Episode 511 "Wordplay Ahead" said:Switch still isn't out, and nobody on RFN has a press unit, so we're still Switch-less. Making this show has become increasingly harrowing in its absence.
We start out with New Business, which has increasingly become a misnomer. James has a look at Tank Troopers, and if it seems like Steel Diver: Sub Wars with tanks, it should; Vitei made both of them. James finds this tank rather light on fuel. Jon returns to a classic moment in RFN history, reliving his Wii fridge-cleaning on Wii U. Gui has a good game: Noitu Love: Devolution. This action-platformer is inspired by many different classic games, but builds something all its own. Greg has the newest business, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on 3DS Virtual Console. If only there was some Zelda content coming to scratch his Zelda itch.
After the break, it's Listener Mail. Topics this week: concern about Switch VC, rate my backlog, favorite "hidden features" in a console, and Greg's Gamez for Babiez. You can send us your backlog for review, via our inbox.
Next week it's time for our RetroActive on Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom. We'll be recording Thursday evening, mere hours before the launch of Switch. If you hurry, there's still time to get your thoughts to us via the RetroActive thread. Need to be inspired? Here's James trying to play this weird adventure game.
Nintendo eShop (3DS)
Special offers
Kutar Concert Staff (CIRCLE Ent.) - 0.69/£0.69 (Ends March 16, normally 0.99/£0.99)
Kutar Jump Rope (CIRCLE Ent.) - 0.69/£0.69 (Ends March 16, normally 0.99/£0.99)
Kutar Magic Ball (CIRCLE Ent.) - 0.69/£0.69 (Ends March 16, normally 0.99/£0.99)
Kutar Quiz (CIRCLE Ent.) - 0.69/£0.69 (Ends March 16, normally 0.99/£0.99)
Kutar Tube Rider (CIRCLE Ent.) - 0.69/£0.69 (Ends March 16, normally 0.99/£0.99)
Oh hey, look what's on sale on the European eShop this week
And I was planning on sending some discussion questions in for Listener Mail, but I was waiting till I'm "caught up" to prevent overlap with stuff that's been discussed but I just didn't know it yet. So that would potentially be a big old list of multiple things that came to mind over the course of all this listening (not "gotcha" atyle call outs on old stuff that was said or anything, of course, as that would be silly. Just general topics for discussion and whatnot).
Episode 512 "Percy The Liar" said:Switch has been released into the wild, but when we recorded this episode it was still just a breath away.
As usual we start with New Business. James leads off with reflections of streaming Princess Tomato (more to come), and then a look at former RetroActive title Ys Book I and II from the TurboGrafix-16 via the Wii Virtual Console. He also looked at Fighting Streets and series favorite Lords of Thunder from the same. Jon continues his struggles with the Virtual Console before...no, you know what. We're renaming this Old Business. Jon continues Old Business with yet another struggle against the Virtual Console. He also has time with Super Punch Out, Blazing Lasers, M.U.S.H.A., and Axelay. Guillaume has real New Business with Bomberman '94 for the Wii U Virtual Console...oh, it's the Wii version. He also has impressions of fun party game Overcooked! A newer version of which is headed to Switch. Greg has ACTUAL New Business, leading a discussion of last week's Nintendo Indies event - we don't use that word on this show.
After a RetroActive segment disguising itself as New Business, we finally get around to our actual RetroActive for NES adventure game Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom. We discuss its weird logic, its weirder writing, its weirdest concept, and the plague that is Percy. Normally we thank those of you who played along with us, but in this case we're apologizing. Regardless, we had a lot to discuss.
Next week we will be going wall-to-wall with Zelda and Switch discussions. You can send us your emails here. We do ask that, just like we'll respect your spoiler concerns, you try to do the same for us.
Lufia 1?I think we're all going to pick one at some point. I'd rather alternate with polls because then my clean hands bare no fault for Barabbas' return to the streets.
I think I know my choice - and it will be a bit of a surprise.
I see what you did thereI think we're all going to pick one at some point. I'd rather alternate with polls because then my clean hands bare no fault for Barabbas' return to the streets.
I think I know my choice - and it will be a bit of a surprise.
It's "bear no fault."I think we're all going to pick one at some point. I'd rather alternate with polls because then my clean hands bare no fault for Barabbas' return to the streets.
I think I know my choice - and it will be a bit of a surprise.
Episode 513 "Qbby In The Wild" said:Since we recorded last week, Nintendo released both the Switch and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Jon, James, and Greg all have the new console, and the entire RFN panel has the new game. We devote our first segment to the former, and our second segment to the latter (and we try to be as spoiler-free as possible, but be advised if you're going complete Zelda media blackout).
Meanwhile, it's time for RetroActive! Again! James declared us due for a second helping of retro gaming for some strange reason, and now here we are! You can send us your suggestions for a theme, or questions and comments, to our mailbag.
Lufia 1?
There is no way Gui will play that for more than like 6 hours.
Lufia 1 is an old school RPG in a bad way.
You all know James is going to pick Legend of the River King
I recall being the strongest proponent for Ninja Spirit when we played it for an early RetroActive. It felt like a faster, looser Ghosts 'n Goblins.
Looking through the list in the OP, has there really never been a Milon's Secret Castle retroactive? I swear I remember some group discussion on it in the past that wasn't just someone's new business.
In any case, there's Jon's pick.
I never got any traction with the team, but I did inflict MSC upon Back in My Play (and was never invited back on).
Episode 514 "G Radio Feat. Kayzee And Lil' Burk" said:Due to a series of foreseeable but unfortunate events, Guillaume finds himself manning the fort this episode. Fret not: Talk Nintendo has sent for reinforcements in the form of Perry Burkum and Casey Gibson. We quickly move on from Guillaume's crusty old 3D Out Run "New Business" and talk about their PAX East experiences and the exciting upcoming Switch games they've seen there. Greg makes a late entrance in order to quickly touch on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and we close the segment with Perry's impressions of Blaster Master Zero, which he reviewed for Nintendo World Report.
Perry bows out for Listener Mail, but James decides to make an appearance, so we discuss learning all of Super Mario Bros. 3's secrets almost by osmosis; the expectation of backwards compatibility; Capcom's recently announced collection of NES Disney games and how it snubs the Switch; the weight of My Nintendo rewards when choosing to buy a physical or digital version of a game; and we recommend a few 500 Wii Points VC games. You can send us your suggestions for a theme, or questions and comments, to our mailbag.
Episode 515 "The 22 Billion Yen Friend Code" said:We're back with nary a Zelda reference in sight! That wasn't the plan, but with so many new titles to talk about, Link's adventure didn't make the cut. James starts off with a look at Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment, the newest entry in the Shovel Knight series. He also has thoughts on replaying the other two Shovel Knight campaigns using the Switch and its non-D-Pad. Jon and Greg are both playing Blaster Master Zero. Greg has thoughts on the limitations imposed on the 3DS version, while Jon is playing it on Switch and having Pro Controller problems. Guillaume wraps up New Business with one of James' favorite games of last year (and recent addition to the Switch library), the Wii U version of the programming simulator Human Resource Machine.
After a break it's Listener Mail. Topics this week include: the future of Zelda, Retro's meat choices, and how to Nintendo your decision making process. You can send us your email via the inbox, but unlike Nintendo please ensure you enclose all required components.
You all have my pledge that as long as I am the host - the closest we will get to Milon' Secret Castle Retroactive is me declaring there will be no Milon's Secret Castle Retroactive.
Episode 516 "Texas Brisket Challenge" said:Last week's all-new New Business gives way this week to a collection of older titles, and more Zelda chatter. The sole exception to that trend kicks off New Business with the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire. Both Greg and James got time with the ink-splattering server test, and have thoughts based on an hour of gameplay. Guillaume did some reverse-fridge cleaning, getting his DSiWare safely to his 3DS, just before the DSiWare Shop closes forever. Much like any other experience in a Nintendo digital store, it was nightmarish. He also has some fairly early thoughts on Pokémon Moon. Jon kicks off another round of Zelda chatter, this time with a bit less restraint on spoilers, but not full-blown spoilercast territory, as Gui still is working though the game. James wraps up New Business with a brief mention of convenience-fueled impulse purchase Stella Glow. Succinctly, it's an anime strategy game on 3DS that's not doing anything special for him.
Listener Mail is limited to two questions this week, but both spur some lengthy discussions. First up, RFN is asked to summon our strangest cross-overs and spin-offs in gaming. Our second email asks our opinion of Nintendo's revised 16 million Switch forecast. We start on that topic, but end up returning to the delicious topic of brisket. You can cut your own slice of chest meat by sending us an email.
Episode 517 "Survey Says" said:Jon is at sea this week, and in his stead Syrenne fills in to talk Bravely Default: Fairy Effect, Graceful Explosion Machine, and the Switch port of LEGO City Undercover. One is a depressingly standard MOBAGE, the second an attractive score-attack shooter, and the third a waiting game. She also attempts to talk Kingdom Hearts, but James is having none of it. Guillaume is practicing the dark arts, summoning Yoshi into what must now be called Sonic 2 and Yoshi! He also has thoughts on Double Fine's Broken Age, and why he likes Tim Schafer games. James punts on his New Business, having instead spent the week still watching baseball while still nominally playing Stella Glow. Greg finally brings us to the promised land of Go! Go! Kokopolo 3D. It's been a long time since we first mentioned this game, but at long last we are here.
After the break we crack open a couple of Listener Mail questions. First, we examine what video game content we define as "objectionable", and if societal pressures or our own shame dampen our enjoyment. Of all the groups to answer this question, this is probably the most questionable. We then pivot to naming our personal retro-trilogy of desire, inspired by the recently-announced Seiken Densetsu Collection. You can lead introspective discussions about the shapliness of our legs by sending us an email.
The objectionable content discussion was almost exclusively focused on 1990s era fighting with the right about prudishness. The discussion of this century is from the left on the topics of sexism, exploitation, etc.
Also, Shining Force 3 is three separate scenarios sold as three separate games, two of which were never localized officially.
Episode 518 Part 1 "Come-Hither Pikmin" said:Once again we prove that RFN is part of a larger worldwide conspiracy by having a Nintendo Direct "coincidentally" line up with our recording day. And while we usually dislike providing the unwashed masses with anything but disinformation, half-truths, and propaganda, we went against our worst intentions and sprung into action to get this podcast up the next night. Now excuse us as we return to our manipulation of the world economy.
Speaking of manipulation, Nintendo played us all like a fiddle and got us to tune in to their broadcast yet again. Fortunately this one was jam-packed with information provided at breakneck speed, and we go through it all with our usual rancor. We touch on what games stood out to us, our feelings on Splatoon 2 and ARMS, our frothing demand for Monopoly increasing, Kirby, Pikmin,and Payday 2. We also breathe a collective sigh of relief at Switch docks coming into stock, banana Joy-Cons, and finally having a place to store your AA batteries. You can store your batteries with us by sending us a friendly email.
Stay tuned for our Legend of Zelda Spoiler-Cast, later this week.
Episode 518-2 "The Last Breath of the Puns" said:We've been exploded, murdered by Dr. Who enemies, electrocuted, threatened by gods, burned alive, frozen solid, stranded at sea, crushed, smashed, bashed, and stomped. It's the absolute best. All four of us Studs of Studwork loved The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, despite the litany of disasters we've experienced.
It's finally time for the Breath of the Wild spoilercast, as we spend two full hours discussing its design, world, characters, and our own stories of heroism and failure. Enjoy.
If you want to hear our hot takes on last week's Nintendo Direct, you can hear them here.
As always, you can drop your own hot takes in our inbox.