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Radiant Silvergun was going to be released for PSOne...



Quoted from rec.games.video.sony

In article <hginfuc4b5qlrlnbchevfmfjt0vmsd8bte@4ax.com>,

kevin@beestung.net says...

> I had no idea that Radiant Silvergun was going to be released on PSX

> before being shot down by Sony. WTF? Who the hell makes these

> decisions? How can someone sit there and approve the stupidest most

> awful game and then say Radiant Silvergun doesn't fit in with the PSX

> image when there were other shooter games being released that weren't

> half as good?


While the Goemon thing is true, let's stop this rumor here. Radiant

Silvergun PS was stopped because it was BUTT ugly. The lack of texture

RAM made the game vastly inferior to the Saturn version (which couldn't

come over because our BS friend killed the Saturn prematurely) in the

initial pre-alpha versions. It was obvious that the game just wasn't

going to work on the PS without a ground-up rewrite, which made no sense

at all for a genre (shooters) that was dead or dying in Japan and the US.

Besides, I wanted to keep all the extra shrink-wrapped Saturn Radiant

Silverguns I have selling for a premium on Ebay! Hehehe...kidding!


Don't Believe the Hype -


Possibly very old, but I never knew this...


Crave was going to publish it... they were financing Treasure's port, and SCEA shot it down at an extremely early stage in development iirc... SCEA was pretty hard on approving Saturn ports.

White Man

There was no way it would've been any good, at all. It would've been absolutely unplayable.

Damnit, now I wish I had my Saturn with me.


if the port sucked then the port sucked. it's not as if crave was full-on genius. i heard very similar stuff way back when it was happening, years ago.

i just wish i had a copy of RS for saturn, is all. they should just port it to PS2 or cube or something as a budget release.
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