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Random thoughts.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist



An hieroglyph? What do YOU mean, bro?

I'm sayin', that if nature, doing what it's doing, is all there is, that ain't gon werk. Dat shit gonna has to up its game. Dat. Shit. Ain't. Gun. Work!

Nah bro u pessimistic and blinded by the shining light of he-man's smile. Nature's doing fine.
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I'm sayin', that if nature, doing what it's doing, is all there is, that ain't gon werk. Dat shit gonna has to up its game. Dat. Shit. Ain't. Gun. Work!

What do you mean though. Say what you mean. Jfc breh
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it was a greggs sausage roll i wanted! i still want one. might get one tomorrow. there was a shop that used to sell frozen greggs sausage rolls and steak bakes. i remember buying so many boxes of them.

I finally got the age where I get excited about socks.
i've been there for a few years now :messenger_beaming: hated getting them when i was younger but now all i want is some socks. i didn't get any this christmas unfortuantly so i'm a sad dobby



I finally got the age where I get excited about socks.

...i've been there for a few years now :messenger_beaming: hated getting them when i was younger but now all i want is some socks. i didn't get any this christmas unfortuantly so i'm a sad dobby

Well, my mother used to tell me when I was a little kid that I was an old man trapped in a little boy's body. I've always loved collecting comfy socks. In the last 10 or so years, though, I just prefer budget ankle socks. Easier to move around in, cooler in the summer, and easily disposable when they get holes in 'em.

In that same span of time, though, it changed to collecting comfy t-shirts that reflect my nerdness. My kids usually get me a Star Wars shirt here, or a Kirby shirt there for the holidays. I have a rotation procedure when I do my laundry.
i love it when my amazon delivery is the first delivery. i mean yeah it's 2PM but the tracker says i'm the first delivery. i feel so special and it saves me constantly refreshing to see it get to delivery 49 of 89!

the thing is that i'm in no rush to get the item (a motherboard for my PC) because it'll be sitting in the box until the rest of the parts (cpu, ram, ssd) come tomorrow.
Well, my mother used to tell me when I was a little kid that I was an old man trapped in a little boy's body. I've always loved collecting comfy socks. In the last 10 or so years, though, I just prefer budget ankle socks. Easier to move around in, cooler in the summer, and easily disposable when they get holes in 'em.

In that same span of time, though, it changed to collecting comfy t-shirts that reflect my nerdness. My kids usually get me a Star Wars shirt here, or a Kirby shirt there for the holidays. I have a rotation procedure when I do my laundry.
i agree with ankles socks. bought a bunch of them and hate wearing normal ones now.

i hate runny egg yolks. vile stuff. give me hard boiled eggs!!
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When the hospital staff at reception seem a lot more worried than myself and then start asking me lots of questions after mentioning at the counter I had been throwing up blood and feel dizzy/light headed now, including the person who wasn't even serving me at the counter.


So now I'm actually pretty damn worried.

Also why are the all the mother fuckers not wearing masks the one coughing up their guts :l

And I'm genuinely surprised the amount of times staff have come out said a couple names and no one goes up with them, have these people all gone home and left?
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Has the mask of Tutankhamun always had both the vulture and snake?


IDKFA IDKFA I'm sure it's just been the snake on the mask.

I wish I could answer, but I'm not an expert in this period. Far from it in fact.

For history, my speciality is England and France during the 14th and 15th century, 19th and 20th century European politics and the early modern period in Europe. Also studied at degree level the Roman Republic/Empire and have a keen interest in the general Hellenistic period.


I think I've gotten it mixed up with some other Egyptian masks. Danke.

Eagle (Mars/war) and snake (wisdom) duality symbolism goes very deep. Roles and association reversed on purpose. Super interesting.

Buh buh Bro so boring

Maybe it is. Couldnt find the specific podcast
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I wish I could answer, but I'm not an expert in this period. Far from it in fact.

For history, my speciality is England and France during the 14th and 15th century, 19th and 20th century European politics and the early modern period in Europe. Also studied at degree level the Roman Republic/Empire and have a keen interest in the general Hellenistic period.

TF you see in that low rash ass picture doc?


Is it for quitting smoking? I've been there brother. I smoked for 10+ years. It is 100% worth it to be rid of that shit. Stay strong brother, stay resolute. Binge eat if you have to. The cravings are only temporary. You can do this.

Thanks man. Smoking yes. Hardcore. Fuck it it's worth it.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
22:22:22 22:22:22 stay away from booze while you quit. That shit is trap. Find any triggers you have around that might make you want to smoke and hide 'em or toss 'em out entirely.

You are the fucking man and you can achieve anything you give your all to. I've seen your muscles, man. If you can stick with that, you can make smoking your bitch.


22:22:22 22:22:22 stay away from booze while you quit. That shit is trap. Find any triggers you have around that might make you want to smoke and hide 'em or toss 'em out entirely.

You are the fucking man and you can achieve anything you give your all to. I've seen your muscles, man. If you can stick with that, you can make smoking your bitch.

Wise words man.

Thank you friend.

I miss the inhaling.

So weird.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Riddle me this.

Why is violence acceptable in video games, but sex is a huge no no?

In a video game, I can decapitate people, blow their heads off, shoot off limbs, best them to a bloody pulp, set them on fire and all manner of extremely violent acts.

If violence is okay, then why not sex? Why can't I eat pussy, participate in a gang bang or gargle on some giant nuts in a video game?

Why are humans okay with violence and death, but not sex, especially when sex is a perfectly natural and needed aspect of life?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Trying to organize my bookshelf a little bit. Some of the books are too big to put in the correct way although. I really need a better bookshelf but this will suffice.

6:31 am

Eating my dinner.
omg reminded me of when i started my current job. it totally fucked with my sleep due to the hours. i found myself eating full on meals at like 9AM. at times i was eating shit like pizza or currys :messenger_grinning_sweat: when i went to work it was about midnight so i didn't want to eat and by the time i finished work i was so hungry so would eat a lot when i got home. i put on a good bit of weight in those first few years before i started taking a snack/sandwich to work. i'd still have something when i got in but nothing crazy. maybe a small snack to keep me going until lunch time. my real dinner time is around 4PM before i go sleep.


omg reminded me of when i started my current job. it totally fucked with my sleep due to the hours. i found myself eating full on meals at like 9AM. at times i was eating shit like pizza or currys :messenger_grinning_sweat: when i went to work it was about midnight so i didn't want to eat and by the time i finished work i was so hungry so would eat a lot when i got home. i put on a good bit of weight in those first few years before i started taking a snack/sandwich to work. i'd still have something when i got in but nothing crazy. maybe a small snack to keep me going until lunch time. my real dinner time is around 4PM before i go sleep.
Yeah, my work schedule is usually around 4 am to noon. But being on medical leave again, I'm trying to go back into reserve-energy mode, so to speak. So, I'm typically up between midnight and 2 am. I drink my coffee, take my meds at 5 am, have to wait an hour before I can then eat. I'm trying to get my eating done by 8 am, so that I can have long stretches between any type of consumption each day.
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