I pre ordered this since I'm a huge Rainbow Six fan, even read the books and everything. I was always on a trip and couldn't play until yesterday.
So, I formed a group of 5 and we went into matchmaking.
The graphics are competent. Playing on XBO, everything seems kind of blurry. Don't know if the PS4 is better. Maps are well designed, the destruction is amazing and adds a new level of tension.
This is a game that definitely requires you to play a lot of it, to have a formed team and to have constant and very good communication between members. If you go into matchmaking solo, you're gonna be VERY frustrated. Even playing as a team who knew the basics, we were constantly frustrated when playing with teams who were MUCH better than us.
This is specially true since the game doesn't seem to take skill into consideration when forming a game. It just puts random people together.
Poor matchmaking.. Which takes me to my biggest issue with the game: LAG. I don't knwo what the hell the matchmaking algorithm is doing, but I was constantly getting into matches were my adversaries had 300ms+ ping. With this sort of delay, a game like this, who relies on timing and precision, will NEVER be good.
Ubi had a good template, but it's a very, very niche product, difficult to pick up and with a big share of issues.
Unfortunately, I see the R6 gaming franchise dying again, like it did after Vegas 2.