Rodent Whores
The key to any proper exchange of discourse is clear and precise language.
It's "sofa", not "the other chair".
It's "Tim Horton's", not "the other Burger King".
It's "penis", not "the other finger".
It's "
's pretty mouth", not "the other bathroom".
Ambiguous turns of phrase like that are a defense mechanism for the chronically passive aggressive and it diminishes the conversation. "the other place" has a proper name, for fuck's sake; it's not fucking Voldemort.
So I beseech and implore you to shed the crutches and be more direct. It has a name. And that name is "Intercourse, Pennsylvania".
"I can't find any PS5 consoles in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. There isn't even any electricity except for the local horse hospital"
"I tried to go to a tiddy bar in Intercourse, Pennsylvania but the closest thing they have is a Walgreens and everything closes at 4pm"
I wore socks and sandals indoors in Intercourse, Pennsylvania, and they called the police on me"
"I tried to vote in Intercourse, Pennsylvania but I realized that their voting machine is actually a donkey with a chalkboard tied around its neck"
"I talked to someone in Intercourse, Pennsylvania about Cyberpunk 2077 but they told me to fuck off to somewhere else that cares"
Use clear language, you silly fucks!
It's "sofa", not "the other chair".
It's "Tim Horton's", not "the other Burger King".
It's "penis", not "the other finger".
It's "

Ambiguous turns of phrase like that are a defense mechanism for the chronically passive aggressive and it diminishes the conversation. "the other place" has a proper name, for fuck's sake; it's not fucking Voldemort.
So I beseech and implore you to shed the crutches and be more direct. It has a name. And that name is "Intercourse, Pennsylvania".

Intercourse, Pennsylvania - Wikipedia

"I can't find any PS5 consoles in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. There isn't even any electricity except for the local horse hospital"
"I tried to go to a tiddy bar in Intercourse, Pennsylvania but the closest thing they have is a Walgreens and everything closes at 4pm"
I wore socks and sandals indoors in Intercourse, Pennsylvania, and they called the police on me"
"I tried to vote in Intercourse, Pennsylvania but I realized that their voting machine is actually a donkey with a chalkboard tied around its neck"
"I talked to someone in Intercourse, Pennsylvania about Cyberpunk 2077 but they told me to fuck off to somewhere else that cares"
Use clear language, you silly fucks!