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Random thoughts.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I'm better off playing some ambient jungle sounds.


I dice up a couple slices of red onion, crumple a few strips of cooked bacon, add some yellow mustard, a squirt of some sweet relish and salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle some paprika on top mostly for looks. I don’t measure anything out but that’s the gist. Enjoy as a side or on a sandwich
Yeah, like they say, bacon makes it better. Sounds great. Love relish (or even just pickles) in egg salad (or potato).
I should seriously start jotting down the names of my cousins' countless kids.
took me forever to figure out if my cousins kids are my cousins or something else. i call them my little cousins. but probably they are my second cousins 10 times removed or some shit. i can't deal with this shit.
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Man, when my dog rubs one out, he really rubs one (or 10) out! Damn, hope he doesn't give himself a heart attack. He's been having his way with this pillow for like 10-15 minutes straight.


Maybe it's just me but I think the ven diagram of people that drink Bud Lite and those that support this new marketing campaign are two separate circles.
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My wife was chewing the rest of her dinner, but like almost every other moment of her life, she just seems to have so much trouble shutting the fuck up. So, she started coughing -- choking, basically. And I shitchu you not, she says to me, "Babe, I was literally choking on that chicken."

I just cracked the fuck up. And the madder she got, the more I cried laughing. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

This woman's gonna be the death of me. But what a way to go, eh?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Even though I haven't been a practicing Catholic in a long time, old habits die hard - like taking Easter Monday off. My employer gave us a "floating holiday" starting last year so I used it. Not sure what to do with myself. Maybe I'll go see a matinee later.
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