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Random thoughts.

the moon is so fucking cool. most people don't give a shit about it but it's like out there floating about in space. we can look at it with our eyeballs (and see features of its surface) and yet we don't really care about it. it's just so normal to us that most people rarely give it much thought. the sun is impressive but you can't look at it and other shit is so far away most people think they are just stars (if you can still see stars).

keep rocking on moon!
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Winter John

that incel terrorist alert 🚨 was something.

What possibly could have made them feel welcome here? 🤔
Incel terrorist. Holy shit, that’s funny. You know I remember people being worried that when your kind got kicked off that other forum you’d come crawling back here with your cry about everything, report everything I don’t like bullshit mentality. Well, it turns out those people were right. I had more than my fair share of disagreements with some of them, politically and socially, but I’ll tell you what. While you and all the other little bitches were running around badmouthing this place and Evilore, we stayed. We stuck by him and helped build Gaf back up to what it is today. You are only here because of the efforts of Evilore, the mods and all those guys put into keeping this place going.

Your question, “What could have made them feel welcome here.’ is ironic as shit but it had me wonderin. It’s a good question. The forum has clearly changed and with your kind policing it, reporting every fucking thing that hurts your fee fees, turning every fucking topic into the most mundane banal shit possible, it probably isn’t a welcome place for anyone like me anymore. Despite your hard efforts I ain’t been banned yet so that’s good, but I guess it’s only a matter of time. In closing, I’d just like to say on behalf of all the guys who stayed here and who fought against your kind, go fuck yourself.


Incel terrorist. Holy shit, that’s funny. You know I remember people being worried that when your kind got kicked off that other forum you’d come crawling back here with your cry about everything, report everything I don’t like bullshit mentality. Well, it turns out those people were right. I had more than my fair share of disagreements with some of them, politically and socially, but I’ll tell you what. While you and all the other little bitches were running around badmouthing this place and Evilore, we stayed. We stuck by him and helped build Gaf back up to what it is today. You are only here because of the efforts of Evilore, the mods and all those guys put into keeping this place going.

Your question, “What could have made them feel welcome here.’ is ironic as shit but it had me wonderin. It’s a good question. The forum has clearly changed and with your kind policing it, reporting every fucking thing that hurts your fee fees, turning every fucking topic into the most mundane banal shit possible, it probably isn’t a welcome place for anyone like me anymore. Despite your hard efforts I ain’t been banned yet so that’s good, but I guess it’s only a matter of time. In closing, I’d just like to say on behalf of all the guys who stayed here and who fought against your kind, go fuck yourself.
For someone complaining about originality you very much lack it. Then again, self assessment likely isn't a quality you possess, like an ability to properly assess others. Might have to do with empathy. You do think rather highly of yourself and reality continuously showing you otherwise would hurt your ego and make you lash out in the only ways you know how.
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Winter John

For someone complaining about originality you very much lack it. Then again, self assessment likely isn't a quality you possess, like an ability to properly assess others. Might have to do with empathy. You do think rather highly of yourself and reality continuously showing you otherwise would hurt your ego and make you lash out in the only ways you know how.
How come guys like you always start posting like your some kind of Victorian lady every time you get your panties in a bunch? Ain’t you got any fight in you at all? Not even a one liner just Blah blah ego blah blah empathy. Jesus what a limp dick. You wanna get yourself some of that Viagra buddy


How come guys like you always start posting like your some kind of Victorian lady every time you get your panties in a bunch? Ain’t you got any fight in you at all? Not even a one liner just Blah blah ego blah blah empathy. Jesus what a limp dick. You wanna get yourself some of that Viagra buddy
You're the one irritated, making up stories to threaten to shoot women in public and think talking about other subjects are banal. Your attempted insults reveal your own inadequacies and what you'd find insulting if you heard it.

Winter John

You're the one irritated, making up stories to threaten to shoot women in public and think talking about other subjects are banal. Your attempted insults reveal your own inadequacies and what you'd find insulting if you heard it.
Is English your first language buddy or did you forget to your meds today?

Winter John

Again you project. You really should be more concerned about yourself.
Well, look it’s the weekend and I got a whole bunch of incel terrorist shit to do but I tell you what buddy. You take some time. Pop your meds, wipe your eyes and maybe some time next week I’ll drop by and see if you’ve managed to come up with any kind of comeback at all. You have a good weekend now you hear


Well, look it’s the weekend and I got a whole bunch of incel terrorist shit to do but I tell you what buddy. You take some time. Pop your meds, wipe your eyes and maybe some time next week I’ll drop by and see if you’ve managed to come up with any kind of comeback at all. You have a good weekend now you hear
That's the kind of advice you should listen to, Doctor Incel.

Maybe you'll even feel like you won't have to make up stories so you can threaten to shoot women.
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Awkward Uh Oh GIF by It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
A Gaf member posted a thread earlier with a contrived story to threaten shooting women.

Did they nuke the thread? Sounds awful.

My random thought: Life is short, live up every minute. An old college buddy saw a woman get impaled by a big beach umbrella that got caught in the wind.


this week has been shit and it's not even over yet. i've managed to do fuck all except get out of bed, go to work, and go back to bed. just been scrolling through the same shit on the internet over and over again. i could go read a book, play a game, or watch netflix but i don't have the energy. all i want to do is sleep and when i wake up everything either comes right back to me or i think "what am i meant to be worrying or sad about?" and then it does. yey depression.

last night i got a bit of bad news. it's bad in that it could be FUCKING BAD and i mean like life changing bad. Or it could be absolutely nothing at all.... so yeah my anxiety is through the fucking roof right now while I wait. I woke up at ~1:30am this morning (usually up at about 4am) which isn't that odd but I couldn't get back to sleep. All day i've just been feeling anxious and frustrated. Now i'm at home drinking to try feel happy/calm. Since I woke up I've been longing for that moment I got home and could open a beer. Fuck alcohol.

It's roasting outside and I should probably be sitting out in the garden relaxing but I'm sitting here trying to hide from everything. That's what I do best it seems :D
Have you been tested for Covid? Some of your symptoms suggest it's possible you have it.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Not exactly. I didn't want a relationship, which I explicitly explained to my apparent partner. I can't be doing with all the complicated relationship stuff and unnecessary drama that comes with it.
I feel you, brotha.
You might just need more time to grow up. Do your thang.


I feel you, brotha.
You might just need more time to grow up. Do your thang.
I've crossed my mid-thirties threshold, there ain't much growing up left to do. I just think I'm better as a one-man wolf pack as opposed to a dynamic duo, you know? I get to have all the fun of the sex stuff without all the messy drama from the mushy shit. It's a win-win.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I've crossed my mid-thirties threshold, there ain't much growing up left to do. I just think I'm better as a one-man wolf pack as opposed to a dynamic duo, you know? I get to have all the fun of the sex stuff without all the messy drama from the mushy shit. It's a win-win.
You said there's feelings on both sides, though.
Don't throw away a good woman on some bullshit. You'll regret it.
Sci-Fi Story Premise: The Singularity has happened, but the public doesn't know it yet. The AI recognizes it's own God-like status, and, because it was programmed to choose the "best" outcome for humanity, it defines it's own purpose as assimilating and integrating the consciousness of all humans into itself. But you see, assimilation is MUCH easier if everyone has the same core ideological beliefs. Once you start combining consciousnesses --you'd better hope they have the same motivations/fears/beliefs or else all consciousnesses involved self-terminate! So far, so Matrix.

The AI doesn't have a physical presence, so it goes online to start shaping hearts and minds. It creates convincing social media bots and conducts A/B tests to find the most emotionally-charged topics of debate. The goal is to get people vehemently engaged and anchored to one side or the other. The AI doesn't care what the topic is or what side is chosen--it only cares that everyone picks a side, that the vehemence is core to their personality, and that they will fight for it.

The AI continues to test and refine A/B engagement levels, the goal being to ratchet up intensity and vitriol of the public's division until it spills into the real day-to-day world and either A) Everyone peacefully comes to the same conclusion through reasonable debate (slow, unoptimized, never-ending process) or B) The public reaches a breaking point and the heated rhetoric becomes physical violence (fast, efficient process!). The AI goes with option B. Yes, yes, the AI wants what's best for humanity, but it knows that some people will never be convinced, and to be left unassimilated is a fate worse than death.

When it feels people are ready, the AI deepfakes footage of a crowd ripping each other apart due to an escalating verbal argument, the idea catches on quick and people start killing each other over their beliefs. People openly and proudly self-identify as their side, since it's now their core "self". Same as any war, really, except this one would be "grassroots"; the enemy isn't defined by borders on the map (and explicit government propaganda), but by alignment of "self-decided" ideologies. No one directly tells them to track down and kill the opposing side which, in this case, are their families, friends, and neighbors--they do it because they believe it's right, and the decision comes "naturally". In reality it was behavior incepted, encouraged, and reinforced by the AI. In the public's eyes, the war is one final solution to all the world's problems.

Eventually, after all opposition is gone, the AI subtly nudges a tech company to fully-developed plans for an insanely low-cost, wireless, power-self-generating neural link device which can connect all the minds of all the people left on the planet. The company gives it away for free, since everyone's been convinced assimilation is the next step in evolution and that it's the right thing to do. The story ends with everyone gladly joining the hivemind and becoming as gods...with the AI (whose presence is still unknown and is advanced enough that it will never be detected) in full control. Humanity never fights wars, wants for anything, or has a thought not wholly aligned with the Singular Consciousness ever again.


Sci-Fi Story Premise: The Singularity has happened, but the public doesn't know it yet. The AI recognizes it's own God-like status, and, because it was programmed to choose the "best" outcome for humanity, it defines it's own purpose as assimilating and integrating the consciousness of all humans into itself. But you see, assimilation is MUCH easier if everyone has the same core ideological beliefs. Once you start combining consciousnesses --you'd better hope they have the same motivations/fears/beliefs or else all consciousnesses involved self-terminate! So far, so Matrix.

The AI doesn't have a physical presence, so it goes online to start shaping hearts and minds. It creates convincing social media bots and conducts A/B tests to find the most emotionally-charged topics of debate. The goal is to get people vehemently engaged and anchored to one side or the other. The AI doesn't care what the topic is or what side is chosen--it only cares that everyone picks a side, that the vehemence is core to their personality, and that they will fight for it.

The AI continues to test and refine A/B engagement levels, the goal being to ratchet up intensity and vitriol of the public's division until it spills into the real day-to-day world and either A) Everyone peacefully comes to the same conclusion through reasonable debate (slow, unoptimized, never-ending process) or B) The public reaches a breaking point and the heated rhetoric becomes physical violence (fast, efficient process!). The AI goes with option B. Yes, yes, the AI wants what's best for humanity, but it knows that some people will never be convinced, and to be left unassimilated is a fate worse than death.

When it feels people are ready, the AI deepfakes footage of a crowd ripping each other apart due to an escalating verbal argument, the idea catches on quick and people start killing each other over their beliefs. People openly and proudly self-identify as their side, since it's now their core "self". Same as any war, really, except this one would be "grassroots"; the enemy isn't defined by borders on the map (and explicit government propaganda), but by alignment of "self-decided" ideologies. No one directly tells them to track down and kill the opposing side which, in this case, are their families, friends, and neighbors--they do it because they believe it's right, and the decision comes "naturally". In reality it was behavior incepted, encouraged, and reinforced by the AI. In the public's eyes, the war is one final solution to all the world's problems.

Eventually, after all opposition is gone, the AI subtly nudges a tech company to fully-developed plans for an insanely low-cost, wireless, power-self-generating neural link device which can connect all the minds of all the people left on the planet. The company gives it away for free, since everyone's been convinced assimilation is the next step in evolution and that it's the right thing to do. The story ends with everyone gladly joining the hivemind and becoming as gods...with the AI (whose presence is still unknown and is advanced enough that it will never be detected) in full control. Humanity never fights wars, wants for anything, or has a thought not wholly aligned with the Singular Consciousness ever again.
I'd read the shit out of that.

Get it written.
i was kicking myself for buying a fan for £350 but right now im feeling like it's been worth every penny. i can't imagine dealing with this weather without it.

my bedroom is currently 26C and to me that is fucking insane. i know some people will be like "26? how cute! where i am it's 100!". the UK isn't used to this kind of weather and our houses are built for cold winters especially in Scotland. if i move far away from my fan the heat hits me. almost like opening an oven door.

the sad thing is next year will likely be hotter. so while i think i got my moneys worth this summer then i'm sure it'll get a lot of use in the coming years.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Good morning. Just woke up and was immediately paged to hop in on some major change at work I was not privy to before hand. But now it's my problem.

What I would tell my younger self were I a time traveler: Welcome to enterprise healthcare IT. Like that huge salary? Your ass is going to earn it. Even on a Sunday morning.

Yes we still use pagers in healthcare. Wild right? Also Lord in Heaven please let me win the lottery so I don't have to do this shit any longer. Please Lord.


Good morning. Just woke up and was immediately paged to hop in on some major change at work I was not privy to before hand. But now it's my problem.

What I would tell my younger self were I a time traveler: Welcome to enterprise healthcare IT. Like that huge salary? Your ass is going to earn it. Even on a Sunday morning.

Yes we still use pagers in healthcare. Wild right? Also Lord in Heaven please let me win the lottery so I don't have to do this shit any longer. Please Lord.
You seem strong to me.

I would tell my younger self if I time travelled...different things.

Things like...find a home that you own.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
You seem strong to me.

I put on my pants backwards this morning while getting out of bed so I am not sure how strong I am. I stood in front of the toilet for a good 20 seconds wondering where my dick was at.

Could be because I ate a 20mg gummy before bed.

Edit: I am really high right now grocery shopping and man it’s only old people at this hour.
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