Black Deatha
I don't know a lot about either format, but what little I do know is this, both formats are going to be competing for essentaly the same market, and both will support high deffinition video and can store way more data than a DVD, and both players are apperantly backwards compatable for DVD's, and both have lots of backing by various big name companys.
But my question is this, what are the differences between the two? I mean, why even have 2 competing formats when one will eventualy beat out the other one, especaly when there seemingly essentialy the same thing, like is one format going to store more data than the other or what? Seems it would be a better idea to just combine both formats in to one.
Either way, educate me, and anyone else that may be curious about the same thing
~Black Deatha
But my question is this, what are the differences between the two? I mean, why even have 2 competing formats when one will eventualy beat out the other one, especaly when there seemingly essentialy the same thing, like is one format going to store more data than the other or what? Seems it would be a better idea to just combine both formats in to one.
Either way, educate me, and anyone else that may be curious about the same thing
~Black Deatha