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Random thoughts.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I love taking a big fat shit at an architect and interior design firm.

All these well dressed sophisticated people have to deal with my blow out and stinky ass.

No I don’t use the febreeze. Let the scent wash over your apple computers freely from cubicle to cubicle.

Praise be.
Tag checks out.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm thinking about pitching a game idea to Capcom;

It would be a Street Fighter II themed RPG, called the, "Hadouken Chronicles" .

I like video game industry drama in part because it's trivial. Like with Sony requiring a PSN account linking for Helldivers 2 on PC. I don't like that they're doing it; it's annoying and a little invasive. But I'd rather focus on that than the more impactful stuff going on in the world that I can't have an influence on.

Felt introspective, might delete later idk tho lol


Lol. Came here to reply to you Mr Tundy.

I never responded to your response in asking why Radiohead and ATM The Smile resonates so much.

Besides the melancholy tone,

At some point Thom preferred rhythm as a texture first most. Kinda obvious seeing his solo projects.

Kid Amnesiac was a starter, Weird fishes/Arpeggio from In Rainbows as well.

It was TKoL that really empathized drums as the base layer.

A Moon shaped pool had a very jazzy sound.

Those changes really resonated with me because the almost digital drums which upon the other instrument's, soundscapes, melody and vocals are built upon brought a very hypnotic vibe imho.

The Smile is more or less everything I wanted more of from a new album.


As if my post isn't introspective and a journey at that.

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Lol. Came here to reply to you Mr Tundy.

I never responded to your response in asking why Radiohead and ATM The Smile resonates so much.

Besides the melancholy tone,

At some point Thom preferred rhythm as a texture first most. Kinda obvious seeing his solo projects.

Kid Amnesiac was a starter, Weird fishes/Arpeggio from In Rainbows as well.

It was TKoL that really empathized drums as the base layer.

A Moon shaped pool had a very jazzy sound.

Those changes really resonated with me because the almost digital drums which upon the other instrument's, soundscapes, melody and vocals are built upon brought a very hypnotic vibe imho.

The Smile is more or less everything I wanted more of from a new album.


As if my post isn't introspective and a journey at that.

Kid A is my favorite Radiohead album. Love those drums and everything about Idioteque. Everything in Its Right Place. Kid A. The National Anthem. All great.

Radiohead and Thom Yorke is/are one of those bands where I don't care for maybe 2/3rds of their tracks but their songs I do like I love. Happens when bands are willing to take risks and experiment like they do.


I've heard there are either vertical or horizontal lines you can put on your windows to prevent this.

When I first moved into this house, there was some stained glass hanging in that window. I though it was an odd place for it and moved it.

Now I'm thinking that the birds may have been why it was there.

Edit: Found the stained glass and put it back.
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Been working on a dumb idea and had another dumb idea that meshes so well with the original dumb idea that I'm worried that two dumbs ideas make a smart one.


It kinda feels like we're at the end of days here with everything going on in the world and it feels....incredibly boring. I feel at the very least I should be worried but all I feel is apathetic toward it all. Shit feels all incredibly fake.

Still I'll take the boring instead of being involved in a life or death situation every day. I'm definitely counting my blessings.


Was watching an old episode of Law & Order. This one surrounded the murder of a doctor who performed abortions. When they got to the court part of the episode, the prosecutor made mention of the legality of how far along a woman could have an abortion performed (I think the story takes place in Manhattan, which, if memory serves, allowed for up to 24 weeks). So, it got me curious to see when an embryo has a recognizable nervous system. Seems it can be as early as five weeks.

I was not comfortable with that knowledge.
Had one of those byte sized dreams once again. In it, my bank balance was wiped clean. Had to check my phone when I woke up.

That is some multi-verse shit that is overlapping with my shit or some bogus simulation shit. One or the other.
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What if life on earth originated from a heavily genetically modified seed sent all over the universe by colonizing aliens to scout for habitable planets. We were specifically designed to eventually evolve into an intelligent species that would inevitably broadcast our location in a search for alien life, making ourselves known to our creators who would come wipe us out and take earth. Has any science fiction ever been written with this twist?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
What if life on earth originated from a heavily genetically modified seed sent all over the universe by colonizing aliens to scout for habitable planets. We were specifically designed to eventually evolve into an intelligent species that would inevitably broadcast our location in a search for alien life, making ourselves known to our creators who would come wipe us out and take earth. Has any science fiction ever been written with this twist?
Chrono Trigger has a story like that.



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I was there. No but seriously I just looked up the info after i saw her mom was dating him and the article mentioned he dated the daughter too

There's a source for ya

I don't remember asking you this but thanks for responding <3

It's a fascinating reality to experience on this particular timeline and planet.

Wonder what's next.
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Neo Member
I know this might sound crazy....but in my personal opinion....Toonami should have stayed on weekday afternoons...alongside it's Saturday night timeslot. It probably could have done better.


I impulsively bought a bunch of anime figurines at once and after a few months of having them I can say the figure collector life isn't for me. Now I gotta figure how to sell as much of them as I can.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I impulsively bought a bunch of anime figurines at once and after a few months of having them I can say the figure collector life isn't for me. Now I gotta figure how to sell as much of them as I can.
A few years ago I bought a lot of autographed pictures & posters from my favorite artists.

I definitely have too much for my walls 😁

I'll have to decide which ones get framed and the others I'll give to my friends.

You're not alone 😊


People who eat with their mouth open. It's annoying. But then there's people who eat with their mouth open and their tongue is flapping around like a fucking lizard. That pisses me right off.

I myself have never ever seen this. Trying to visualize it but I'm stumped. I'm impressed.

My random thought of the day is... Well. It's fun to have very VERY dynamic interpersonal social interactions with multiple people at the same time while switching between established in jokes separate between said people and still make sure each side doesn't know it's happening I guess?

It's pretty fun 😅

Sorry hard to explain 🥵
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I myself have never ever seen this. Trying to visualize it but I'm stumped. I'm impressed.

My random thought of the day is... Well. It's fun to have very VERY dynamic interpersonal social interactions with multiple people at the same time while switching between established in jokes separate between said people and still make sure each side doesn't know it's happening I guess?

It's pretty fun 😅

Sorry hard to explain 🥵
It's the slapping noise as the tongue continuously strokes the roof of the mouth with every chew.

Push your tongue forward on the roof of your mouth over and over as if making a hard T letter.



I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Sometimes, if I post something that's wrong or just very dumb, I will put the thread on ignore and pretend it never happened.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I saw a Cyber Truck in the wild for the first time, Northern Virginia. I was there for work.

It just raises so many questions. First: why? I've seen footage of war atrocities that are more aesthetically pleasing. It's kind of small for a truck and looks like a toddler designed it in Roblox or whatever that game is called.

I found myself looking at the driver, and I was not alone, people nearby were audibly laughing out loud at them, who seemed normal, but like, what series of disastrous, horrifying events occurred in your life that led you to this moment, this terrible blunder that leaves you a literal laughing stock for the rest of society?

Anyways, that is one ugly fucking contraption. It also had visible signs of rust already.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Ethan Hawke reminds me of the employee flying under the radar doing the bare minimum.

He's not bad but not good either. He just is.
That's why he gets chosen on auditions because they just go "Fuck it we just sat through 400 people I guess he'll do."


Gold Member
I make the same mistake every time.

I see some yellow or orange peppers and want to make a small salad with some dressing. The pepper doesn't look big. But when I cut it up into pieces, it takes up the whole bowl being pepper overload.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
This is for my fellow downtown city dwellers.

I don't live in a terribly dense city. I guess there's probably like 2,000 people within the nearest few city blocks. So no Manhattan, but also not a small town. A lot of high rises.

Anyways, I like to take walks through downtown, get a coffee or stop by one of the overpriced restaurants for lunch. And I've noticed there's been a lot of extremely weird looking dudes lately. Like their entire fashion sense, their locomotion while waking, they're just fucking weird. And I feel terrible for thinking this. I feel like a snob. But seriously these dudes are just bizarre to behold.

I guess maybe I'm just an asshole or getting old. But I don't remember seeing these types of guys prior to the pandemic.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I was recently reading some posts concerning outward knowledge.

The thing is, they don't understand that they're already waked up. They been did, in fact.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I hopped onto Youtube to listen to some K-pop, specifically Stellar Blade music. And I got hit with with some Sandy Hook drama.

Like shit man, I donated money to the cause back in the day. But it's 2024 now please don't be strking me with this now. I signed up for hot Korean girl action and nothing more.
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