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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


As someone who's only played one hour of TLOU, I can say I LOVED the introductory prologue thing. It was extremely well-executed and emotive.

Then the next 50 minutes were pretty boring.

I feel exactly the same way. The intro is one of the best openings to any game I've ever seen, incredibly gripping and creepy. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen...

...and then I got dropped into the human encampment and started walking around, and I was like, "Oh, this is basically Uncharted."
i kinda feel apalled that one of the leading nintendo podcasts talks mostly about PS360 games all the time

Pikmin 3 was shrugged off as "meh more of the same"
W101 (which is definately not more of the same) was shrugged off as "meh niche"
Sonic Lost World seems to be under the radar (which is a pretty controversial title so would make a great discussion imho)

i appreciate the wii party U talk.
i kinda feel apalled that one of the leading nintendo podcasts talks mostly about PS360 games all the time

I'd rather they talk about games on other systems than feign excitement or feel obligated to play something. That said, I agree that the, maybe not dismissal, but hand-wringing over Pikmin 3 being more of the same was bizarre. The last game came out 9 years ago, and it's not like Pikmin 3 has no new features beyond Pikmin 2.

Speaking generally about the games' media, sequels with fewer differences coming out closer in time to their predecessor have gotten a pass without much fuss, so I have no idea why certain individuals have latched onto Pikmin 3 as some unimpressive monument to Nintendo's creative stagnation.


I appreciated the PS4 controller talk. I'm thinking of picking one up for my PS3, especially because my current PS3 controller is chewed up and I generally dislike the PS3 controller. Also, hearing how incredulous James and Gui were at Jonny explaining how much of a difference it makes made me laugh so hard. Guys, it makes a difference!

BTW Gui, get a Neogaf account already. :)
i kinda feel apalled that one of the leading nintendo podcasts talks mostly about PS360 games all the time

You're welcome to be appalled, but it's not factually true that we talk about other platforms most of the time. Not even 1/4 of the time. We had significant coverage of both Pikmin 3 and W101 that was somewhat constrained by the fact that half or less of the group played each one (we do buy our own games and play only what interests us).

I for one plan to give Pikmin 3 another shot, but it's taking a long time because I have to catch back up to my progress from before the save file was lost. In the meantime, I've already done the same for Rayman Legends and will finally get to return to that topic on the next show.
You're welcome to be appalled, but it's not factually true that we talk about other platforms most of the time. Not even 1/4 of the time. We had significant coverage of both Pikmin 3 and W101 that was somewhat constrained by the fact that half or less of the group played each one (we do buy our own games and play only what interests us).

I for one plan to give Pikmin 3 another shot, but it's taking a long time because I have to catch back up to my progress from before the save file was lost. In the meantime, I've already done the same for Rayman Legends and will finally get to return to that topic on the next show.

damn shame. game of the year so far for me.
If you sign up, we'll lobby to have your account flagged for quick approval!

He already signed up for one, even spoke about it in one of the podcasts. I loled when he said he reckoned it'll take 2 weeks for account approval, Gui if you are lurking here it took me IIRC 3/4 months. Some people have even took a year or 2 to get approved =P


He already signed up for one, even spoke about it in one of the podcasts. I loled when he said he reckoned it'll take 2 weeks for account approval, Gui if you are lurking here it took me IIRC 3/4 months. Some people have even took a year or 2 to get approved =P

Haha, it took me less than a week for my account to be approved. Just seems random at times.


It's about to get heated in here, methinks.
Episode 358 "What's Old Is New Again" said:
We didn't plan it, but this week's show has a strong theme of older games reappearing in new forms. James sits in the hosting chair for New Business (your regular host was late, due to Internet outages) and cranks up the remix machine with Wii Sports Club, the online/HD version of Nintendo's mega-hit that is gradually being rolled out on the eShop. Because when I think of motion bowling, I think digital distribution! Gui is up next with his impressions of Wii Fit U, and it sounds like this "trial version" is basically the whole game. Next up is our special guest Karl Castaneda, former RFN host, who just became a Wii U owner with the Zelda bundle. He dives deep into Wind Waker HD to give a passionate but also critical assessment of his favorite in the series. After a trio of Wii and GameCube rehashes, Jonny brings nearly fresh meat with his final thoughts on Rayman Legends. The game may overstay its welcome, but it's still wonderfully creative and one of the best games available on Wii U.

After the break, we catch up on a few smoldering emails, starting with one of the angriest emails we've ever received (thankfully, it's directed not us but at the Virtual Console trickle). We also tackle the very uncomfortable topic of SwapNote predators and the question of Nintendo's culpability. Oh, and as we mark the tenth anniversary of Metroid: Zero Mission... wherefore art though, 2D Metroid? Finally, we try to comprehend why Nintendo would fart the Wii Mini into an already confused American retail space.

Please help maintain these fun conversations with your own provocative Listener Mail! Also, don't forget that our NWR Live Telethon is coming up on Saturday, 11/23... many more details coming up within the next few days. And you can check out many more podcasts from Karl and his cohorts over at Crosstawk. Please do!

Time: 1'59"51
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Wii Mini: Designed to sandbag the Wii so people buy a WiiU.

OMG Aero

I only just got round to finishing last week's episode but the segment on Halloween games was pretty great.
It would interesting if you guys revisited that topic next month for Christmas/Winter games, though since there isn't a clear genre that goes with the season like horror games go with Halloween you might have to expand it to Christmas/Winter levels instead of whole games. Replaying that one level of Elite Beat Agents (you know the one) late December is pretty much tradition for me at this point.


With all the Zelda hating in this episode (not really) I'm really interested in seeing what the crew thinks about A Link Between Worlds.


Hey, folks - Karl here. Just wanted to address a couple thangs:

- Since we went on a bit of a tangent, I didn't really get enough time to talk about the things I love about Wind Waker. The story, the visuals and the non-Triforce pacing (which we touched on briefly) are all, in my opinion, at their series peak in Wind Waker. So despite us clowning on the fetch quests near the end, my experience with WWHD was like 98% super positive.

- I'm definitely planning on playing Link Between Worlds, and all of the impressions I've heard so far have been stellar.

- Definitely make sure you hit up NWR tomorrow for the Child's Play Telethon schedule! We're so, so excited for you guys to hear what we have planned.
Wow, Karl in the house!

Great episode, guys. I actually just finished Wind Waker for the first time a few days ago so I was really excited to hear you guys talk about it. I had heard about the infamous triforce quest before playing the game so when I got the IN-credible chart I started picking up a piece or two in between dungeons. That really helped the pacing for me because I never minded sailing around the overworld to go after a few pieces after spending awhile working through a dungeon. The combat rooms were still a little much and definitely had that padding feel to them but I didn't mind too much considering how much fun the combat is in the game. To be fair though, I did have to look up a guide to realize that
the Ghost Ship chart was on Diamond Steppe Island.

Basically the triforce quest was the low-point of the game but it was still moderately enjoyable for me. I actually disagree with Jonny about removing it from the game entirely, instead I'd just like to see the actual gameplay behind acquring some of the pieces mixed up a bit. I liked the idea behind the ghost ship and the private oasis so I would have liked to see a few more bits of original gameplay in that vein for the other pieces.

Overall I absolutely loved the game. For me it's probably my third favorite Zelda game behind Ocarina of Time and ALttP. I think both of those games have slightly more enjoyable dungeons (and more of them) which tends to be my favorite aspect of Zelda games.

Also, I still need to play Twilight Princess but to be honest I think it will be difficult after playing WWHD. I know it's superficial but WWHD is so gorgeous it will make 480p TP like sandpaper to my eyes. Soooo... too early for TPHD, Nintendo? ;)


All New Business, all the time!
Episode 359: Doo Doo Jokes said:
Jon returns this week and has plenty to say, but you won't hear the bulk of his game exploits until well over an hour into this monster pile of New Business. We didn't plan it this way, but the RFN crew had so much to say about so many games that the intro segment consumed an entire, full-length episode with no break.

Jonny leads with a full half-hour just for his games, which include disappointing first impressions of Jett Rocket II for 3DS and more upbeat wrap-ups on DuckTales Remastered and Toki Tori 2+ on Wii U. James follows with the end of his Spirit Camera experiment, a long-awaited conclusion for Project X Zone, a few more comments on Ni no Kuni, and another look at our beloved Trauma Team.

Guillaume keeps the streak going with his own mess of games to discuss. It starts with Wii Fit U, for which he now possesses the elusive Fit Meter (thus owning the game outright for only $20). He tries a pair of Wii Virtual Console games (not yet, maybe never on U): Star Parodier and S.C.A.T. You read that right. Gui even crams in his much-delayed recommendation for SteamWorld Dig -- one of many you've probably heard for this endearing indie adventure. Jon, who is active all along but mostly patient for his turn at the microphone, finally gets to bring up a couple games after weeks since we least heard from him. He tries the wonderful, weird Gargoyle's Quest on 3DS Virtual Console (for the first time ever!) and also finds that Grand Theft Auto V is much more his speed than the previous one.

Doing a whole show of New Business was probably mentally necessary, as we've obviously been playing tons of games lately and needed to unload our noggins before this epic weekend approaching now. Mario and Zelda loom large over the rest of 2013 -- be sure to email your thoughts about those games or anything covered (or that should be covered) on this show! This is also the last episode before the telethon, which I hope every single RFN listener plans to check out and support in whatever way possible. It is by far the biggest and most important thing we do all year for this podcast and the entire website. If the recording comes out clean, we'll be releasing that in parts to fill up your RFN feed next week. We're not totally sure about Thanksgiving plans, but you can expect to hear something from us on that most hallowed video game holiday week!

Hey, also check out the Kickstarter that Gui mentions at the end -- Tadpole Treble, which could come to Wii U!

Downloads: MP3 | AAC
I got your telethon page: RIGHT HERE


If one of you enterprising gentlemen/ladies would want to do a dedicated GAF thread for the telethon, well, you'd certainly be welcome to it. ;)

And to sweeten the deal, here's a GAF EXCLUSIVE hint:

A certain gentleman from across the pond will be returning to the live show this year after a two-year absence. But ONLY IF THE SHOWS GOES LONG ENOUGH INTO THE NIGHT!


Someone dropped a massive bomb on the telethon - we've got nearly $2k, and among those confirmed to appear are Chris Johnston and Phil Theobald, appearing on something that WASN'T a trainwreck (we hope), as well a guest who will blow you away - Jose Otero (ign dot com).

I'd make the thread, but I'm tentatively scheduled to appear on the $3k level (3DS Report Card) and I don't want to run afoul of the GAF self-promotion rules.


I guess I'll make the thread then, just not sure when the best time to do it is to get the most attention. Maybe a couple hours before it starts?
I watched Super Mario Bros. today and now I CANNOT WAIT for that live Box Office Poison stretch goal. We are actually expecting a guest for that as well... To be announces in the morning!

Zeeroid, thank you for offering to do that. I'm sure it's a lot of work!
I hope you're all enjoying the telethon recordings! Part 3 just went up, and the last will go out tomorrow night. The next day (Thanksgiving), expect a new episode of Famicast, and then we'll have a regular episode of RFN over the weekend.

It's been incredibly busy these past few weeks! Thanks for supporting what we do, and especially for anything you could donate to the telethon. By the way, that opportunity remains open until Nov. 30 and I still hope to reach 100 donations, regardless of amount. Please check that out if you can.


If you didn't finish listening to the recording... tough. Here comes the RRoD edition of RFN.
Episode 360 "Holiday Phantasia" said:
We recorded this episode just a few days after the telethon and clearly haven't fully recovered yet. However, we do have plenty to discuss with guest Nate Andrews (as Jon was on vacation in Canada). The first games in this episode-spanning New Business are, naturally, Super Mario 3D World and Zelda: Link Between Worlds. Jonny has progressed much farther in both since the telethon, and this is the first time James and Gui have had a chance to discuss either game on the show. We have a lot to say about both, and the crew isn't unanimous on either game. James also checks out the Phoenix Wright DLC, in which you defend a killer whale in court. Yep.

Nate is our clean-up batter with Proteus, the dream-like indie game for PC and now PS3/Vita. Maybe it could even come to Wii U in 2014, but is the audience ready for such an experience? We swing back around for more games, including Gui's coverage of the Wii U eShop game called Edge, from the Toki Tori studio. It's coming to 3DS soon, as well. The episode concludes with Jonny's first impressions of his new PlayStation 4, focusing on the novel (and now highly accessible) experience of live-streaming your own games.

We'll definitely be back in the groove next week and ready to hit up a lot of Listener Mail, so please send in your thoughts on the new games, new systems, whatever! And in case you didn't hear on Shenanigans, the upcoming live RetroActive will feature F-Zero X (N64 and Wii Virtual Console), F-Zero GX, and Greg! We hope you'll seek out these games over the next several weeks and participate in this special event!

Time: 1'42"42
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Hide your wives: It's EDGE~! (Nobody's gonna get that reference, I fear.)
I've been listening to the telethon recordings and I feel vastly more informed about space poop than I ever have in my life.

Money constraints prevented me from donating this year but hopefully I'll be well off enough to double up next year. Sorry guys.


Just got to listen to all the episodes I missed the last 2 months... It sure was an interesting ride. With what I already knew having beat zelda by the time I listened to the discussion about franchises never changing, it was kinda funny.

also I think James sold the AA5 DLC short. In my opinion it might be the best AA case ever. Even though there was already much AA talk the last couple of weeks, I hope to hear at least another one comment on it. The orca may be the star of the case, but I think the rest of the cast was really really strong too. And it also didn't feel like a part of another Ace attorney game, it felt like it's own (shorter) prequel game. I loved every second of it (which is very rare for me)


Get your flame shields and popcorn ready, 'cause a consensus GOTY is gonna get ripped. (Also, Last of Us is discussed.)
Episode 361 "Slap Happy" said:
We have a classic edition of the show this week, as Jon returns to help clean up the Listener Mail backlog. Before that, we have a solid lineup for New Business, and Guillaume gets right to it with the new Pikmin 3 DLC. Turns out that the free level is the best part, while the rest is bland and overpriced. He also gets literary with a book called History of Nintendo, Vol. 1, which thoroughly examines the company all the way up to (but not including) their first ventures into video games. Lindy finally wraps up The Last of Us with even more flame-ready comments, and he spends a little time with his new Vita. James tries out Rayman Legends for the first time, while also sharing even more withering criticism of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Don't think Jonny will let that go without some counter-balance, though! The host also describes and strongly recommends Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. It may be the best pirate game AND the best of its franchise.

After a scriptless Now Playing, we return to Listener Mail after a few weeks off from this popular feature. The batch of questions takes us all over the map, from a Pokemon soundtrack's surprising success to our expectations for Valve's Steambox platform. We consider the potential for the GamePad to become an independent device, and also consider the effects of aging on our ability to physically tolerate video games. Pro Tip: Stop immediately if anything feels uncomfortable!

We're always looking for new topics, and our listeners are the driving force. You can help out the show by sending in your own questions and ideas, or by hitting that iTunes link above to rate and review the podcast!

Time: 2'08"34
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Pro tip: The reward for lasting 1000 seconds in Cucco dodging? Not worth it at all.
I didn't realize that Guillaume had been on IGN's GameCube General Board until it came up on the podcast. I was Riskbreaker over there, and I left around 2003.
Are the dungeons in Link's Awakening really that much longer or more complex than A Link Between Worlds? I just replayed LA earlier this year and I don't recall any of the dungeons overstaying their welcome, although I will admit that there was a sense of progression from one to the next in terms of difficulty and scope.

LA and ALBW are both ~15 hour games and ALBW only has maybe 1 or 2 more dungeons. With that in mind, considering how much time you spend on the overworld in LA doesn't it stand to reason that the dungeons are fairly similar between the two games in terms of length and complexity? I also feel like basic movement is a lot faster in ALBW which contributes somewhat to the speed at which you can fly through dungeons.

I don't know, I guess I just don't really feel like ALBW is that out of line with previous Zelda's in terms of the dungeons. Actually, I'd say the same regarding boss battles and difficulty (other than the first two). I wonder how many times James died in LA or Wind Waker?

To be fair I'm only 5 dungeons into ALBW but so far it has been a Zelda fan's dream come true for me. Also, just for perspective's sake I should say I'm a huge fan of LA and LttP, I don't know which I prefer between the two.

EDIT: Also, I've been trying extra hard to hold off on commenting about Jon's TLoU comments (this time and the last time). Jonny was right, I was groaning the entire time, haha. All I will say is the gameplay really turns into something special on higher difficulties (the way the game was designed to be played, imo) so if you feel like it's too similar to Uncharted that might be worth a shot.

Okay, just one more thing, I promise! That ending is one of the best ever in a video game, Jon is out of his mind! He's still the man, though. ;)


I respect people having different opinions, but I think they completely missed the point on the challenge mode missions in Pikmin 3.


To change PS1 controller settings, hold PS button while you're playing a PS1 game, and touch settings->controller settings->Assign reach touch pad-> touch the part of the rear touch pad you want to disable, then hit "don't use". It's definitely not very user friendly or opaque.

OMG Aero

Haven't finished the episode yet but I really liked the Zelda discussion. Like Jonny said last week, it's good to hear such differing opinions on Link between worlds and it was great to hear the praise for Spirit Tracks, I really liked that game but I've never read a positive thing about it here.
To change PS1 controller settings, hold PS button while you're playing a PS1 game, and touch settings->controller settings->Assign reach touch pad-> touch the part of the rear touch pad you want to disable, then hit "don't use". It's definitely not very user friendly or opaque.
I'm like 99% sure that the first time you load a PS1 (or PSP) game there is a pop up that tells you how to do this, but if you were to close that without reading or forget I don't think the Vita tells you this again.
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