I actually wasn't planning to talk about it. I can give it a little lip-service tomorrow since I'm light on games otherwise.
Four weeks strong!Wait, Greg is back on the podcast? Guess I'd better start listening again!
Episode 444 "Toys-to-Afterlife" said:Greg took the week off to watch his beloved New England Patriots kick-off the NFL season with a win, so Team RFN is joined this week by print journalist and independent game developer - and friend of the show - Syrenne McNulty.
Syrenne starts off New Business with a duo of Toys-to-Life games. First she describes Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, a game that enables you to engage in the Sisyphean task of designing the same plot of land, over and over. She follows with Disney Infinity 3.0, an "everything but the kitchen sink" style of Toys-to-Life game that serves as a palate cleanser and a positive example to some of its lesser peers. Meanwhile, Gui has found himself looking for co-op experiences. He explores Astral Breakers, a Wii U eShop multiplayer puzzle game, and then returns to Wii U classics Super Mario 3D World and New Super Mario Bros. U. The question is, are they REALLY classics? Jon revs his engine with Excitebike Vs., now with actual saving. Is Nintendo's first level editor a stealth tease for how RFN is going to cover their latest? No. Lastly, James attempts to give some advice to people who want to play Metal Gear Solid V, but wonder if they should try to catch up first. Like all conversations in Metal Gear Solid, it goes on far too long.
After an unusually deep Now Playing, it's an all-news Listener Mail. Nintendo and their partners made last week especially newsworthy, and our listeners answered (especially one wise and dashing listener). Questions touch on the announcement of Pokémon GO, Ace Attorney 6, and Pikmin 4. They also probe the lack of Nintendo Directs, and such inquiries are answered using nebulous "sources." Questions even cover Nintendo's recent trend of improving games in significant ways, after the review cycle is completed.
You can send your questions to the RFN mailbag. You can also send us your Super Mario Maker codes and end music suggestions. Lastly, it's time for you to vote for our Super Mario Maker-inspired RetroActive. We received so many suggestions that we changed some of our plans; you can read about that and vote here.
Thanks to Syrenne for joining us this week.
If anyone cares what I've been up to in the past month... Well, other than preparations for the book and catching up on tons of other things, I am trying to make at least one Mario level per day. The easiest way to find them is to put in just one level code, then follow me with the heart icon on my profile.
Sweet!If anyone cares what I've been up to in the past month... Well, other than preparations for the book and catching up on tons of other things, I am trying to make at least one Mario level per day. The easiest way to find them is to put in just one level code, then follow me with the heart icon on my profile.
What in the hell was going on with Now Playing this week? Did James turn into a zombie?
Episode 445 "I Made A Stage With Boos In It" said:The release of Super Mario Maker is at hand! And of course, with Nintendo finally putting a major game in our hands team RFN found itself beset with scheduling conflicts. Despite our many-faceted personal schedules, the release of Super Mario Maker is too big to pass up, so a truncated Mario Maker-only show is crewed by a truncated cast of Greg, Gui, and James. This troika of would-be Mario game designers dive into the experience of making, sharing, finding, and playing stages in Nintendo's do-it-yourself Mario toolkit. If you want to find us, here are our NNIDs:
James - zCrimm
Jon - MrDiamondJ
Greg - Yoshidious
Guillaume - Pandareus
And some of our friends:
Jonny - JonnyNWR
TYP - YoungerPlumber
If you're looking to share images captured from your Wii U or 3DS to promote your stages on Twitter or Facebook you can use i.nintendo.net.
Next week we'll return to business as usual at Radio Free Nintendo, with a healthy dose of listener mail and conversation featuring a more diverse line-up of new titles than we've seen in quite a while. If you have questions, comments, Super Mario Maker stages, or suggestions you can send them to the RFN mailbag. Remember, we can't talk about it if you don't ask! You can also send us your suggestions for music to use at the end of the show.
Just a final reminder: voting closes on September 24 for our Mario Maker-inspired RetroActive Jr. It is shockingly close, so hurry and get your votes in now.
I played through all of your levels last night. I had fun overall, but two of them were really annoying, lol.If anyone cares what I've been up to in the past month... Well, other than preparations for the book and catching up on tons of other things, I am trying to make at least one Mario level per day. The easiest way to find them is to put in just one level code, then follow me with the heart icon on my profile.
Is there any way to beat the kamek one without just waiting at the starting section for them to create a pathway for you? That was unique, but also annoyingly chaotic.
Also, the spacing of the overhead blocks in the "Patience Mario-San" (or something like that) made that level a lot more difficult than it would have been otherwise.
Episode 446 "Black Hatred In Vague Human Shape" said:Radio Free Nintendo is back at full strength, and Jon gets his first opportunity to talk Mario Maker, but first in New Business Guillaume talks about the demo for Atlus-published 3DS redundantly titled Legend of Legacy. Not to spoil it but it looks like his pre-order is safe. Next James and Greg talk about Plague of Shadows, the recently-released addition to last year's outstanding retro-focused action title Shovel Knight. As it turns out, this is a pretty great value - even if the price weren't free. Finally, New Business turns back to the act of Making Marios. Jon has some early thoughts, having only had limited time to dig in, but the rest of the team has more thoughts to build on last week's conversations.
After the always-ill advised Now Playing break, Radio Free Nintendo makes a triumphant return to the recently-neglected mailbag. Questions address: what to give a skilled, but not yet literate, child to play, the role of new Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima, GameCube emulation on Wii U, and the troubles of living in the free and easy in a world full of HR representatives. We love your questions - so keep sending them to the mailbag.
It's time for RetroActive Jr! The winner of our impossibly close poll was Mario Tennis: Power Tour! You can start playing with us right away and post your thoughts in the forum thread, and maybe we'll read them on the air.
I totally follow what you were going for with this. Props for the interesting concept.I've always found Kamek's block-changing power to be very interesting and under-used in the SMB series, so I wanted to wrestle with it more directly in that level. I don't think there's a way to skip that section, but I put it right at the beginning so that if things don't work out, you can restart without trudging through other things that are easier to get. Also, while you do have to wait a while, I provided a cannon and power-ups to keep you moving around while the Kameks slowly dissolve the barriers. Finally, you can gently influence the chaos of that scene by your position, since Kamek does try to aim at you. This is very tricky due to the multiple Kameks teleporting around, but it is definitely possible to create pathways that are easier and more reliable. I also spent a lot of time tweaking the moving platforms below to give more chances that Mario will be caught by one, even if you take a leap of faith through a dangerous chute.
That makes sense regarding the overhead block placement. You are really forced to deliberately think your way through each segment of the level.As for the overhead block placement in that other level, it's 100% intentional. I wanted that section to look easier than it actually is. Blasting through it at top speed, or without moderation of the jumps, is crazy hard. However, taking your time and jumping lightly will provide much more consistent success. I'll also admit that the hidden fire flower there is mostly just bait. It could help you a little with the Bowser section coming up, but it also makes the jump sequence a lot harder. If you happen to be tall in this part, try crouch-jumping to stay under the roof. I verified that it can be done before uploading the level.
Episode 447 "Who is Cobra Commander?" said:The show comes down from its Mario Maker high with a nearly Mario Maker-free New Business. Spurred by the delay of Star Fox Zero, James kicks it off with a report on his first time playing Star Fox Command. He finds the control options for DS games on the Wii U Virtual Console lacking, but nothing compares to the horror that is Slippy's fiance or the canonization of Krystal. Greg has a report from Mario Maker! No, the declaration of Mario Maker-free New Business wasn't a lie; he's playing the latest DLC for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: The Mario Maker stage. He's also been forced by the blackened heart of Roger Goodell to buy an Xbox One, so he starts off Rare Replay with only the finest of the legendary company's output: Jet Force Gemini. Free from Jonny's constant "comments," Jon is liberated to report on Destiny: The Taken King without looking over his shoulder. It raises the questions, why would you just want to hunt loot all the time and do the same content over and over? Lastly, Guillaume is in a bit of a Mario Funk, can Konami's (RIP) early Wii title Elebits charm him back into gaming? Can he explain why Konami Europe (RIP) felt the need to rename the game Eledees just to make an LED pun? No, and no.
After the weekly trampling of sedate tones of Japanese music by the well-meaning but disastrous attempt to cross-promote NWR, it's time for Listener Mail! Topics covered include importing games to the UK, Nintendo merchandise collecting, Nintendo merchandise rejection, making new IPs, marketing new IPs, and James' life-altering advice on Visual Novels. Most people promise to alter your life in exchange for money but we will alter your life forever for just the price of sending us an email!
It's time for our RetroActive Jr. on Mario Tennis: Power Tour and we hope you'll play along with us. We will be talking about it on episode 449 so hurry and post your thoughts, questions, and observation in the forum thread.
I used to listen to this show weekly last year and then it got pushed aside by other podcasts that caught my attention. Recently I decided to give it another shot and it seems to have improved tenfold! While previously there seemed to be lots of time where people would be shouting about certain topics that I find a little irritating, now everything seems so much more relaxed and the discussions are really insightful and enjoyable! So fair play lads, keep up the good work, I'll definitely keep this as a regular one from now on!
... I'm not sure how to take thatI'm curious what episode you listened to recently.
... I'm not sure how to take that
I'm curious what episode you listened to recently.
I'm glad that a discussion of Star Fox Command didn't go by without someone mentioning the frankly amazing ending pictures, I'm guessing this is the one Greg was talking about:
I'm glad that a discussion of Star Fox Command didn't go by without someone mentioning the frankly amazing ending pictures, I'm guessing this is the one Greg was talking about:
I'm glad that a discussion of Star Fox Command didn't go by without someone mentioning the frankly amazing ending pictures, I'm guessing this is the one Greg was talking about:
Episode 448 "Accurate Portrayal of Baboons In The Media" said:Radio Free Nintendo has two special episodes coming up. Next week is the show's first RetroActive in a metaphorical "Land of Oz." The following week is episode 450. How do you do an episode before those kinds of major events? The answer: you start it with New Business!
Greg has an update on Rare Replay, touching on Rare's early games before focusing on the connection between N64-classic Blast Corps and N64-also-a-game-I-guess Jet Force Gemini. Guillaume reports on the creeping Amiibo infection that has befallen RFN, Swedish mythological horror game Year Walk, and PlayStation Zelda-inspired, and anti-baboon propaganda, Alundra. Jon, recording from a drive-thru at the bottom of Ganymede's subterranean ocean, was apparently stranded there after finally deciding that that Galaxy 2 thing might be worth a few of his invaluable seconds. If you've not heard of Super Mario Galaxy 2, it turns out it's an okay game. Lastly, James hunts endless shinobi in FDS kunai-hell and Zelda engine reuse project Nazo no Murasame Jo ("The Mysterious Murasame Castle").
Following a properly recorded, from technical-standpoint only, Now Playing, it's time for Listener Mail. Topics covered include: Microsoft's corrosive effect on the games industry, favorite games, the future of the Nindies@Home program, and the value of a Wii U to a man of the road. You can send us your questions, whether you're at home or on the road, to our mailbag.
It's last call for our RetroActive: Mario Tennis: Power Tour! Comments have been light, so please post your thoughts on the game and there's a statistically high chance we'll read it on the show. We'll be covering it NEXT WEEK.
Episode 449 "Can't Outshine The Sun" said:New 3DS games (new, 3DS, games - not New 3DS games) dominate New Business this week. Jon doesn't have anything to talk about, and yet the segment still runs to full time. James kicks it off with a look at 3DS JRPG Legend of Legacy - think Etrian in third person - and we all know how much James loves Etrian. Greg has impressions from 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Finally, a good Sonic game in 3D! Guillaume talks briefly about his one-night stand with Rocket League on PS4, and helicopters his plug cord to wrap up New Business with Chibi-Robo Zip Lash.
After the break, it's time for the first RetroActive of RFN Season 5: Mario Tennis: Power Tour for the GBA. The crew spent most of their time in the story mode, a feature of Camelot's handheld sports titles. Conversation covers the world building, parallels with later sports RPG series, the tutorial structure (or lack there of), and the surprising depth built into what one might expect to be a Mario-branded cash in. However, it takes a guest, former Nintendo Pirate Radio host Stan Ferguson, to clearly elucidate what makes Mario Tennis: Power Tour a game worthy of holy matrimony.
Next week is Episode 450 and we're working to celebrate the milestone episode in the new, mature, sensibilities of Season 5. You can send us your comments or questions to our mailbag.
Additionally, Radio Free Nintendo is looking to make a new logo. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them to our mailbag. It needs to be scalable to at least 1400x1400 pixels, as per iTunes specifications.
Lastly, thanks to Michael "TYP" Cole for having James on the latest episode of Radio Trivia, Episode 138: Just Blame Lindemann Syndrome. It's a fun show, so if you're not a regular listener give it a shot.
There's an Enimen joke here, I think.
Time: 2'17"13
Outro: Mario Tennis Power Tour "Match Point"
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Sonic 2: I've never beaten it, because there's no rings in the Robotnik fight.
Any Twilight Princess HD or NX talk in this one?
Oh dear God...
We recorded just as this was breaking but I elected to shift it to next week once the dust had settled and we had time to talk to people and for the information to digest.