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Question for experienced Halo 1 fans


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Sorry about making another Halo topic... I meant to make this topic about a week ago, but never got around to it.

Anyway, I never played Halo. To be more precise, I never played Halo's single player. But I AM going to be picking up Halo 2. So I need someone who has played through the first game to explain the plot for me, including spoiling any spoilers, as well as the ending. I thought I would have a chance to get through the campaign before Halo 2 hit, but I'm obviously not going to.

I'm looking for something shorter than a novelization, but longer than a bulleted list of "this happens in this level, this happens in this level." Basically, ALL I KNOW is that there's bad Aliens that put a giant Halo around a planet. That's it. So get me up to speed so I can enjoy Halo 2 tomorrow at midnight.

Thanks in advance!


Alright, and you asked for spoilers, so here goes.

Master Chief and the gang are flying along, when Covenant attack! Shit happens, the Pillar of Autumn crash lands elsewhere, and the escape pod Master Chief is in has him as the only survivor. Seems they're on a Halo, a Covenant religious site.

You wind up getting into a Covenant ship and rescuing some of your allies. Then the flood come and kill some of 'em, just to piss you off.

Eventually, MC finds the remains of the Pillar of Autumn, and sets off the self-destruct sequence. A quick run out of it on a warthog later, and you fly away.

The Halo goes boom, you fly off into the distance for a cliffhanger ending.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
That thread gives away the ending, but I didn't understand any of it, because I never experienced the rest of the storyline. I know they linked the the script on GFAQS, but I don't want to read that entire thing for obvious reasons either. In a perfect world someone would give me 3-4paras about simply what Halo is about, and then explain how it ended.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Matlock said:
Alright, and you asked for spoilers, so here goes.

Master Chief and the gang are flying along, when Covenant attack! Shit happens, the Pillar of Autumn crash lands elsewhere, and the escape pod Master Chief is in has him as the only survivor. Seems they're on a Halo, a Covenant religious site.

You wind up getting into a Covenant ship and rescuing some of your allies. Then the flood come and kill some of 'em, just to piss you off.

Eventually, MC finds the remains of the Pillar of Autumn, and sets off the self-destruct sequence. A quick run out of it on a warthog later, and you fly away.

The Halo goes boom, you fly off into the distance for a cliffhanger ending.

What is the pillar of Autumn? What is the Flood? What is a Halo, just a place?


You missed the main point of the story in that summary :p
Edit: guess I should mark the spoilers for wandering visitors:
There is another group of beings called the forefathers. It turns out that they constructed the Halo to destroy all living organisms in the galaxy, to get rid of The Flood (and humans, covenant etc) - The forefathers are non-organic so it doesn't affect them. So Master Chief, under the guidance of Cortana, destroys the Pillar of Autumn to take out the Halo before it is used.

The Pillar of Autumn is the ship you are on that is attacked by The Covenant.
The Flood is a disease that spreads through living creatures... though we do not know who created it.


Pillar of Autumn is the Marine ship that Master Chief was on.

The flood are little bastards that piss everyone off.

Halo is a big ringworld. That's about all I can tell you about it.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Ok so let me run this down: You're on a ship (pillar of Autumn). It's attack by covenent, crashes. The non-organic mystery race the forefathers created the Halo to destroy all living organisms, to get rid of The Flood, which is a disease that infects all organisms.

Master Chief self destructs the pillar of autumn to destroy the Halo and saves that planet, then presumably heads back to earth. Anything else I need to know?


I always took it that the flood were those things that blow up when you shoot them and leave behind all those little bastards that jump on you.

Deku Tree

Jonnyram said:
You missed the main point of the story in that summary :p
There is another group of beings called the forefathers. It turns out that they constructed the Halo to destroy all living organisms in the galaxy, to get rid of The Flood (and humans, covenant etc) - The forefathers are non-organic so it doesn't affect them. So Master Chief, under the guidance of Cortana, destroys the Pillar of Autumn to take out the Halo before it is used.

The Pillar of Autumn is the ship you are on that is attacked by The Covenant.
The Flood is a disease that spreads through living creatures... though we do not know who created it.

Are they called the "forefathers" in the JPN version? They're called the "forerunners" in the US version.

Here is some more info: http://www.xbox.com/en-GB/halo2/haloexplained.htm


Deku Tree said:
Are they called the "forefathers" in the JPN version? They're called the "forerunners" in the US version.
Sorry, that's just my memory playing up. I was playing the US version ;) Forefathers should be Forerunners. Doh. I wonder how the Covenant wiped out all the other Spartans though - they can't have been much cop.
OK, off top of my head....

Earth force battle cruiser, The pillar of Autumn, comes out of hyperspace jump near a curious "object", running from bunch of Covenant's ships after an intense battle where they barely survived. The Covenent ships follow them there.

Tattered from the proveious battle, PoA is easily boarded by the Covenent troops. Captain Keys of the PoA orders shipboard AI, Cortana, off the ship via Master Chief, the last "Spartan II" elite force cyborg left to the fleet (Shipboard AIs like Cortana cannot be allowed to be capture or destroyed, since they are extremely valuable, and contain crucial information such as location of Earth, which is still a mystery to the Covenent, who are for an unknown reason, hellbent on wiping out humanity from the universe). Cortana AI core is plugged into MC's helmet, and MC battles his way to the last escape pod. Meanwhile, Captain Keys manually attampts to crash land the PoA onto the surface of the mysterious gigantic Halo shaped object orbiting near a planet.

MC's escape pod also crash land on Halo. Covenenat forces follow the escape pods and PoA down to the surfca of Halo as well. MC mounts a rescue of fellow Earth force soldiers and eventually of Captain Keys, who gets captured by the Covenent. during the rescue, MC and Cortana observe various curious espects of the Halo, which is obviously artifical, but within it contain many different natural seasonal surroundings. They also find out that the Covenent are also very interested in this "Halo".

After rescueing the Captain, MC and Cortana mounts an operation into finding out why Halo exists. They intercept Cov communications about a "Silent Cartographer", which is thought to be some sort of map room for Halo, and try to find it. After battling several Covenent forces trying to find the same, they eventually find it, and find out more about Halo, one of which is the "control room" below the surface of Halo. They get a ride on the Pelican drop ship into the bowels of Halo.

More battles with Cov who's ahead of MC and Cortana into the race to the control room of Halo, they arrive at the control room and Cortana interfaces directly into the main panel, getting plugged in it. After a brief maveling of the vast data within the control room, she suddenly is alarmed of impending mistake that Cap Keys is about to make at another part of Halo through the interface. She tells MC to leave immediately to Cap Keys location to stop whatever he is about to do. MC leaves hastly to the loaction via the Pelican, leaving Cortana behind in the control room.

MC is dropped off at a jungle part of Halo, where Cap Keys last comm was sent from. MC briefly battle Cov forces, then goes down into a vast structure that Cap Keys and his forces dissappeared into. Deep within, he find Cap Keys troops and the Cov forces decimated by a new enemy who are parasitic organisms that take over any organic matter into their own, turning them into zombie warriors called the "flood". Apparently this "flood" is the only thing that the Covenent fears.

After finding out about the flood, MC battles out of the structure, and hooks up with surviving earth troopers. As they leave they get surrounded by vast number of the flood, battles, but then is recued by a group of mechaical sentries and it's lead, a floating probe like AI entity calling itself the Guilty Spark. GS recruits MC into helping him to stop the flood. MC agrees and is transported instantly to another part of Halo.

GS warps MC to a facility call the Library to obtain whats basically the key that controls Halo. GS is by "protocol" not allowed to retrive this key byhimslef and that's why MC is needed. Unfortunately, the library is filled with the flood, and MC has to battle several levels to get to the key. After finally retriving it, GS warps MC back to the control room to turn Halo on, which he expalin will stop the flood, the reason for Halo's existance.

At the control room, MC plugs the key into the main panel. nothing happens. GS is puzzled, as Cortana's hologram zaps into view, knocking GS to the floor with invisible force. MC reacts and tells Cortana that GS is a friend and they are trying to stop the flood by starting up the Halo. Cortana obsorved the key into herslef, then chastises MC for blindly trusting the Guilty Spark, and explain how Halo stops the flood: by ridding the galaxy of flood's food source, which is any organic matter big enough to sustain the flood. GS demands that Cortana give back the key. Cortna tells him to go screw himself. Then GS summons his mechaical sentries and attacks MC. MC grabs Cortana from the panel and runs.

Cortana and MC determines that only options left to them is to somehow destroy the Halo, and to do it, they need the captain and his implant chip which will allow them to blow up Pillar of Autumn's reactors. But before they go to rescue Keys again, they decide to zap 3 power reactors within Halo which will slow down GS from starting up the Halo in another ways. They fight through waves of Cov and flood to do so. after which Cortana finds the loaction of Keys within a crashed Cov battlecruiser.

Cortana warps MC into the battlecruiser using the same method GS used. Battle has erupted within the ship, which the flood is trying to repair and to get off the Halo with, and the Cov is trying to prevent them. After battling more waves of both, MC find Keys, who's already been transformed into Flood. MC retrievs the omplant chip from the decayed head of the Captain and barely escaped the Cov ship via a Cov Banshee aircraft. MC and Cortana heads for the wreck of the Pillars of Autumn.

GS is already at PoA, and stops the self destruct sequence that Cortana initiates to make PoA's reactors go KABOOM. GS is also able to tap into COrtana and learns all about human history and of Earth. MC and Cortana then embarks on the only option left to them: to manually blow up PoA's reactors with granades and rockets. This envolves even more battles with the flood that already taken over the ship, and the sentries that GS has brought. Eventually, MC suceeds and then barely espcapes the PoA and Halo via the last lonstar fighter in it's bays. As the fighter zooms into deep space, PoA's reactors go kablooey, tearing Halo into chunks from the antimatter explosion.

Credits roll. Then you see a cut scene of the Guilty Spark following MC and COrtana into the deep space, obviously having excaped Halo's demise.

I think that's got the jest of it. It's a very complex story. Hopefully I didn't leave out anything major.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Thanks very much everyone, esp. shogmaster. Should make jumping right into Halo 2 much easier :)

john tv

They never explained (in Halo 1) why the Monitor kept calling MC "reclaimer" or why he kept insinuating that this wasn't the first time MC was sent out on a mission like this...


john tv said:
They never explained (in Halo 1) why the Monitor kept calling MC "reclaimer" or why he kept insinuating that this wasn't the first time MC was sent out on a mission like this...

Reminds me of
the plot twist at the end of the Matrix Reloaded...


Aside from the repeated misspelling of "Keyes", Shogmaster's synopsis was perfect ;)

I think that Guilty Spark refers to all humans as "Reclaimers"....it is not just a title attributed to Master Chief. Remember that he has an alternative vocabulary for many things.
border said:
Aside from the repeated misspelling of "Keyes", Shogmaster's synopsis was perfect ;)

All without looking anything up! Are you proud of me? :D

Holy hell is that thing full of gramatical and spelling errors. I was in a rush, so my geek points are still safe!


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I guess that's why I didn't enjoy the first Halo. The story has too many plots. I had no clue to what I was doing.

Seth C

Let me add to that story, that where the Pillar of Autumn came out of hyperspace was intentional. Cortana programmed in those coordinates because of her understanding of some information the Covenant were trying to obtain. So, they ended up at the Halo because Cortana brought them there. That's something you don't know unless you read the first book.


john tv said:
They never explained (in Halo 1) why the Monitor kept calling MC "reclaimer" or why he kept insinuating that this wasn't the first time MC was sent out on a mission like this...

yeah, there are a lot of hints to humans being linked to the forerunners somehow. Or at least GS lays some hints.

Also, the Halo('s) were created to study the flood, and upon chance of their potential escape detonate killing their food source off.

I don't think we ever are told that the forerunners are non-organic. At least that I can remember.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
There is lots of plot hints layed down by Guilty Spark as he leads you through the library.

He mentions that there are multiple Halo rings, the on you are currently on is installlation 004.

He mentions that your Mjolnir armor is weaker then what is standard, claiming that more powerful variations should be available to him, only the Mjolnir suit was just invented.

He makes vague references to the last time he had to deal with the flood by firing off the Halo rings, referring to the Master Chief as the same reclaimer as the "last time", this could explain why no living forerunners are around, just the machines.

There are other little tidbits, but its been awhile and my memory of it is a bit fuzzy.
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