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Questions about registering for E3 2005.

My dad owns his own company and he said that if I were to get all the information he'd try to get it setup so I could go to E3:) So can someone give me all the information needed to go?


Junior Member
For lunch, hit up one of those hot dog vendors where the people make the sausage in shopping carts.


Yes, they're called Alley Dogs, or Downtown Dogs, or as the Latinos like to say, Salchichas. It's a big wiener with bacon wrapped around it, served with grilled onions and peppers, then topped with ketchup and mayo. They're fantastic and are only found in LA; the city's smog actually adds to the flavor. I've tried to replicate the flavor and taste at home and could never get it just right.


Okay. To get into E3 you need to submit two forms of identification.
Ask your dad for a copy of his business license and a business card for each employee that wants to go. (Are you an employee? ;-))
Then tape those down and fax the license and the matching business card with a filled out E3 form into E3 before the free deadline.

After that wait for email confirmation and you'll be fine. Just do NOT wait to do it as the fax lines always getting f'ing crowded toward the deadline.

For a fun note put something cool into the job title.

Edit: It's worked for me. I have gone to E3 the last 5 years. (Twice underage) Find a nearby hotel and get a nice backup to hold shit. Bring a water bottle and a packed lunch. The food INSIDE is horrendously expensive and shitty. Also get REALLY REALLY REALLY comfortable shoes.

If you are going with other people, get cellphones or walkie-talkies that have a REALLY high volume. (It's loud on the show floor) Bring something like a GBA SP or Palm to play with while you wait in lines. You'll be in a lot of them.

That's about it.
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