I wanted to give the show a chance, but I'm 8 episodes in, and I don't really care about these characters, the pace is too slow, the action is too bland, and the plot feels meandering and aimless. Most of the "action" seems to be various factions moving among a handful of sets: oh boy, group A is going from middle of nowhere to the forest, and now group B is going from the settlement to the forest, and group C is going from the wreck to the settlement, and group A is going to the settlement while group B splits and goes to the wreck and then back to the settlement. Wow, I can't wait to see next week's logistical thrillcoaster!
Feels like the showrunners had a general start point for the plot in mind, and a big reveal at the end, and in between they crossed their fingers and hoped connecting the dots from start to end would write itself and be interesting enough, but so far it just feels like filler. It reminds me of Devs, from earlier this year: decent first episode, OK last episode, but the intervening episodes were dull, pointless, go-nowhere sidequest filler. The entire show could've been just two episodes: start and finish.
In the past, it seemed like shows would start off rough, but if you gave them a chance, they'd improve. Lately, it seems like if the first 2-3 episodes of a show suck, you can pretty much expect the same for the entire rest of the season / series. It's as good as it's going to get.