Cerebral Palsy said:
... right out the window! Free speech should only exist when you agree with what is said, right?
Bellwoods, you have offended this man worse than anything he could ever find on Rotten.com. You sir, are a fucking horrible person. You deserved to be banned.
(1) i was referring to the new 2257 in general. yes, i didn't make myself clear. sorry. i don't agree at all with rotten.com's content, but the new 2257 is absolutely bullshit, and violate's rotten.com's right to exist, period. it's not declared censorship, but like a computational complexity argument to censorship. it's like saying "yes, you can still distribute all the media you used to distribute but everytime you hand out a copy you have to factor this 2kbyte composite number we give you". it's a ridiculous subversion of constitutional rights. it effectively cuts off the right to communicate.
so, that said: (2) i don't particularly believe in censorship, and this thread is not proof that i do, no matter how convenient it may be for you to discount my opinions by what is ultimately fallacy anyways. i do believe in free speech, and fancie is free to talk to me, or the mod that banned him directly, to post his little heart out on oa, or what have you. however, he violated the rules of the particular thread that he posted in, a thread especially designed to do foster unusually constructive discussion by means of short-circuiting the self-censorship that tends to be present on a board that is moderated, nominally to ensure that all participants have an equal right to speak (AHEM). the rules of this thread were designed to ensure that these qualities would still be present in the thread despite the relaxation of other rules.
now, there are a couple definitional issues:
particularly (3), free speech is NOT the ability for YOU (hypothetical you) to say whatever YOU want, whenever YOU want. let's say there's a single communications channel that everyone in a group shares, and let's say we want to assure that "free speech" holds for everyone over that communications channel. let's say that this channel takes in 1 message from every participant every unit time and broadcasts the first message and only the first message it receives during that partiod to every participant. if we let this system run uncontrolled and some participant consistently sends the first message every single unit time is this "free speech" over the entire system? my guess is the other users will be pretty pissed that they can't send any messages to their buddies over the channel.
nominally, free speech is a right that is shared over an entire population and is meant to ensure that there is always room for progressive discussion (that is, discussion that progresses some argument, not necessarily politically progressive discussion)
(4) censorship is the filtering of objectionable content. you'll notice the word guido is not being filtered. fancie's self-defence was not filtered. we are having an open discussion on "racism" right now, in this thread. more aptly, the kind of censorship that the new 2257 is trying to achieve, the kind of censorship that impedes on free speech is that which simply makes speech disappear in order to squash discussion, reason and thought. the problem with crying censorship everytime you are chided to consider your words is that it only demonstrates that you don't understand both what it means and what you mean. if you have no idea what you're talking about, you should probably reconsider your prose anyways.
in summary, i do still believe in free speech. i also believe in reason, discussion, and the ability to follow simple fucking rules.
if you have a problem with the rules evilore imposed on the hate thread, you're free to post about it in or out of the hate thread. if you can come up with a reasonable argument as to why they constitute unjust censorship, feel free to air it.
for the record, i'm not offended by the word guido. i am offended by whiny cerebral palsies who refuse to put two thoughts together.