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Random thoughts.


every time I read US news stories I can't stop thinking "wow, American cops really are all fucking retarded aren't they?"

I know this might not be fair but I can't help it...

just today I read about a kidnapping victim getting shot by the police while trying to run away from her kidnapper... retarded as fuck, that's all I can think of
i joined some kind of fucking Google subscription for Youtube and I can't make any damn sense of it.

i'm on a free 1 month trial which is about to end and i've been quite happy with it so was planning on renewing it. I thought I had YouTube Premium which means you get ad-free viewing on YT and you have full access to YT music. That's exactly what I do have because when i watch YouTube on my tv there are no ads (and the in app logo says Premium) and i have YT music. The price it says in my settings is it would renew at £11.99/month.

However....it says I can join YouTube Premium for £15.99/month. YouTube Music Premium is £11.99/month so...that's what I'm on right now apparently at least going by the price but it says I'm on YouTube Premium so the cost should be £15.99/month. If I sign up for the £11.99 option then it says I won't get ad free YouTube and all I'll get is YouTube Music Premium. In addition to this there is a £9.99/month option for YouTube Music without YouTube Premium (ad free viewing, etc).

If I can't make any sense of it then I'm going back to Spotify tomorrow when the free trial ends. I was really enjoying not having to deal with YouTube ads on my TV but fuck it. If they want £15.99/month for me they can get to fuck. I was all happy at the thought of paying £10/month for music subscription which I'm going to be paying no matter what and then only paying an extra £1.99/month to get rid of YouTube ads.

edit: maybe i should have taken the time to search online first lol. it seems if you sub through the app on iOS it is £15.99 to account for the 30% that Apple takes. If i sub through my desktop browser it is £11.99. makes sense now :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member


every time I read US news stories I can't stop thinking "wow, American cops really are all fucking retarded aren't they?"

I know this might not be fair but I can't help it...

just today I read about a kidnapping victim getting shot by the police while trying to run away from her kidnapper... retarded as fuck, that's all I can think of
All the good stuff goes unreported. My state police are chill asf, the local ones suck
this morning it took me 2 minutes 28 seconds to shower. i could maybe cut it down to about 2:15 but it'd be tough! that includes the time it took the water to warm up. it heated up quite quick this morning. if i had used both soap and shower gel i'd probably be looking at closer to 3 mins but i only used soap. my target was 4 mins so i'm quite happy!

i'm obsessed with how much energy everything uses so try to limit how long things are left running. the shower is one of the most expensive things so the less i can run that the more energy i save!

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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
this morning it took me 2 minutes 28 seconds to shower. i could maybe cut it down to about 2:15 but it'd be tough! that includes the time it took the water to warm up. it heated up quite quick this morning. if i had used both soap and shower gel i'd probably be looking at closer to 3 mins but i only used soap. my target was 4 mins so i'm quite happy!

i'm obsessed with how much energy everything uses so try to limit how long things are left running. the shower is one of the most expensive things so the less i can run that the more energy i save!

Cold showers feel good. Maybe that will help your speed running?
what if we got rid of eyebrows?

hey i spent at least 1 minute 40 seconds on my ass. that motherfucker is squeaky clean.

Cold showers feel good. Maybe that will help your speed running?
good idea but not here at this time of year. it's too cold in the morning for a cold shower. next summer i will time myself again to try break my record.
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Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
My father was hospitalized in the middle of the night because of kidney stones. We had to call an ambulance because of his pain.

At 5 am in the morning a get a call from him that he was released. They pumped him full of painkillers and gave him a bladder catheter which was the final solution.

When i picked him up he was standing in front of the hospital, drugged up, with the catheter in his hand, wearing his pajamas and slippers.

Can you believe this!? I'm so mad!

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
My father was hospitalized in the middle of the night because of kidney stones. We had to call an ambulance because of his pain.

At 5 am in the morning a get a call from him that he was released. They pumped him full of painkillers and gave him a bladder catheter which was the final solution.

When i picked him up he was standing in front of the hospital, drugged up, with the catheter in his hand, wearing his pajamas and slippers.

Can you believe this!? I'm so mad!
Kidney stones suck. How big is it? He will be able to pass it on his own?


My father was hospitalized in the middle of the night because of kidney stones. We had to call an ambulance because of his pain.

At 5 am in the morning a get a call from him that he was released. They pumped him full of painkillers and gave him a bladder catheter which was the final solution.

When i picked him up he was standing in front of the hospital, drugged up, with the catheter in his hand, wearing his pajamas and slippers.

Can you believe this!? I'm so mad!
Yeah, that sounds terrible. Where do you guys live?
had a fucking cowboy character in today putting flooring down. turned up late and all he came with was a can of spray glue and a knife. made an arse of the cutting and only glued a corner of the flooring down lol. the way he's cut it there are parts leaving gaps and parts sticking up the wall. didn't put a threshold cover down cause he didn't bring his fucking van with him. what a clown.

i got sent the photos and will be going into the shop after work. they need to fix it or give me my money back. i'm fucking raging. i could've done a better job than him fuck sake. the flooring that he put down is fucked so they'll need to order a new roll and no chance i'm paying for it.

said all along should get laminate down but oh no fuck that. don't listen to me. £600 basically right down the shitter right now. :messenger_pouting:

update not that anyone cares: noticed that he ripped the vinyl sheet where the washing machine is. got in touch with the shop and they said they'd fix it but i doubt they can do anything to keep me happy short of pulling up the shit they put down and put a new sheet in. said he'd glue it down and cut the excess shit. even if he does that then it's not gonna be good enough. need to fix the rip and sort out the mess around the radiator pipes.

been tempted to pull it up myself and toss the lot of it to fuck and get another place to do it but £600 is a lot of money to suck up. been waiting 2 months for them to come out. was meant to be here on monday and didn't turn up. turned up late today and this is what i get? fuck off.

my partner is all like "as long as it's glued down and sealed at the edges i'm happy". it's a fucking mess and i paid money towards it too so fuck my opinion i guess. no doubt in a few months she'll be like nah i'm not happy can we get new flooring. well this time she can pull it up, clean up the edges (if there's sealant), and she can pay for it all herself. been fucking busting our arses doing overtime to try save up to do the house up. shits not getting cheaper either. can't just spend hundreds as if it's nothing and i'm not putting up with shitty jobs.
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Mouse Ball Fetishist
if it takes you that long to poop you should visit a doctor.

and if you're curious you can tell us what everyone talks about in bathrooms?
The poop part was a joke.

The curious part, well, I've heard two people talk about a business deal yesterday. I sat there washing my hands slowly while listening because I have nothing better to do. Sadly, there were no juicy details or scandals to be shared.


Had my first drop of alcohol in probably six or seven years. Never been much of a drinker, and of course with the medication I'm taking and the illness I have, I wasn't sure it was such a great idea. But my wife's on vacation, and she does enjoy drinking. We each got a single bottle each of Sierra Nevada pale ale from the store. She said it's a mild beverage. I wasn't particularly excited about tasting beer again, but to my surprise, I really quite loved it. It didn't really have much of an alcohol flavor. More like a fizzy, bready flavor. I liked it quite a bit. I only drank about half the bottle, though. I was full by then. She finished the rest. That was last night. So far, no reactionary issues. I think I might try that every six months or so. Quite pleasurable.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Had my first drop of alcohol in probably six or seven years. Never been much of a drinker, and of course with the medication I'm taking and the illness I have, I wasn't sure it was such a great idea. But my wife's on vacation, and she does enjoy drinking. We each got a single bottle each of Sierra Nevada pale ale from the store. She said it's a mild beverage. I wasn't particularly excited about tasting beer again, but to my surprise, I really quite loved it. It didn't really have much of an alcohol flavor. More like a fizzy, bready flavor. I liked it quite a bit. I only drank about half the bottle, though. I was full by then. She finished the rest. That was last night. So far, no reactionary issues. I think I might try that every six months or so. Quite pleasurable.
Happy Hour Party GIF by Two Lane Brewing
i get everyone has their thing they are into but trainspotting seems strange to me.

i saw someone lament that they haven't yet seen a Class 153 Cycle Store train (probably not it's proper name). To me it looks like any normal kind of train except I suppose it has more space for bicycles on it? I'm just wondering what goes through a trainspotters mind.

do spotters just get a kick out of collecting photos of stuff? maybe it's not so much about seeing them but having a photo of it in their collection?

i'm not hating. if someone is in to train/bird/plane (or other things that aren't creepy/illegal of course) spotting then good on them i hope they are having fun. i guess i just want to know what they get out of it and what they feel when they see something new.
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