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Question to Everquest vets.

1. I've never played EQ before, should I get the original plus some expansion packs, or just get 2?
2. How bad is EQ on dial-up?
3. Any tips for an EQ newbie?


1) Wait until the 27th and buy this EverQuest Platinum. It has all the current expansions. I would also pick up EQ 2 later, you can play both for $20ish a month. They are different enough to warrant playing both.

2) Never had a problem myself, zone time will be longer and you might get so lag with lots of people around but its nothing to bad.

3) Do all the newbie armor quests. Easy way to get some good equipment with not that much effort. Also hang around the bazaar if you get board. Lots of people get sick of selling stuff so they mark it extremely low in price, great way to get nice gear for not that much cash. Check here for some good quest info.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Just wait for everquest 2, the ammount of time an mmorpg requires to even scratch the surface of its world and EQ2 will be out while you'll still be killing low level shit in EQ :p


i played eq for 4 years

dont buy eq1 there are massive bugs in the game and the push out more expansions before fixing the bugs.

wait for wow or eq 2

you could play on modem back in the day for the original world and even kunark but velious and higher is too packet intensive imo.

id save up get broadband and then choose one of the others.


Ok say what you will about Everquest but it does NOT have massive bugs. Its the most balanced and patched game ever.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ok say what you will about Everquest but it does NOT have massive bugs. Its the most balanced and patched game ever




Everquest may have gone through the most balancing ever, but it's by no means the most balanced game ever.


bheemer said:
i played eq for 4 years

dont buy eq1 there are massive bugs in the game and the push out more expansions before fixing the bugs.

wait for wow or eq 2

you could play on modem back in the day for the original world and even kunark but velious and higher is too packet intensive imo.

id save up get broadband and then choose one of the others.

So he can get a new title that has massive bugs and issues? I think it is the perfect time to pick up EverQuest and Ultima Online. They offer the most content and give new players a great introduction to MMORPG.


EQ2 wont be out for quite a while, will it? Open Beta has not even started yet AFAIK.

As long as I played (release until right before PoP), dialup was all right - IF you didnt want to raid.
In the big raids, dialups would often be disconnected from the excessive lag. Pretty much unplayable.
I read somewhere that the lag has been reduced thru optimizations, but no idea if is true.

Why have you specifically chosen EQ - or EQ 2, a game that we dont yet know how good will or not be - anyway? There are plenty other similiar games out here.

If you plan on waiting, WoW will probably be a competent product.
Not the second coming of Christ as someone hypes it (good move of Blizzard to hire the guildleaders of 2 of the most known EQ guilds, and invite many of them to beta, it created a lot of hype), but should be a good EQ clone.

CoH is out and should be easy and fun, probably more than EQ, for a couple months at least.

DAoC is similiar to EQ, with a focus on PvP. Like EQ, is a old game, so might be hard to get up par with the veteran players, in both knowledge and gear. Might... not sure, havent played it.

AO players usually sound really satisfied, but that game is quite complex, not newbie friendly.


If I were in you, Id check the IGN Vault boards for opinions on the various games (no need for an insider account and there are boards for all major MMORPGs), download some free trials (avaliable for all but the most recvent games), and check myself.

Since Im not you, Ill instead just wait for Guild Wars :)
Should be out within this year, and the E3 open alpha rocked. And by "rocked", I mean it was FUN, not the pretty graphics



My newbie tips:
-don't beg for money/gear etc. I had 2 level 65's when I quit playing, and I used to give gear away to true newbies all the time
-I played 3 years on dial-up, never had a problem. Was even able to 2-box my 2 accounts with no trouble
-pick a class that you have the most fun with, and don't read the different class boards, it will sour you on any class. Every single class complains about being broken, and how every other class has it better.
-quit now and give up this idea, you WILL get addicted and look back and realize you threw your life away


balanced hahahahaha?

ok try this

rogues dmg output
clerics offensive casting spells
sleepers tomb pre patch (the zone was part of an expansion and launched wo being itemized)
veeshans peak
skyshrine quests
vex thal zone itemization
gates of discord ill just say the entire expansion is broken.
boat bug still not fixed from the very initial launch

to name a few. i could go on.


bheemer said:
balanced hahahahaha?

ok try this

rogues dmg output
clerics offensive casting spells
sleepers tomb pre patch (the zone was part of an expansion and launched wo being itemized)
veeshans peak
skyshrine quests
vex thal zone itemization
gates of discord ill just say the entire expansion is broken.
boat bug still not fixed from the very initial launch

to name a few. i could go on.

All but the boat problem don't effect the game untill extremly high lvls. The TLing gnomes own boats any day of the week :)


I still play EQ to this day and have quite a bit of fun. The game is usually pretty stable but there were some problems when the DX9 graphic engine went in. Those are fixed now though and the game runs smooth. If you do play I suggest being a solo class because it can be pretty tough to find people at lower lvls to group with anymore. Necromancer, Beastlord, Druid, or Bard would work well.
Seriously, do yourself a favor and get what Mana suggested. After New Frontiers (free expansion), this game became the king of the MMORPG genre again.



Gold Member
Sal Paradise Jr said:
Seriously, do yourself a favor and get what Mana suggested. After New Frontiers (free expansion), this game became the king of the MMORPG genre again.


Yup, and Catacombs is due in December. That'll be a retail expansion.

Mythic does Retail -> Free Download -> Retail -> Free Download as their expansion cycle. So after you shell out $29 for Catacombs, there will be a Free expansion a few months later.

And these aren't tiny expansions, but FULL additions to the game with a bunch of new features.


Don't even waste your time with EQ, bro. WoW will be out soon. It's pretty similar to EQ, but alot more polished and without alot of the annoyances.


Bah the haters, there's still much fun to be had in everquest. =D

If your leaning that way go for it and take the plunge. The game is a MUCH different game then what it used be, it may be older then what's on the market today, but the community is there, active, and being old isn't such a bad thing. The EverQuest: Platinum edition is the way to go.

Btw, im in a time based guild on Terris Thule, progressing our way through GoD, while enjoying the low/mid lvls with my gf and some friends.


Gold Member
Flakster99 said:
Btw, im in a time based guild on Terris Thule, progressing our way through GoD, while enjoying the low/mid lvls with my gf and some friends.

You won't be able to finish GoD until Omens of War comes out. The final zones were made for level 70's, but that level limit was cut from GoD right before release. That's why people are getting their asses handed to them in some of the later zones, and why some people haven't been to the highest ones. :(


Yeah, read about that a while ago. They've re-tuned a lot of GoD to make it more accessible for the lvl 65 crowd; considering their bone head move, im still irked by what they've said, that it was supposed to be fine tuned for lvl 70. Furor made a post way back that he thought GoD would have a follow up expansion, some things just don't add up, if you think about a lot of what they've done with GoD, OoW.

Enough of that, still enjoying myself. =D


isnt there a free d/l of the game at the moment? The original and 2 expansions for free i think. Have a buddy with broadband d/l it for you and burn it to a few cd's or a dvd.

EQ is an awesome game. Its friggin HUGE! I wouldnt worry about the stuff in the god zones...It will take you quite a long time to reach that level if you are a total noob.

good luck
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