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Random thoughts.


Probably training for a false flag attack
Please Dont Seth Meyers GIF by Saturday Night Live

You're new here, but...yeah, just don't.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I've decided to watch all of my weekly streaming shows on just one night a week, for now Sunday. See if the delayed gratification combined with pseudo binging makes me feel differently. The wait to watch the latest ep of Andor is killing me though.
Anticipation is often more fulfilling. There was a study about "window shopping" vs actually buying but I can't seem to find the link. Anyway, basically it was just as or more rewarding to spend time looking at potential things to buy than it was to actually buy and own them.

You should get into edging burger-san.
i am not a big pizza eater. i think last time i ate one was about 5 years ago. the last few weeks i kept seeing this pizza that looked really yummy and it cost £3.50. i told myself that it's too much for me to eat on my own and i don't need it but i always kept thinking about that god damn pizza sitting there.

today i decided to buy it. it's now £4.50 but fuck it i deserve it. it might be another 5 years before i eat another pizza. i could've got a much cheaper pizza. i saw some at £1.10 but this is the one i had my eye on so i got it.

got home and realised i bought the wrong fucking pizza. the one i wanted was pepperoni but this one is just all cheese. i'm a fucking stupid useless idiot. i'll eat it but it won't be the same. maybe i'll go back to the shop tomorrow and buy some pepperoni slices to stick on it.
Do you think it's possible to literally kill yourself by eating an entire container (in one sitting) of Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk?

I bought one of those small containers a while back, and have been nursing it for about three months now. It had been years since I'd had it, and the first spoonful this time around was so insanely sweet, I could only eat about one or two spoonfuls. Anyway, I just went in for a little more, and was looking at the nutritional info. The calories weren't alarming, though unsurprisingly high. But the saturated fat percentage for an entire container is 215% of a person's daily allowance. :messenger_astonished: That sure seems like heart-attack territory, no?

Similar but different: years ago, after not eating all day and running a bunch of miles and then smoking a bowl, I ate an entire gallon of generic Oreo cookies & cream ice cream in one two-hour sitting. It wasnt the plan, but it tasted so good and by the time I got halfway through, it became a self-imposed challenge to finish the whole thing lol

Thought I'd get lactose sickness or something but nope! 100% fine the next day


Similar but different: years ago, after not eating all day and running a bunch of miles and then smoking a bowl, I ate an entire gallon of generic Oreo cookies & cream ice cream in one two-hour sitting. It wasnt the plan, but it tasted so good and by the time I got halfway through, it became a self-imposed challenge to finish the whole thing lol

Thought I'd get lactose sickness or something but nope! 100% fine the next day
Yeesh, sounds similar to the way Martin Sheen supposedly had heart troubles on the set of Apocalypse Now. I also (use to) run, and yeah, you're putting your body at war with itself with that kinda stuff, especially the smoking. Might wanna put that stuff in oat bread or something. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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my door doesn't have a door bell so i need to listen for someone knocking at it. i'm at the other side of the house so i don't always hear it. i could get a doorbell but i have cats.

if someone whispers at the door in the pissing rain and arse blowing wind then my cat will hear it. if i see them react then that is my door bell.
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Not necessarily random, but it is a thought(s). Watched a little less than half of Tenet (gonna try and finish the rest tomorrow).


1. I believe I get it, but I don't necessarily like it. And if my interpretation of what this is is correct, then of course, I also get why critics and others have complained about the "sound."
2. It's a long (looooooooong!), insanely high-budget music/dance/rhythm video directed by Christopher Nolan. I think if approached as a story movie, well, sure you're not gonna enjoy the aural dynamics.
3. Paying too much (or any) attention to the story seems to miss the forest for the trees. It's the rhythm, the presentation, the style. The dialogue and story seem to be ridiculous but stylish in such a way as to match what's happening aurally and visually.
4. The only thing I find (so far) offensive about the movie is the airplane sequence. That's really obscene to flaunt the waste of so many resources to create "art."

I'm not sure if Nolan is mocking his fans, testing them, or if his involvement is anything more than being a hired gun for the composer(s) and choreographer(s) with his named stamped on the product. Either way, two and a half hours sure seems like one hell of a long style/pop video. I'll try and finish it, but whew...it sure is...long for what it is. It's very good for what I think it is, but that's only because it's only been done a very limited number of times in the past few decades, and never with this level of presentation.
i think i might have covid :messenger_expressionless: not feeling 100% and my temperature is up. my forehead is bloody roasting. i have a bit of a cough and sore head. i better go do a test.

also my scooter is coming soon yeeey. i'm delivery #47 and the driver is at #42. so exciting :D

edit: it's no the rona and my scooter is here!
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i think i'm going to have to call the monkey police.

and as a bald man i think i should be allowed to grow my hair.
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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
My small PC was roaring like a big one lately. It shut down the last two days randomly. I cleaned it and now he seems to be fine.

Although there is nothing wrong with it i thought i might do the same with the PS5 and what should i say...

My small PC was roaring like a big one lately. It shut down the last two days randomly. I cleaned it and now he seems to be fine.

Although there is nothing wrong with it i thought i might do the same with the PS5 and what should i say...

i really should give my PC a clean out. temps are fine and it's silent but i'm sure the filters are needing cleaned.
LMAO i just went to use my inhaler but instead of sticking it in my mouth i tried sticking it up my nostril.

I wanted to clean the playstation since forever but the PC reminded me to do it.

It was running just fine but the amount of dust inside was pretty crazy.

season 7 episode 3 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
i love taking things apart to clean them out. not got a PS5 so don't know what it's like but i completely stripped down my PS4 to clean it out. used my air duster to blow out the fan and PSU. put new thermal paste and pads on it while i was at it. the PSU was a bitch to get out and i almost cut the cable lol. afterwards it ran much quieter and cooler. i also took apart my PS2 Slim. i was surprised at how clean it was. it had never been opened before so it wasn't bad for being ~17 years old.
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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
LMAO i just went to use my inhaler but instead of sticking it in my mouth i tried sticking it up my nostril.

i love taking things apart to clean them out. not got a PS5 so don't know what it's like but i completely stripped down my PS4 to clean it out. used my air duster to blow out the fan and PSU. put new thermal paste and pads on it while i was at it. the PSU was a bitch to get out and i almost cut the cable lol. afterwards it ran much quieter and cooler. i also took apart my PS2 Slim. i was surprised at how clean it was. it had never been opened before so it wasn't bad for being ~17 years old.
I never went to deep into the PS4 because i was scared to break anything but the PS5 is insanely easy to take apart. You can get pretty far without special knowledge.

It's definitely fun to take a peek. I'm mean after the cleaning. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


My small PC was roaring like a big one lately. It shut down the last two days randomly. I cleaned it and now he seems to be fine.

Although there is nothing wrong with it i thought i might do the same with the PS5 and what should i say...

Mine did the same thing this morning, and I just cleaned and scanned it yesterday. I clicked on that "how do warnings work" thread, and bam, it went to a white screen and make the restart animation. I just force shut it and turned her back on.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Mine did the same thing this morning, and I just cleaned and scanned it yesterday. I clicked on that "how do warnings work" thread, and bam, it went to a white screen and make the restart animation. I just force shut it and turned her back on.
So is everything alright or not? I'm confused.


Yeah, so far so good. Was just wondering if perhaps yours experienced that while on this forum. Trying ascertain if it has something to do with the site.
Yeah, so far so good. Was just wondering if perhaps yours experienced that while on this forum. Trying ascertain if it has something to do with the site.
a website on its own is not likely to cause a PC or any other kind of device to crash. it'd have to be a really nasty website that can infect your device.

temperatures would only cause a device to shut down in a situation where it's under heavy load or in a very warm environment. having a dusty PC can affect your temperatures but it'd need to be really bad and again during normal usage (web browsing) it should be fine. you'd need to put some load on it like playing games.

most likely the cause of any crashing is apps/programs installed misbehaving, outdated drivers, or the OS itself where it has a virus/malware or has a kernel panic possibly due to faulty/unstable CPU/RAM or storage.
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i've been noticing that i care less about a lot of things recently. doing things that once felt scary and impossible now feel achievable. i always wondered what kind of state of mind someone would need to be in to give up on life, their hopes and dreams, succumb to addiction, and kill themself. after about 18 years of dealing with depression and 9 years of addiction i get it.

i am feeling worn down and can't see anything ever changing. my life is fucking miserable. for years i lied to myself that i'd get over it but now i don't care because i've given up hope and trying. i am constantly feeling anxious, sad, angry, and terrified.

i can't see myself killing myself because im too much of a coward shit bag. maybe i'll do it slowly. i suppose i have for a decade now. im not old but i can feel my body slowing down and hurting a lot more. sometimes i hope that i'll be in an accident and die. i can't even kill myself and need someone else to do it for me.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
i've been noticing that i care less about a lot of things recently. doing things that once felt scary and impossible now feel achievable. i always wondered what kind of state of mind someone would need to be in to give up on life, their hopes and dreams, succumb to addiction, and kill themself. after about 18 years of dealing with depression and 9 years of addiction i get it.

i am feeling worn down and can't see anything ever changing. my life is fucking miserable. for years i lied to myself that i'd get over it but now i don't care because i've given up hope and trying. i am constantly feeling anxious, sad, angry, and terrified.

i can't see myself killing myself because im too much of a coward shit bag. maybe i'll do it slowly. i suppose i have for a decade now. im not old but i can feel my body slowing down and hurting a lot more. sometimes i hope that i'll be in an accident and die. i can't even kill myself and need someone else to do it for me.
I don't really know you, but...

...no matter how hard life is, no matter how many wrong decision you made, no matter how many wrong turns you took, there are so many things in the world to strive and live for.

Just like my response to Valedix Valedix i could send the same to you. Sure these are just words and iam not there to bear with you but let me assure you I feel with you.

I myself suffered from depression for 2-3 years and know it's quite easy to not see a way out.

I had a friend that committed suicide years ago and nobody saw it coming.

In these hard and everchanging times it's hard, even for a healthy human being, to get along with all that is happening.

Just know, that iam here if you need someone to talk and that you will always find something to live for.

For example, this whole community makes my life better.

You Got This Bill Murray GIF


I've worn a small handsfree headset on my ear at work every day for years.

I just noticed I can see the boom just barely out the side of my eye. I don't like that. It's bugging me.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I wonder if some players are actually intimidated when the home team plays "Welcome to the Jungle" before the start of a game.

"Bbbut, but coach, it says I'm gonna die!! I can't play I got to get the fuck outta here!".


I just realized that I can tell how my attitude toward certain things is reflected in how organized I keep things. High organization = happy, low = there's a problem.
I'm not sure if you were being serious, but I can confirm that, personally, yeah, that seems like a fair assessment. I'm the same way, I think. I'm usually very organized, but yeah, man, when things become dark for me, I oftentimes just let go of the fucks. It's the only way I seem to be able to find my way back. I don't even think it's much a matter of me finding my way back, as much as it is being led back.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I'm not sure if you were being serious, but I can confirm that, personally, yeah, that seems like a fair assessment. I'm the same way, I think. I'm usually very organized, but yeah, man, when things become dark for me, I oftentimes just let go of the fucks. It's the only way I seem to be able to find my way back. I don't even think it's much a matter of me finding my way back, as much as it is being led back.
Sometimes I let things fall into chaos to determine what is actually worth my time & energy to bring into order. It's been eye opening at work how little I need to care and still be successful. Which is great, as it gives me a lot more free time to spend that energy on things that bring me joy. Like shitposting.


Sometimes I let things fall into chaos to determine what is actually worth my time & energy to bring into order. It's been eye opening at work how little I need to care and still be successful. Which is great, as it gives me a lot more free time to spend that energy on things that bring me joy. Like shitposting.

For me, I just gotta put down that heavy load. Sometimes I don't even get to put it down. It's just stripped from me. And sometimes I just gotta start over from scratch.
I feel too sensitive to people's energies. The social public is overly negative, and I can't help but notice it. Whenether online or in person, people are depressed or mad about stuff. It plays with my head and then I start being the negative one. I wish there were more enthusiasts, lovers of life out there. I try to be that positive energy oftentimes but it's difficult when drowned out by the more vocal negativity


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I feel too sensitive to people's energies. The social public is overly negative, and I can't help but notice it. Whenether online or in person, people are depressed or mad about stuff. It plays with my head and then I start being the negative one. I wish there were more enthusiasts, lovers of life out there. I try to be that positive energy oftentimes but it's difficult when drowned out by the more vocal negativity
Not every environment is negative by any means. Gotta seek out better ones to spend your time in. Makes a huge difference.
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