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Random thoughts.

i was watching mandalorian episode on my TV and noticed a blackspot on the screen. probably a bit of dust or fluff because it wiped off. but while i was doing that i noticed i have a fuck load of dead pixels on my TV now :( i knew i had a couple at the edges but wow. this ain't just a single dead pixel but "huge" chunks. there are blocks of pixel blacked out and the top corners are missing the edges so it looks more rounded. luckily i can't notice them during normal viewing. it's a 55" 4K OLED and i sit quite a bit away from it. here was me worried about burn in and i get all these dead pixels lol.

i have a 5 year insurance on the TV but i can't be arsed with the hassle of fucking about with it right now. it's not affecting my viewing experience. i mean i would never have noticed it if i hadn't stood right infront of the TV. the insurance doesn't run out until end of 2025 so i'll hold off for now. maybe late 2024/early 2025 i'll think about getting in touch with the insurance. my other OLED is fine but i've not had that as long. i've only had this one for 2 and a half years. don't even have a lot of hours on it either. last i checked it was about ~700 hours. i'll go check now and take some photos.

edit: now i look at it again it's not as bad. i guess i was surprised and upset. thankfully they are all at the edges of the screen.




It's been more than a decade since the last time I got punched in the nose. Kinda feeling nostalgic about it.
if only we could punch people across the internet then i'd help you out. actually being able to do that would make the entire world a better place.
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i must be getting old because even with glasses i've had to increase the size of text on my PC screen :messenger_grinning_sweat: my eyes keep straining and i get a sore head trying to read text. it doesn't look blurry or anything but it hurts my eyes. so i've put it up to 110% zoom. seems to be helping a bit. i have a 27" monitor and it's 1440p.

i'm not due a check up on my eyes until the end of this year. i really feel like my eyes are getting worse. this isn't the only problem i've had recently. keep getting "flashes" and i seem to need to turn the brightness up on my devices a lot more. maybe i should just book a check up instead of waiting for my optician to get in touch with me.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
On Sunday morning I was getting the sockets out of a new set, had to clip these plastic thingies that were holding them on to the kit or whatever. One flew at high speed into my right eyeball. It hurt like fuck for a few minutes, but I was fine afterwards and all day yesterday. Today my eye has been extremely sensitive to light. I am going to have to go to Walgreens and get an eye patch lol. PirateBurger time.

If it still hurts tomorrow I am going to the doctor just in case.
I'm uninstalling most of the games on my PC. What's the fucking point because I don't even play them. I spent about £1k on a bloody 4080 and don't even play most of the games on my PC. The amount of money I waste is insane. I have been planning on spending another £1.5k upgrading the rest of my PC.

I'm done fooling myself. I kept thinking oh it's just depression or some shit.... or maybe I just need a break but that's a joke to be honest. I can go weeks without playing a game. I bought all these games and I play them for a little while then lose interest. Today I had it in my head that I was going to spend £90 on Diablo IV so I could play the beta early but I know I'm kidding myself on. Diablo 2 was a game I bought but guess what? Didn't even play it.

Maybe I don't like games anymore and that's it. Well I wouldn't say I don't like games at all. I'm keeping some installed like Hogwarts, Flight Sim, Rocket League, Fortnite, and Valorant. I got rid of FIFA, Overwatch, Diablo 2, Sekiro, The Witcher 3, and Cyberpunk.

I'll probably buy Diablo IV but fuck it I'll just wait until it actually launches and get it for as cheap as I can. The only other game I have preordered is Tears of the Kingdom which I'm actually excited for.

Really I'm feeling so frustrated at myself. On Switch I've been trying to play Persona 3 Portable but getting nowhere with it. Maybe it's best I uninstall it and forget about it.

rant over :messenger_weary:
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If you haven't done it in a while, I'd start with a dose around 10-15mg. As your tolerance builds, up the dosage. If 10mg does nothing after a few hours, then bump it up.

Gummies aren't really the equivalent of smoking doobies because it depends on too many factors. You can dose the intensity of your high based on the mg. Be wary though, because there is some deviation in the actual dose for each gummy. IE if the batch settles in a way that one gummy contains more than its neighbors.

Edibles in general take a long time to kick in. It can vary between an hour to 90 mins roughly. The high lasts longer and is less intense overall.

Delta 8 is legal in the US in every state. Actual weed as you know it is still legal in some states and illegal in others. Federally it is still illegal. Even using the delta products you can and will fail a drug test unless your system is clean.

I've had good results & pricing for:

I haven't tried delta-9 myself but will most likely when I am done detoxing.
Thank you. Didn't wanna hijack the image thread, so I figured I'd bring the discussion in here. Let me ask you this -- and what you recommended as far as initial dosages sounds quite prudent -- do the gummies have sugars or any other ingredients that might act as stimulants? Because honestly, I wouldn't even want to use them to get high, so much as to facilitate sleep.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Thank you. Didn't wanna hijack the image thread, so I figured I'd bring the discussion in here. Let me ask you this -- and what you recommended as far as initial dosages sounds quite prudent -- do the gummies have sugars or any other ingredients that might act as stimulants? Because honestly, I wouldn't even want to use them to get high, so much as to facilitate sleep.
Watch this for more info on sleep & marijuana. It is probably against your best interest to use it as a sleep aid. I'd recommend talking to a doctor if you have concerns. I take hydroxyzine pamoate that helps me fall asleep, though that was not what it was prescribed for.

Sugar content will depend on manufacturer. I would guess most will contain sugar.
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Watch this for more info on sleep & marijuana. It is probably against your best interest to use it as a sleep aid. I'd recommend talking to a doctor if you have concerns. I take hydroxyzine pamoate that helps me fall asleep, though that was not what it was prescribed for.

Sugar content will depend on manufacturer. I would guess most will contain sugar.

Block REM sleep!? Fuck that!

Getting to sleep at the beginning of my night has never been an issue. It's staying asleep after getting up, either to go to the bathroom or thinking about the next day's work, etc. So, yeah, it sounds like neither the CBD or THC would likely be helpful for my intent. And nope, don't need or want anxiety.

Surprised but not surprised by his comment that there's not enough data yet to determine these chemicals' effect on sleep. WTF. This shit's been around for...ever. And how the fuck is this stuff allowed on the market without consistent dosages as listed on their products?! That's a serious health concern.

Would love to hear from governmental health organizations regarding the matter. But that ain't neva gonna happen until there's a need for damage control somewhere up along the line, after these smaller companies are bought up by major corporations.

Currently taking REMfresh. It helps, but I still have issues most nights getting back to sleep. But it helps. Probably about as good as it's gonna get. I'll try to be thankful for my blessings and move on.

Thanks for sharing the video.
Just sold my iPad. I've had it almost 2 years and paid £850 for it. Got £380 for it. Well it sold for £450 but eBay took their fee and it cost £11 to post it.

I did use it often but I bought it thinking it'd be my main device as I was going to sell my PC but I upgraded my PC and use it for most things at home and I have my phone when out.

The iPad was really just for watching YouTube/movies but even then it was redundant because I have an OLED tv. Watching movies on the iPad was awful at times because it's not got any dimming like an OLED or the 12.9" mini led iPad.

I'll be using that £380 to upgrade my PC further. I know I posted earlier moaning about it but I use my PC for more than just gaming so will still be upgrading it.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
This stuff works:

Not a shill, just tried it on a whim after hearing it advertised on a podcast. Amazing stuff. I got bent the fuck over last night and I have zero hangover.
i need to poop but waiting for the postman to pick up a parcel. i know as soon as i start squeezing out that turd demon that i'll hear a knock on the door.

the email said they'd come any time up until 3pm and it's only just past 1pm.

edit: good news. it was risky but i managed to fire it out real fast. postman still ain't here!
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I feel sick.

So...i sold my iPad on ebay last night and the postman came to pick it up (as you might see from previous posts in here).

On the tracking page it seems someone else has the same tracking code as my parcel I'm sending. On Ebay and the royal mail site it is saying that the parcel has been delivered today. My parcel and someone elses has got mixed up....

If this ends up lost in the post I'm fucked. I'll be out of an iPad and I'll need to send the £380 back to the buyer.

Fucking hell man that's just my luck. Hopefully it sorts itself out.... :messenger_loudly_crying:


Anyone else feel like saving for retirement is a scam? Unless you've saved an obscene amount of money a couple medical issues later in life can wipe you out even with insurance.

Or the fact that retirement savings get wiped out all the time with bank failures or sub prime loan ridiculousness. Just seems like a fools errand.


from some angles seals kinda look like aliens...

their almost completely black eyes, the way their eyes move with this slight tilt...

like a very cute alien design from a movie or something
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Wow the gummy I ate to get some sleep last night is still having an effect. Wild. I wonder if they screwed up my batch and put too much THC in it.


°Temp. member
Man the moderation on Reddit has really gone downhill. You get instantly permabanned for saying anything that doesn't agree with the hivemind. It sucks because Reddit has a lot of great content and communities as well.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Man the moderation on Reddit has really gone downhill. You get instantly permabanned for saying anything that doesn't agree with the hivemind. It sucks because Reddit has a lot of great content and communities as well.
It’s always been that way. They were once a site that promoted free speech but even then it was a shithole. Lowest common denominator is rewarded.
not that anyone cares but my ipad was successfully delivered to the buyer. ebay isn't paying out until 4th April. well i could request it sooner but i'd rather just let them hold onto the money for now incase the buyer has any problems (hopefully not). even once it is put into my bank i'll stick it in my savings account for a while. i do this all the time unless it's a small amount of money. i don't want to be a few weeks down the line and have to send a £380 refund!

Man the moderation on Reddit has really gone downhill. You get instantly permabanned for saying anything that doesn't agree with the hivemind. It sucks because Reddit has a lot of great content and communities as well.
as Maiden Voyage Maiden Voyage said, it's always been that way. maybe it's got worse recently? i stopped posting on it years ago because if you have the wrong opinion then it's basically fuck you. either you get banned or downvoted into oblivion which hides your post so what's the fucking point posting?

there is some good content there for sure but i'm happy to just lurk. i don't post much anywhere online anymore. this forum is by far the place i'm most active. i do post on some other non gaming forums but nowhere near as much as i do on here lol.
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