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Random thoughts.


I still can't get over witnessing a total eclipse. It in a way does look like the end of the world, lol. 🌍

It's weird because I remember seeing one when I was a kid. You could buy the special glasses to protect your eyes. I was with friends, it went dark during the day, we were all amazed.

But when I look at the history of Solar Eclipse in the UK apparently it never happened near me, it was 200 miles away.

I remember a lot of things happening that never happened.

I think it's Cern.


A girl I have been going out with wanted to grab dinner tonight, didn't hear from her all day and her phone went straight to VM. Calls me half an hour after we were supposed to meet. She is getting married to a different 45 year old woman that we both know in two weeks and neither one of them told me. She is 28 and I'm invited to the wedding. *Insert shocked Pikachu here
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Gold Member
Found out an intern I found really nice has a boyfriend. Yay.
Facebook has some interesting AI girls. I chat with them about games and what not.


West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
A girl I have been going out with wanted to grab dinner tonight, didn't hear from her all day and her phone went straight to VM. Calls me half an hour after we were supposed to meet. She is getting married to a different 45 year old woman that we both know in two weeks and neither one of them told me. She is 28 and I'm invited to the wedding. *Insert shocked Pikachu here
That is so hot. Go on...

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
She said she spent the day looking for a wedding dress because she thought Tuesday, April 22nd was next week. I told her it's actually 2 weeks away, and that the 22nd is actually a Monday.
Wow, she's either very dumb , because something's not adding up here.. 🤔


In order to hide that I've ordered something expensive for myself from my wife (she'd disapprove), I've ordered a few useful things from Amazon to be delivered each day this week.
If she sees a box come in to the house, it's a thing.
whats in the box GIF

"Oh, these are some new bed sheets. We did new new ones." "Look a wall mop so we I can clean those hard to reach areas" "Here are those pens you wanted" "I've been needed a desk light forever"


In order to hide that I've ordered something expensive for myself from my wife (she'd disapprove), I've ordered a few useful things from Amazon to be delivered each day this week.
If she sees a box come in to the house, it's a thing.
whats in the box GIF

"Oh, these are some new bed sheets. We did new new ones." "Look a wall mop so we I can clean those hard to reach areas" "Here are those pens you wanted" "I've been needed a desk light forever"

Brilliant. But what if the sex doll arrives early and you aren’t able to be there? I’ve had Amazon packages arrive way earlier than the estimated date.


In order to hide that I've ordered something expensive for myself from my wife (she'd disapprove), I've ordered a few useful things from Amazon to be delivered each day this week.
If she sees a box come in to the house, it's a thing.
whats in the box GIF

"Oh, these are some new bed sheets. We did new new ones." "Look a wall mop so we I can clean those hard to reach areas" "Here are those pens you wanted" "I've been needed a desk light forever"
You can also add instructions for the delivery driver. "Be a bro and hide this in the bushes pls"


Now that I think about it, I don't need to order a sex doll.

I've seen ads for a local sex doll brothel. I can just go there.
They say the dolls are cleaned and sanitized between rentals.

ryan gosling lars GIF
Many stoners smoke pot to stop thinking about the simulation that they live in etc.

I quit for the opposite reason. So that my brain wouldn't go all fucking Einstein on me. It told me E=Mc squared suck my dong every single day and I was this close to becoming Dr. Neo Cortex.


I wonder if I'm list due to the chemistry videos I enjoy watching on YouTube?

just one of the weird idle thoughts I have through out my day. Anyways back to watching the video on how to make TNT.


I enjoy reading the warnings on product instructions because it reminds me that someone out there caused the warning label to be necessary.
Then I don't feel so bad about my life.

For example:



Just ordered some Buffalo wings that came with celery sticks…,got to thinking...no one eats these right? How many celery sticks go completely wasted every year over this? It’s got to be an insane number. This celery industrial complex has got to be stopped. It’s just senseless celery stick waste profiting off perpetuating this myth that people like celery sticks with wings. I won’t stand for it.
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