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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


Gives all the fucks
Been looking for new podcasts to listen to while I clean at work, & this seems like it might be up my alley. Gonna give the latest few episodes a listen to over the course of the week, & hopefully will be enjoyable enough I'll download more past episodes & have one more podcast to look forward to.


Neo Member
My simple logo idea:



Neo Member
Well the white border wouldn't be there -- that's just because I took a screenshot. It'd just be the blue box but yeah, I could make Mario slightly bigger in the blue box.


Seems like a perfectly normal episode of RFN, even if it's a milestoGOOD GOD THAT'S JONNY'S MUSIC!!
Episode 450 "Tone Down Your Exorcising" said:
The prophesy has been realized, at the Four-Hundred Fiftieth Transit of the Podcast Moon against the face of the Release Planet a fifth shall descend upon them.

Dr. Metts joins James, Jon, Greg, and Guillaume to celebrate Episode 450. As celebration, James planned a totally conventional episode, featuring New Business and a conversation about the latest NX rumors!

As a guest, Jonny leads of with a review of what he's been doing with his newly-found free time. He's just started Yoshi's Woolly World, but he teams up with Gui and Greg to school James and Jon on getting fluffy. His thoughts on Rock Band 4 trigger a conversation of the broader ecosystem of plastic instruments. Guillaume has impressions of Indie ghost-killing, time replaying, game Extreme Exorcism. It turns out anything worth doing is worth doing EXTREME. Jon returns to PS2-classic Shadow of the Colossus.The crew uses this opportunity to shamble up the topic of focused game design and what makes these games work in their own way. Greg is also engaged in an exorcism, with the GBA Virtual Console kart racer Konami Krazy Racers. Remember when Konami wasn't above using their fantastic back-catalog, in unconventional ways, in order to make a buck? Don't answer that. Lastly, James provides an update on The Legend of Legacy. This update mostly comes in the form of a verbal GameFAQ; prep your tank character.

After a creepy Now Playing, the fivesome dissects the latest NX news, as reported by The Wall Street Journal. Development kits are out, new chips are in, and a normally verbose podcast finds a new level of verbosity and naval gazing.

After a two week break, we're returning to Listener Mail next week. It's been a while, so fire up your email and send us your comments or questions. We're especially interested in your thoughts about our NX conversation and the future of the Nintendo ecosystem.

Lastly, we're refreshing the logo we use to promote Radio Free Nintendo. Send your submissions to our mailbag. Note, all submissions must be scalable to at least 1400x1400 pixels. We've already got a number of cool ideas; you guys are awesome.

Time: 2'17"17
Outro: Yoshi's Woolly World
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Industry leading chips: I'm a Ruffles man, myself.


As someone who watched that shareholder's meeting up close... yeesh, this'll be a doozy.
Episode 451 "Just Add An H" said:
Jon is still recovering from all the excitement of episode 450, so in his place we invited John Rairdin. As the guest, he leads off this spooky New Business with impressions of the de-spookied Slender: The Arrival, now on Wii U. Guillaume reports from Nintendo of Canada's annual media event. He gets time with the English version of Xenoblade Chronicles X, but don't ask him about the dub, and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, which turns out to be a bit...wanting. James dives into Tomorrow Corporation's Human Resource Machine, a fun take on translating Computer Science concepts into the soul-crushing madness of corporate work (video, and programming lessons, available). Lastly, Greg TRI-es his hand at playing The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes with the great unwashed masses on the Internet. Does he grasp the Pom Poms in happiness or his face in dejection?

After the break, we catch up with the news out of Nintendo's investor meeting as well as the subsequent briefing from Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima. Topics include: Nintendo's financial heath, "unannounced" games coming out "this year," the new account system, and of course Nintendo's first mobile app, Miitomo. A couple email questions are weaved into the conversation, specifically covering the lack of Nintendo Directs and Pachinko as a Business Plan.

You can have your questions and thoughts expertly woven into the fabric of a larger conversation by sending them to our mailbag.

You can find more of John's work on YouTube, at Nintendo World Report TV. Especially recommended, the best of the first half of his playthrough of Star Fox Assault.

Time: 1'44"58
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Outro: Super Castlevania IV Treasure Room
More games before end of year: Might have been a WSJ mistranslation.


Gives all the fucks
Sent in a question about a few days ago, looking forward to seeing if it'll get answered next week or so.

I'm a few episodes behind the newest podcast, but I have to say, it's nice that everyone seems similar to me in that each person is a big Nintendo fan, but still likes to talk about other consoles/games, even if it's for a brief moment, so it makes it more enjoyable hearing each one of you talk about the different games you've been playing, even if a certain game doesn't interest me. It feels very relatible, like talking with my childhood friend who was also raised on Nintendo but later expanded to other systems.

Considering work might get busier this month to the point I can hear 2 episodes in a night, I'll probably download even more past episodes to listen to. Is there really any recommendation as to how far back I should go?


Gives all the fucks
Honestly, the vast amounts of episodes in the backlog are actually nice because I'm STARVED for podcasts to help pass the time at work, especially now that it's going to get busier/I'll have to stay longer. It's just a bit...I guess "weird" when you go back & listen/watch something that's about "hey so can't wait for this game to come out" when the game has been out for quite some time. It's less "nostalgia" & more "outdated", if that makes any sense.

I'll give those two a listen after catching up, along with the ones mentioned in the OP. I just wanted to give a few of the latest episodes a listen before diving deeper, but it seems like it's worth the look.

Might give the Famicast a listen to as well.


Considering work might get busier this month to the point I can hear 2 episodes in a night, I'll probably download even more past episodes to listen to. Is there really any recommendation as to how far back I should go?

Greatly appreciate the kind words. If there are games you'd like to hear stuff about, we spoke about almost every major release on Nintendo platforms in the last decade. But to your point, it can be weird to hear talk of games that weren't out at the time of recording. We try to list all the games we talk about so the search on NWR should be advantageous if you want to hear something specific. My personal favorites tend to be when silly season kicked in, although most of the RetroActives are pretty fun. You can usually guess based on the game. River City Ransom was always going to be a somewhat limited topic.

The Man Beams episode is a personal favorite for those few minutes. God bless the old Nintendo Downloads press release. At one point we read those on the show, because we were morons.

They are already listed in the OP but definitely download episode 103 and episode 104.

Why would you do this?

Looking at the English presentation, I think it was definitely a mistranslation. That liveblog was bad.

It was. I was okay with that at the time though because it made twitter act hilariously.

Might give the Famicast a listen to as well.

THAT is a whole different kind of ride. There are some strong personalities that make that show fun.


Now that I think about it I don't think I've ever listened to 103 and 104. I've heard it talked about enough over the years but I really should listen to them myself one of these days.


This... could be interesting.
Episode 452 "You Are A Jerk said:
Jon continues his sojourns, so Greg, Gui, and James welcome Karen on the first half of the show to talk about Yoshi's Woolly World. Good news: you can still be a monster to people you care about! Guillaume turns New Business towards The Legend of Legacy. He has approving feelings of affirmation for the FuRyu 3DS JRPG. Greg and James both played the demo version of Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water and turn the conversation from gameplay to the unsettling balance of portraying the impact of psychological issues with "IT'S A GHOST" plot devices. Greg wraps up New Business with some thoughts on the updated Super Mario Maker, now with checkpoints and creepy tall Mario and Yoshi.

After yet another solo Now Playing, it's the return of a proper Listener Mail segment. James, Gui, and Greg tackle tough questions about the mobile NX as the home for "Vita-style" games, marketing mobile titles made by a company worried competitors will "steal [their] ideas," getting banned from Miiverse for drawing testicular-shaped Yo-Kai, Nintendo embracing streaming gameplay, and elements the crew would like to see in the upcoming Zelda game. Send your questions about scatologically-shaped creatures to our mailbag.

It's time again for the NWR Telethon to Support Child's Play. Details will be posted soon, but don't make plans for December 5. We have a tentative schedule that is full of great content.

Time: 1'57"00
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Outro: "Evergreen" from Terranigma (congrats to Dingens!)
Recommended reading for Listener Mail #1: This.


oh snap, I failed to mention that Terranigma had it's 20th birthday recently and that's why I brought it up in the first place. Anyway thanks for picking it!

If you guys aren't sure about whether or not you should buy the newest fatal frame because of it's price (or delivering method), you may want to check out the Wii remake (Project Zero 2) instead. If I recall correctly it came out in Europe after Greg left the pod cast, so nobody ever talked about it. Also it's usually considered to be the best of the Fatal Frame games (what is it with horror games and the 2nd one always being the best?)

I also never knew that the US version of smt4 doesn't allow for screen shots. because the extremely late EU release allowed for shots. Here is one I took for example:


The Terranigma song a cool piece of music; thanks for suggesting it.

I'm glad to see that maybe Yo-Kai Watch! players wont find themselves cast out for using such a pivotal feature as Miiverse.


I spent about ten minutes googling variations of "Yokai Watch Scrotum" today, and couldn't find any images of the one you all were referencing. I now listen to this on pocketcasts too, so I don't get the chapter art :(

Does anyone know the name of the Yokai in question?


Neo Member
Here is the picture James sent me for the chapter art. I used the top-right one, definitely looked like the most obscene of the bunch. Although the two bottom-left's pompadours give it a run for its money.



Gives all the fucks
Yes, that's a butt. When I went to see a movie, there was a commercial for Yokai Watch (that was so....stupidly silly & '90s), it was said the ghost was in an elevator as the excuse for someone farting.

Oh, & its name is "Cheeksqueek".


If someone could tell me how the penis demon in smt4 is called or better yet where/how I can get it, I'll take a screen shot and post it on Miiverse. I'm also kinda curious how they're going to react

edit: just went through the (European) smt4 community, seams like multiple people already posted it


kinda fascinating..

speaking of smt4, when browsing the Miiverse thread, I came across a lot of places and stuff I haven't seen while playing the game... If I recall correctly, there are certain elements you could only access on a 2nd play through like the true ending and such... is that true?


Neo Member
You can get the true ending on the first playthrough, it's just pretty hard to do.

I did it by following a walkthrough. On episode 353, I talk about how it's not worth the effort, in my opinion. You have to complete every side quest, some of which are less interesting than others. And you have to keep track of how your decisions tip the scale one way or the other, so you can stay in the middle. The margin for error is pretty narrow.

I also talk about the game in 342, 348.
It'd be close, I think. I'll bet that they recorded just prior to the Direct, just like they always seem to.

The TP HD announcement makes me disappointed that the Retroactive on it couldn't have happened at the same time next year. I personally voted for SMG2 in the poll and I know it was really close, so if it had turned out that way, it would have dovetailed nicely. Alas, predicting what Nintendo will do is like trying to read the weather in the entrails of a sheep.

Still, it's an amazing game and I actually wouldn't mind playing through it again. I wonder if having a TP save file on your system would do anything in the HD version. It being based on the original "left-handed Link" non-mirrored GC version makes me curious about how closely it will hew to Ocarina of Time in terms of the nostalgia it will invoke.


Usual recording time is Thursday, so I *think* they caught it in time. We'll find out this weekend, I presume. (If the show's delayed I'm assuming the Dragon Quest news knocked everyone out.)


before you record, you may wanna take a look at the japanese direct too. There have been a few minor announcements, like culdcept revolt and there was also a new genei ibunroku trailer!


The Chuck Norris of Peace
So missing Johnny on this show, he was the best analyst imo, and while my game taste is more aligned with Guillaume (which I am glad stayed on), I am just getting really tired of James, and it is not helping that he is now the host.
Host James has been very different in terms of demeanour to Panelist James, I feel. He's toned down the trolling quite a lot and guides the discussion rather than derails it.

He is also the guy you want to talk to if you're reading the auguries on the business side of things. Whereas Jonny was all about gaming for gamers' sake and might have been able to tell you about the personalities involved, he couldn't match James for his insight into how the sausage is made.

Is it just a personality clash? I have never had an issue listening to him.

On a side note, it was refreshing to hear Karen on the last episode. Hers was a different perspective, especially as a less experienced gamer with no prior love for Nintendo. Plus, being a woman, it feels as though some threshold has been breached, a particularly stubborn glass ceiling, if you will.


So missing Johnny on this show, he was the best analyst imo, and while my game taste is more aligned with Guillaume (which I am glad stayed on), I am just getting really tired of James, and it is not helping that he is now the host.

James wasn't always my favorite, but I think he does a fantastic job as host. I felt Johnny tended to completely dominate the conversation and managed to turn topics that should have lasted 10 minutes into 50. The current shows are of similar length but cover a lot more ground. And finally, the return of Greg improves the overall show ten-fold.


Echoing that I think James is doing a great job as host of sussing out peoples' thoughts on games, and that it's always really interesting to have Karen on as a non-hardcore-gamer who actually knows a lot about games and game design.

James Jones: Wrong on Earthbound, right for America.


A Saturday podcast approaches! Command?
Episode 453 "Even The Podcast Leaked Early" said:
After over five months of silence and a mountain of leaks, Nintendo jumped back into the Direct game, foiling Radio Free Nintendo's attempts to take a week off. Jon returns to join Greg, Gui, and James in applying their critical lenses on topics as broad as boxed, retail, Virtual Console games to wolf amiibo, to Sakurai's latest Limit Break. And remember, Radio Free Nintendo is always Free to Start. You've seen everyone else try to make sense of Cloud in Smash, but RFN has the world exclusive on what the Wolf Link amiibo really unlocks.

We'll return to our normal format next week; so, drop us an email and maybe we'll use it on the show!

We have a lot of content planned for Radio Free Nintendo between now and the end of the year, however December 5 is the most important date on the RFN calendar - Nintendo World Report will be hosting our sixth annual telethon for Child's Play charity. We'll be posting donation information and the show schedule sometime this week, so keep an eye open for it. Every year we're humbled by how generous our listeners are, so we thank you in advance.

Time: 1'17"25
Outro: Casino Theme - Dragon Quest IV
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Best announcements: Dragon Quests, Fates all-in-one.


We interrupt this marathon of (redacted) to bring you this week's RFN.
Episode 454 "Mobile Sidejob" said:
It's the first full episode with the full cast for a while. With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday in the States, and NWR's telethon, it's also going to be the last for a couple of weeks.

James kicks off New Business with Level-5's most insidious transmedia property: Yo-Kai Watch! After inoculating himself with doses of Inazuma Eleven and Little Battler eXperience, he is immune to Level-5's siren call. It turns out a mutation responsible for a coin purse that leads people to spend recklessly rendered his immunizations ineffective. Jon has a report on Halo 5, starring Master Chief, Smash Bros. next DLC character. Guillaume states what should be obvious: Snoopy's Grand Adventure (3DS), Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX (Wii U Virtual Console), and Rodea the Sky Soldier (Wii) are less than fantastic games. The plus: Octodad: Dadliest Catch is silly fun. Greg concludes New Business with a different kind of transmedia property: Capcom's Gaist Crusher on 3DS. An anime, a manga series, two games, and Treasure's legacy couldn't save this attempt to out-Level-5 Level-5.

After a break, it's time for listener mail. Jon dips out after a question about "shoehorning" Nintendo franchises into mobile, while the rest of the team continues to answer a question about how and why the 3DS library seems to be backloaded with RPGs. You can ask us about our backload by sending us an email.

Just a reminder, Nintendo World Report is thrilled to be doing the sixth annual telethon/live podcast for Child's Play charity. Jon and James will be opening the show on Saturday, December 5, at 11:30 AM EST with a LIVE NOW PLAYING, with NWR Site Director Neal Ronaghan on hand but unable to stop it. At noon Eastern, RFN will have an hour of listener interaction. Later in the afternoon, Jon and James are putting on their business suits for a segment that you...may want to miss. Lastly, if we reach our donation goal, we promise we will cap off the day with a Shenanigans segment that will put Red Velvet to shame. Don't know about Red Velvet? We envy you. We love the telethon, because it's our opportunity to interact with you and, most importantly, we get to help a good cause. We hope you'll be able to join us.

Time: 2:04:07
Outro: Pilotwings - Rocket Belt
Downloads: MP3 | AAC


The donation box is now open!

On the schedule this year: Live RFN, a possible 3-way dance of Japanese podcasts, whatever the hell James and Jon are doing, and of course, Shenanigans! But we're gonna make you work for that one. (It's for the kids!)

Seeing as self-promotion is the mating call of the banhammer, I can't make a thread for this but if we can get a separate one that'd be great. We're still trying to nail down guests.


The donation box is now open!

On the schedule this year: Live RFN, a possible 3-way dance of Japanese podcasts, whatever the hell James and Jon are doing, and of course, Shenanigans! But we're gonna make you work for that one. (It's for the kids!)

Seeing as self-promotion is the mating call of the banhammer, I can't make a thread for this but if we can get a separate one that'd be great. We're still trying to nail down guests.

Bumping in case someone is interested.


Doshin The Giant and Captain Rainbow are the franchises that should be going to mobile.

Doshin is an interesting case. It doesn't seem incompatible with a touch-only interface, but its worth noting that it barely controls with a GameCube controller so...I think monetizing it would be the hardest part. It's such a silly thing. The closest model (Besides just selling it outright) would be something like Simpson's Tapped Out, but that seems incongruous with Doshin's style. It seems the right level of risk for that franchise.

Along with Earthbound and Mach Rider.

You're right, the world does need another Mach Rider. Tilt controls would be the only real actionable way to do it, which might be somewhat disorienting. Still need virtual buttons for the gun. eShop game seems the way to go here.

Then again if the question really was "shoehorning" it's perfect.
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