessions dvds, but there are only 26 episodes total. Is that right? That is all there is and ever will be?

Small quirk about Netflix, I had 2 movies go out thursday, then today I get an email saying they recieved one of the movies... I get the movies, and one of them is wrong. I got Castle In the Sky instead of Kiki's delivery service (No big deal, both are gibli films).

I quickly put Kiki back in my queue and they shipped it out, so I will get that tomorrow. I'm on the 3 out service, but they just sent me a 4th. I hope they won't boot me up to the 5 out. But what if they keep me on this phantom 4 out service? Very weird.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
The movie's actually of a slower-pace than most of the series, but it can afford that as it doesn't have to be 30 minutes long. The series is similar in style, if not better. Yes, there's only 26 episodes, and as far as I've heard, there's not going to be any new ones. Most of the crew involved in the original has moved onto other anime. It's a great series, and I'd definately recommend it. Simply catching five minutes of this great ode to action doesn't do it justice...


The show is better than the movie. :) There were 26 eps in the series.

You might've caught one of the slow parts of an episode. I saw one of the slow parts of Jupiter Jazz Part II, and it turned me off to the series for about 6 months. I didn't start watching the series until I caught Real Folk Blues Part II, and didn't become a fan until I saw Ballad of Fallen Angels.


1 season.

The movie is like a 2 hour, bigger budget version of your standard Bebop episode.

Theres alot of 'filler' episodes in the series that are loosely connected with each other and a few main plot episodes; which culminate in the final 2 episodes...

the movie is probably placed somewhere just before those 2 episodes.

The rest of the series is a little more relaxed, a little brighter than the movie; except for the main story arc, which is darker in tone and mood then even the movie. But all of it is exceptional. Definetly worth buying.

And sadly... yes, 26 episodes of Cowboy Bebop is all there ever will be.


If you liked the movie, then you're in for a treat. The series is pristine. There are 26 sessions, so that's two seasons. That's all there ever will be (hopefully). The creator's doing a new series right now, you've probably heard of it. It's called Samurai Champloo. Instead of Jazz, the music's rap and instead of it being cowboy themed, it's samurai.


Drunky McMurder
That's it, 26 episodes. It is a perfect length really, there are very few episodes that are entirely "filler".

Some of the epsiodes are as good as the movie, some better. Only a few could be considered less than good.

I'd suggest watching the whole series, personally. Definately one of my favorite TV series of all time.

The first episode has a fight which is choreographed as well as any in the movie, and the last episode has one of the best gun fight action sequences I can recall seeing on TV.


Serafitia said:
If you liked the movie, then you're in for a treat. The series is pristine. There are 26 sessions, so that's two seasons. That's all there ever will be (hopefully). The creator's doing a new series right now, you've probably heard of it. It's called Samurai Champloo. Instead of Jazz, the music's rap and instead of it being cowboy themed, it's samurai.

Makes me wonder if the ending to Cowboy Funk was intentional or not.


Zaptruder said:
1 season.

The movie is like a 2 hour, bigger budget version of your standard Bebop episode.

Theres alot of 'filler' episodes in the series that are loosely connected with each other and a few main plot episodes; which culminate in the final 2 episodes...

the movie is probably placed somewhere just before those 2 episodes.

The rest of the series is a little more relaxed, a little brighter than the movie; except for the main story arc, which is darker in tone and mood then even the movie. But all of it is exceptional. Definetly worth buying.

And sadly... yes, 26 episodes of Cowboy Bebop is all there ever will be.

I think the movie was gonna be an episode, but they couldn't fit it in. It would have been put between ep 23 and ep 24 (or ep 22 and ep 23).


I was never a fan of anime, until I saw Cowboy Bebop. It's definitely something you have to watch from episode 1 through 26. The only knock on the movie is that it feels just like a 90 minute episode rather than a 'movie' (so if you liked the movie...).

Isn't Wolf's Rain which Adult Swim is showing now somehow linked to the creatures of Bebop? I dunno though. I do know I'm not so sure I like Wolf...


Kills Photobucket
The TV show was entertaining. Keep in mind thought hat the TV series is very stand alone in presentation. Most of the episodes do not pregress an ongoing story and are enjoyable on their own. Only 6 of the whole 26 episodes have any sort of flowing story outside the first episodes introductions of the main cast. There is also an episode pretty much dedicated to each characters past (Except Spike, who get the previously mentioned 6 episodes) It's not a bad thing, and the stand alone episodes can range from very dramatic, to very funny. If you liked the movie, I thinky ou would enjoy the series. I found the series more enjoyable, and much better paced (Found the movie a bit slow).

And to the above question on Wolf's Rain. They are made by different studios, but i beleive there were a few common links, and the show does "feel" like bebop sometimes. Bebop's ending didn't completly suck though.


Wolf's rain was made by some of the guys that worked on Bebop...

and so is Samurai Champaloo. Wolf's Rain isn't too great tho... and Sam Cham while shaping up nicely... still needs to be given a bit more time before we can judge whether or not it can live upto CB's legacy.


DrForester said:
The TV show was entertaining. Keep in mind thought hat the TV series is very stand alone in presentation. Most of the episodes do not pregress an ongoing story and are enjoyable on their own. Only 6 of the whole 26 episodes have any sort of flowing story outside the first episodes introductions of the main cast. There is also an episode pretty much dedicated to each characters past (Except Spike, who get the previously mentioned 6 episodes) It's not a bad thing, and the stand alone episodes can range from very dramatic, to very funny. If you liked the movie, I thinky ou would enjoy the series. I found the series more enjoyable, and much better paced (Found the movie a bit slow).

And to the above question on Wolf's Rain. They are made by different studios, but i beleive there were a few common links, and the show does "feel" like bebop sometimes. Bebop's ending didn't completly suck though.

I thought Bebop's ending was excellent.


$120 for the whole series, 6 at $20 a pop. That's kind of steep isn't it?

People are selling the "Complete Sessions" on Amazon for $40... bootlegs I suppose.


Hollywood Square
SKluck said:
$120 for the whole series, 6 at $20 a pop. That's kind of steep isn't it?

People are selling the "Complete Sessions" on Amazon for $40... bootlegs I suppose.

Don't buy it. With so many people liking it, you know it's got to be disappointing. Look at Titanic.


SKluck said:
$120 for the whole series, 6 at $20 a pop. That's kind of steep isn't it?

People are selling the "Complete Sessions" on Amazon for $40... bootlegs I suppose.

Eh... Price varies. $20 is the lowest I've seen. The normal price I saw for it was $23-$30 in-store.


Drunky McMurder
Willco said:
Don't buy it. With so many people liking it, you know it's got to be disappointing. Look at Titanic.

But look how many people like Spider-Man.

HAH! I win! Winner! ME!


well not really...yet
Willco said:
Don't buy it. With so many people liking it, you know it's got to be disappointing. Look at Titanic.
look at spider man


edit: shit beaten to it


Drunky McMurder
Willco said:
Lots of people hate Spider-Man. That way you know it's good. Balance it out, y'know.

But you hate Cowboy Bebop.

And clearly, you value your opinion more than anybody else's.

Therefore, it is like lots of people hate Cowboy Bebop.

Must be good.



Hollywood Square
Archaix said:
But you hate Cowboy Bebop.

And clearly, you value your opinion more than anybody else's.

Therefore, it is like lots of people hate Cowboy Bebop.

Must be good.


That made no sense. Plus, Nomoment just agreed with me, so I win.


Willco said:
While I agree with you, that's a pretty harsh thing to say to people who like the show.
Oh my god! You are so funny! And so original too! Really, did you think of that reply all by yourself or did you steal it from Andy Dick?


Jak140 said:
Oh my god! You are so funny! And so original too! Really, did you think of that reply all by yourself or did you steal it from Andy Dick?
Leave him alone, he's just a little kid.


Hollywood Square
Jak140 said:
Oh my god! You are so funny! And so original too! Really, did you think of that reply all by yourself or did you steal it from Andy Dick?

I stole it from Andy Dick, of course.
I thought the movie was pretty much crap. Aside from the cool fight at the end, it was a snooze fest. Plus the fan service was greatly unappreciated. Mainly because it was half hearted.

The series isn't pristine, alot of the eps are quite boring. It's funny, because every one of the sessions has a crap episode. Hard Luck Woman sucks, sessions 2 & 5 each have a single good ep, Jupiter Jazz were boring, Brain Scratch and Black Dog Serenade were just stupid. I dunno. Individually none of the sessions are worth owning except maybe 1 or 6. I suppose as a whole it works. I'd much rather not pay for the crap though.
It's a pretty decent anime, and one of the few series that actually went into a dub well. I actually enjoy the dub voices over the Japanese ones. The series really isn't total crap like some peope say, it's very love it or hate it, but I think it is worth yout ime to watch. No need to buy the epiodes Adult Swim will forever air them with it's huge popularity. The movie is pretty dull I thought, it just didn't feel like Cowboy Bebop to me. Meh.

But eh give it a try. There is a reason it's so popular, so I just say try it out. Watch the first few episodes and if you don't really like it, you probably won't like the series, but think about it... 2 people out of this entire thread say it sucks? Eh, if it was really that overrated we'd see many more posts.


Unconfirmed Member
If you liked the movie then you should like the series too. The movie was originally planned as an episode in the series that got scratched. So they blew it up in size a bit, slowed down the pace a tad, and made it into a movie.

I too didn't care much for Bebop at first, but that is because I too only watched a minute or two here and there and didn't really pay it any mind, simply chalking it up to typical anime geek overhyping. But if you actually sit down and really WATCH it, you realize that it is actually quite good indeed. Amusingly enough, the first episode of the show I ever actually watched in its entirety was the final episode, and that totally made me flip my opinion of Bebop all by itself.

I wouldn't recommend you go out buying all the sessions right away, though. It is on basic cable, after all, and you can always rent the dvds to test the waters first. I wouldn't say that it's a given that you'll like it either, but I'd say it's a strong possibility if you liked the movie.
I don't really watch much anime, but I really dig Cowboy Bebop. I have the limited edition box and all six DVDs, and although there are some episodes that mostly filler, there are a lot of great episodes that deal with character history, as well as chasing criminals. But yeah, watch/TiVo the adult swim runs, then see if it's worth while...
Serafitia said:
Jupiter Jazz boring? Why do you watch anime?
Because luckily, 99.99% of it is not "Jupiter Jazz". After the awesome Ballad of Fallen Angels, Jupiter Jazz was a duller return to the continuing story, stretched out to take twice as much time.


Bebop's a good show. Came upon it by recommendation of a friend, and ended up marathon-watching about the last fourteen episodes. I like it... good presentation, good music, etc.

Only bad CB thing I've ever seen is the PSOne game.


SKluck said:
$120 for the whole series, 6 at $20 a pop. That's kind of steep isn't it.

It's a bit steep for your average TV box set, but a perfectly good deal by anime standards. I'd suggest buying the series from Deep Discount DVD, which has each volume for $18 with free shipping. And, yes, the collections being sold on Amazon for $40 a pop are bootlegs. If you see someone selling a set with all 26 episodes on three or four discs, don't bother - you really want to shell out for the proper, six disc American release.

Rest assured, if you liked the movie, you'll love the TV series. And, while much of the show is episodic, you want to make sure you watch the plot episodes in order, so be sure to watch each disc in sequence. Enjoy, and let us know how you liked the show once you're done watching it.


Edit: To quote adelgary in the "how much for the Bebop set" thread:

"Your best bet is probably ordering the individual discs from www.deepdiscountdvd.com at $17.99 each (free shipping only for America I think), and using the "DVDTALK" code to get %20 off (valid until the 25th)."

I forgo tall about the 20% off sale. So, if you go ahead and get your order in, you're looking at shelling out roughly $87 for the entire series, which is a steal. Jump on it!
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