I've heard this story time and time again. It's very common among health care professionals and police as well. If you're working at an inner city hospital, a disproportionate number of patients in the ER are going to be aboriginal. It's easy to stereotype people, develop racist attitudes, and lose empathy unless you make a conscious effort not to.It was tough for my girlfriend who moved out to Alberta about a year ago. Before moving she couldn't understand the racism and thought people out west were just ignorant. Then in a span of about two months she was verbally assaulted a dozen times, had a beer can thrown at her, had sexual remarks shouted at her, seen multiple arrests, people drunk during the middle of the day, etc. She called me to complain and though she was educated about Canada's sordid history with indigenous people, she felt bad because she felt like she was losing her empathy for them. Very sad.
e: also very common among those whose work brings them to reserves and northern communities.