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Random thoughts.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
If West Texas CEO West Texas CEO gives a suprised emoji. Does that mean he's triggered or jealous of the post he's reacting to?
I have no idea what I'm doing..
I'm just enjoying the Gold emoji

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Just started a new job in Denver and on the way to one of the public parks I work in is a neighborhood named Belcaro.

Sean Payton just bought a house there and with a little light cyber stalking I found out where it is. Drive past it on the way to that park.

The real estate section of the Denver post gave way too many clues as to where it was. Kinda weird but real estate transactions are in the public domain so....


Just started a new job in Denver and on the way to one of the public parks I work in is a neighborhood named Belcaro.

Sean Payton just bought a house there and with a little light cyber stalking I found out where it is. Drive past it on the way to that park.

The real estate section of the Denver post gave way too many clues as to where it was. Kinda weird but real estate transactions are in the public domain so....

I read your post. But I'm clueless as to get something out of it all.

Not be an asshole but coloured me confused


I read your post. But I'm clueless as to get something out of it all.

Not be an asshole but coloured me confused
Oh OK. I'll explain

It's just kinda sketchy to me that the Denver post would print as many details as they did about the house they purchased. It's a large house but it's in a neighborhood with other houses right on top of it. The public park is like 100 yards from his house.

I found his house with barely any effort. Nfl fans can be nuts so I'm worried this could lead to people to do unhinged things to his house or family.

My buddy worked on mike shanahans house 20 years ago as an electrician and it was in a more secluded location.

Drew Brees and his wife used to take their kids trick or treating in my neighborhood when I lived in new Orleans and after a few years they stopped cause it was overwhelming to them with fans and media. Anything can happen is all I'm saying


Ok so if I understand correctly you've taking residence in the vicinity of some sports dudes which gather a lot of BS attention from the press and therefore you inhabit some anxiety regarding past events made possible due to the aforementioned media bullshittery.

If correct that's pretty understandable...
You say that, but then you grab it and realize all too late...I'd microwaved it for ten minutes and now it's

Too Hot To Handle GIF by giphystudios2021

and technically banned by the Geneva convention.


Ok so if I understand correctly you've taking residence in the vicinity of some sports dudes which gather a lot of BS attention from the press and therefore you inhabit some anxiety regarding past events made possible due to the aforementioned media bullshittery.

If correct that's pretty understandable...
Yeah. He's the new head coach of the Denver broncos. People are unpredictable is all I'm saying
You’re eating glorified chicken poop.
Actually it's more like glorified foetus. The poop is on the outside :messenger_savoring:

People always try to gross me by saying stuff like "It's chicken poop" "It's chicken cum" "it's dead chickens!" "milk has cow blood and puss!" "hotdogs are made up of pig skin, lamb guts, giblets, and cows arse!". They might have all that but all I care is that it taste good and isn't going to make me sick.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I dice up a couple slices of red onion, crumple a few strips of cooked bacon, add some yellow mustard, a squirt of some sweet relish and salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle some paprika on top mostly for looks. I don’t measure anything out but that’s the gist. Enjoy as a side or on a sandwich
I like to add dill weed to my egg salad. That's my secret weapon.


Oh yay more snow. JFC this winter will never end. Yes, the intermountain west needs water but good god. I’m glad I bought a house on the side of the mountain for when all this snowpack melts and inevitable flooding happens
Oh yay more snow. JFC this winter will never end. Yes, the intermountain west needs water but good god. I’m glad I bought a house on the side of the mountain for when all this snowpack melts and inevitable flooding happens
We had some snow recently. March is usually cold here. I mean it was mostly cold in December/January then February was dry and a little warmer but I knew March would fuck us over again. The weather right now is all over the place. I can see the signs of summer but then days like today it's fucking miserable and freezing.
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We had some snow recently. March is usually cold here. The weather right now is all over the place. I can see the signs of summer but then days like today it's fucking miserable and freezing.
Yeah this time of year it can be all over the place, but this winter has been insane with consistent snow storms like every few days. We can get overnight dustings into late May/June, but we’ve gotten like 18” since Monday morning. Sunday it’s supposed to be in the mid 60s 🤷‍♀️

I think the belt on my snow thrower is starting to slip so I’ll need to either adjust or replace it…but it’s so late in the season I’d rather just put it off until fall…ehhhhh
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